M. Grusch, après avoir parlé avec vous hier, je voulais juste poursuivre sur les questions du représentant Raskin. Ces deux dernières années, avez-vous connu des événements ayant causé une peur pour votre vie pour avoir abordé ces problèmes ?
Oui, personnellement.
Je veux juste que tout le monde note qu'il se présente à nous avec une peur pour sa vie. Autrement dit, s'ils ne redoutaient pas la divulgation de ces informations, pourquoi intimider quelqu'un comme ça ? À votre connaissance, est-ce que NHI collaborent avec des gouvernements étrangers adversaires sur des programmes d'échange technologique ou des programmes de rétro-ingénierie ?
Je n'ai pas de données là-dessus. Je ne suis pas sûr.
Avez-vous entendu parler ou connaissez-vous des gens qui ont présenté ce type d'éléments ?
Pas les éléments particuliers que vous venez d'évoquer.
Ok. Le le , le Dr. Kirkpatrick, directeur de l'ADARO, a déclaré n'avoir trouvé aucune preuve de PAN. Vous avez aussi indiqué que -dans votre interview- que vous lui aviez présenté les informations que vous aviez découvertes, mais qu'il ne vous a pas suivi. Les éléments que vous lui avez divulgués touchaient-ils à la sécurité nationale ?
Oui. Lui et moi avons eu une conversation secrète en avant qu'il reprenne l'ADARO en . Et je lui ai fait part de certaines des préoccupations que j'avais.
Savez-vous pourquoi il ne vous a pas suivi ?
Malheureusement, je ne lis pas dans son esprit. J'aurais aimé qu'il le fasse. J'aurais été heureux de le conseiller sur les endroits à regarder lorsqu'il a pris la tête de l'ADARO.
Ok. Et alors la dernière question pour vous, avant que je passe à M. Graves, est : vous avez reçu une approbation préalable de la part du Ministère de la Défense pour parler de certains sujets, n'est-ce pas ?
C'est exact. Via une DOPSR, DoD Prepublication and Security Review. And I just want to remind the public they're just looking from a security perspective. These are my own personal views and opinions, not the departments.
Okay. I'm asking that, though, mainly because I think that there are many people that would like to discredit you. So it does bring a certain amount of credibility to your testimony.
I'm required by law to do that as a former intelligence officer, or I go to jail for revealing classified information.
Yeah, we don't want you to go to jail. My next question would actually be for M. Graves. Can you please explain to me in detail the event that occurred at Vandenberg Air Force Base?
Certainly. In the 2003 time frame. A large group of Boeing contractors were operating near one of the launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base when they observed a very large, 100 yard sided red square approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities. This object remained for about 45 seconds or so before darting off over the mountains. There was a similar event within 24 hours later in the evening. This was a morning event, I believe 845 in the morning. Later in the evening, post sunset, there were reports of other sightings on base, including some aggressive behaviors. These objects were approaching some of the security guards at rapid speeds before darting off. And this is information that was received through one of the witnesses that have approached me at Americans for Safe Aerospace.
Was this documented in any official form, whether it was a police blotter?
Yes, they had official documentation and records from the event that the witness held over the years.
And I'm not going to ask you to do it right now for time reasons, but you'd be able to sketch what was witnessed? And have you seen that before on any other equipment and or during your flight time?
I have not seen what they have described. This object was estimated to be almost a size of a football field, and I have not seen anything personally that large.
Okay. And then another question on follow up referencing the Gimbal video go Fast incident, can you just clarify? Because to our understanding, the footage was actually cut off at a certain point. But what happens at the end of that video just for those Americans specifically that are wanting to know about the rest of that footage?
Certainly there was some uncertainty or instability with the object. It seemed to rock a bit, and that's the last I had seen of the video. Much of the data that I would recommend be analyzed would consist of radar data that would provide precise kinematics on the object as well as the fleet of objects that were operating nearby.
Okay. And follow up in regards to the reporting procedures that M. Garcia had addressed on, as well as Representative Burchett with the FAA. To your understanding, pilots that are seeing this, commercial airline pilots, are they receiving cease and desist letters from corporations for coming forward with information in regards to safety for potential airline passengers?
I have been made privy to conversations with commercial aviators who have received cease and desist orders.
So the American public should know that corporations are putting their own reputations on the basic, not the line, but ahead of the safety of the American people. And I think would you agree with that statement?
Appears so.
I guess this would be my last... I'm out of time. I yield. I'll be back.