Ryan Graves opening statement

Ryan Graves opening statement

Thank you, Chairman Grothman, ranking Member Garcia, distinguished members of the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, Representatives Burchett and Luna.

My name is Ryan Fobbs Graves, and I am a former F-18 pilot with a decade of service in the US Navy, including 2 deployments in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve.

I have experienced advanced UAP firsthand, and I'm here to voice the concerns of more than 30 commercial air crew and military veterans who have confided their similar encounters with me.

Today, I would like to highlight 3 critical issues that demand our action as we convene here. UAP are in our airspace, but they are grossly underreported. These sightings are not rare or isolated, they are routine. Military air crew and commercial pilots, trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification, are frequently witnessing these phenomena.

The stigma attached to UAP is real and powerful, and challenges national security. It silences commercial pilots who fear professional repercussions, discourages witnesses, and is only compounded by recent government claims questioning the credibility of eyewitness testimony. Parts of our government are aware of more about UAP than they let on, but excessive classification practices keep crucial information hidden.

Since 2021, all UAP videos are classified as secret or above. This level of secrecy not only impedes our understanding, but fuels speculation and mistrust. In 2014, I was an F-18 Foxtrot Pilot in the Navy Fighter Attack Squadron Eleven, the Red Rippers, and I was stationed at Nas, Oceania in Virginia Beach. After upgrades were made to our jet's radar systems, we began detecting unknown objects operating in our airspace. At first, we assumed they were radar errors, but soon we began to correlate the radar tracks with multiple onboard sensors, including infrared systems, eventually, through visual ID.

During a training mission in warning area Whiskey 72, 10 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, two F-18 Super Hornets were split by a UAP. The object, described as a dark gray or a black cube inside of a clear sphere, came within 50 ft of the lead aircraft and was estimated to be 5 to 15ft in diameter. The mission commander terminated the flight immediately and returned base. Our squadron submitted a safety report, but there was no official acknowledgment of the incident and no further mechanism to report the sightings.

Soon these encounters became so frequent that air crew would discuss the risk of UAP as part of their regular pre-flight briefs.

Recognizing the need for action and answers, I founded Americans for Safe Aerospace. The organization has since become a haven for UAP witnesses who were previously unspoken due to the absence of a safe intake process. More than 30 witnesses have come forward, and almost 5000 Americans have joined us in the fight for transparency at safeaerospace.org.

The majority of witnesses are commercial pilots at majority major airlines. Often they are veterans with decades of flying experience. Pilots are reporting UAP at altitudes that appear above them, at 40,000ft, potentially in low Earth orbit or in the gray zone below the Kármán Line, making unexplainable maneuvers like right hand turns and retrograde orbits or J hooks.

Sometimes these reports are reoccurring with numerous recent sightings north of Hawaii and in the North Atlantic. Other veterans are also coming forward to us regarding UAP encounters in our airspace and oceans. The most compelling involve observations of UAP by multiple witnesses and sensory systems. I believe these accounts are only scratching the surface, and more will share their experiences once it is safe to do so.

In closing, I recognize the skepticism surrounding this topic. If everyone could see the sensor and video data I witnessed, our national conversation would change. I urge us to put aside stigma and address the security and safety issue this topic represents. If UAP are foreign drones, it is an urgent national security problem. If it is something else, it is an issue for science. In either case, unidentified objects are a concern for flight safety. The American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies. It is long overdue.

Thank you.