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If I should be asked to state my thesis in one word, I believe that this word would be isolationism, or if I could squeeze in a hyphen, anti-isolationism.

Whatever else we may do or think, we have to extend our ideas of one world to include at least one solar system, and maybe more. But, whether or not, it is beyond the comprehension of our weary minds to go further at the moment, and we will just have to be content to consider our solar system as one living entity. This war-weary, heartsick and bedraggled planet is not alone--it is just one cell in a multicellular unit.


Let us revive from the sedative idea fostered by both science and religion that man, homo sapiens, of here and now, of the United States and today, is the final, glorious, end-point in the work of an omnipotent and benevolent creator, all alone in an infinite universe. It cannot be true and in our honest hearts all of us know that it is not so.


Were I to be granted one more word, that word would be Truth. I am interested in true knowledge, for its own sake. It is my philosophy that science and religion should have at least one thing in common: the untiring, unceasing, unwavering quest of unbiased, undistorted true knowledge of the world around us? and, again, I use the word world in its old, original and all-comprehensive sense.

To cry out that we have discovered the truth about UFO's would be to invite ridicule , even for our effort. Therefore, let us summarize our conclusions and preface them with the same statement of open-mindedness which we demand of others whom we invite to immerse themselves in our studies of historical, meteorological, and astronomical erratics. We believe that our analyses have taken every possibility into account and have provided us with the most logical answers . (Red is A and B)

What this guy Believes he has knowledge to Prove his beliefs in the Main.

Psychological appeal to be Man enough to keep an open Mind, Lively with wanting to know, and to try Not to form any opinion until book is concluded.

Nos conclusions générales sont alors :

  1. Un très grand nombre de phénomènes jusqu'ici inexpliqués sont facilement expliqués si l'on admet qu'ils résultent d'une action intelligente de la part d'être vivant dans espace in navigable contrivances.
  2. Des observations abondantes par des astronomes accrédités, malgré l'attitude générale de la profession, indiquent à la fois l'existence et la localisation des structures parentes d'où proviennent les ovnis.
  3. Les ovnis occupent l'espace entre la Terre et la Lune, probablement à la région approximative de la neutralité gravitationnelle Terre-Soleil-Lune, à environ 165 000 à 170 000 miles de la Terre.
  4. Alors que certains des widgets les plus grands (comme celui pris en chasse par Mantell et celui de 10 miles vu au-dessus du Kansas) puisse occasionnellement s'approcher de notre terrain, nous voyons, principalement, les petits observateurs agiles de types solide et nebuleux qu'ils envoient en missions exploratoires.
  5. Ils ont développé une source d'énergie bien supérieure à tout ce que nous connaissons.
  6. Les ovnis ont montré la voie à un programme de recherche raccourci qui pourrait nous donner le voyage spatial en une décennie, at a small fraction of the cost of trying to develop rocket flight, if we will only concentrate our research into the proper channels.
  7. Le nombre-même et la variété des ovnis qui sont constamment vus est presque une preuve a priori d'une origine proche de la Terre. Même la distance à des planètes proches comme Venus et Mars semble trop grande pour permettre une telle promiscuité.

NOT SO or else she'd have cornered the Worlds Diamond Market by Now as a dead-Give-away that she'd Caught one. (Takes a Powerful Magnetic "Net" to do so)

one with a reverse "snap Neutralizer" in it.

  1. The very number and variety of the UFO's which are constantly seen is almost a priori proof of an origin close to the earth. Even the distance to nearby planets such as Venus and Mars seems too great to permit of such promiscuity.

Nous pouvons conclure que les ovnis sont permanents parce qu'ils sont là depuis des siècles. Que nous soyons si soudainement averti de leur existence peut être du à une accroissance d'activité, mais est plus probablement le résultant de notre propre et lente émergence de l'immaturité intellectuelle. Exhaustive research has disclosed records of sightings covering thousands of years, and occasionally actual visits and contacts with our race. More of these incidents are coming to light constantly as research is pursued with UFO's in mind. Now that we are aware of UFO's and know what to look for, the uncorrelated data of our predecessors takes on a meaning hitherto lacking and becomes significant. It is now up to us to discover and analyze all the data, and to correlate it with current observations.

We can allay our fears of present-day "Flying Saucers." They have been here since before the dawn of our civilization, so what is there to get excited about? If we haven't been molested seriously in two thousand centuries, why get excited now? If anything is at stake, it is our ego, not our physical welfare. (Red is A&B)

Yet, it is hard to discourage the innate feeling that there has recently been a great surge of activity on the part of UFO's as if in preparation for something big. One does not have to look far for a motive. These entities have probably been living in the solar system long enough to have seen the fifth planet explode, destroying itself and perhaps jeopardizing life throughout the system. They may have originated on that planet. Should one be astonished if these space dwellers are preparing to prevent a few fearstricken human beings from blowing up another planet, perhaps the only remaining one which offers supplies and a haven to space navigators? If we are incapable of the self-control necessary for our preservation, are we to assume that superior neighbors will permit their safety to be imperiled by our immature behavior?

Matches our own thoughts.

Il n'est plus nécessaire de les expliquer comme des visiteurs de Mars, Vénus, ou Alpha du Centaure. Ils font partie de notre propre famille immédiate ? partie du système bi-planètes Terre-Lune. Ils n'ont pas eu à venir de millions de miles d'où que ce soit. Ils sont là depuis des milliers d'années. Que nous leur appartenions par possession, comme du bétail, ou que nous nous appartenions les uns aux autres par origine commune et association est une problème intéressant, and one which may soon be settled if we keep our heads.

He Knows Something but How Does He know.

En conclusion finale, les ovnis sont là depuis longtemps et représentent probablement un lien avec la première vague de civilisation terrienne. Ils ont été utilisés contre nous dans quelques cas mineurs et peu significatifs, mais, d'une manière générale, ont été soit amicaux ou indifférents. Ils sont dirigés par des forces actuellements inconnus de nous, mais d'une efficacité bien supérieure à tout ce que nous pouvons contempler aujourd'hui. L'espace contient assez d'éléments divers pour fournir nombre de conditions à la vie spatiale, et le reste est fourni par les surfaces de la terre et de la lune, tandis que les ovnis passent le plus clair de leur temps en des points neutres de l'espace. The Russians have something which they have determined to conceal at all costs. The Russians have been doing very advanced experimental research with cosmic forces; UFO activity was stepped up greatly just a year or so after intelligence reports noted the unusual Russian scientific activity. It is not necessary to assume that the Russian basic science is far ahead of our own if we can believe that a space ship has landed in inner Asia and that they have captured it and are studying its principles and experimenting with models -- or that the space people have taken over the Russian high officialdom and are directing their efforts and supplying know-how.

Nous avons les ovnis. Ils sont de divers types, l'ont toujours été, et doivent donc provenir de sources diverses. Ils sont soit terrestres, extraterrestres, ou les 2. We think they are extraterrestrial, but remotely of terrestrial origin.

We believe they are both, and that the Russians may have captured one or more. We think that some new scientific principles are with us, perhaps even now operating within our military laboratories, and may burst forth at any moment -- and that as a race we may be on the verge of something akin to what the modern atomic scientist calls a "quantum expansion"!

No other set of conclusions will serve as a common denominator for all observable facts.

La possibilité que les Ruskofs aient TROUVE un vieux "Vaisseau Mort" n'est Pas au-delà de toute probabilité. His admittance to other forms of Humanoid Life is near-revealatory to what I surmise; He is being Lead by his short-Wave Telepathic nose, so to speak; too "SEE" these things. He says, "WE" and that could imply anything from one friendly L-M to a fellow scientist or his Wife or Some Member of U.S. Government.

If What I, now, surmise, is true, then the L-Ms are in trouble or the S-Ms Wish to War upon the L-Ms & are USING this Man, telepathically, to "get help." Whether this consideration is of import to him only remains to be seen. If is isn't , then, He will be Left out on a Emotional Limb, trying to say "See, I am right, "They" are Wrong" & will forget what IS important here.

Les ovnis sont-ils russes < Home > The Case for UFOs > De la glace qui tombe