UFOs And The Condon Report – A Scientist's Critique

James E. McDonaldMc Donald, James E.,

Summary of a Talk Presented to The Dupont Chapter of The Scientific Research Society of America (RESA), Wilmington, Delaware, Feb. 12, 1969.

Anyone who reads this study will, I believe, lay it down with a new perspective on human values and limitations Walter Sullivan, in Introduction to the paperback edition of the Condon Report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Bantam Books, 1969.

The Condon Report's negative conclusions and recommendations with respect to scientific study of UFOs are now a matter of public record. I dispute those conclusions, challenging and criticizing them on the following principal grounds:

My own estimate is that absolutely no further general progress towards scientific clarification of the UFO problem will come until the inadequacies of the Condon Report are fully aired in as many ways as possible. I intend to devote all possible personal effort to that objective; and NICAP is in process of preparing an extended rebuttal report. So small a fraction of the scientific community is currently aware of the potential scientific importance of the UFO problem that this rebuttal will probably be slow in taking effect; but the Report seems so unrepresentative of good scientific work, so highly vulnerable to scientific criticism, that I believe its negative influence (except with respect to USAF decisions about Project Blue Book) will be quite short-lived.