The First Space Ship on Record

Adamski, GeorgeAdamski, George & Leslie, Desmond,

Venussis is the ‘home of the gods’. from venus in the year B.C. 18,617,841 came the first vehicle out of space to alight on our planet. I suppose I had better repeat that date. It is B.C. eighteen million, six hundred and seventeen thousand, eight hundred and forty-one, to be precise. 69

69/ According to the Brahmin Tables.

Venus, according to those who peer at it through telescopes, is surrounded by thick hot clouds of carbon dioxide, in which they say life, as we know it, would be impossible. Conversely, the Venusian Sage peering at us through his telescope, or something better, might justly say that Earth is surrounded by a sea of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen-monoxide in which life, as he knows it, is impossible.

But, then, what is life ? Looking to the centre of the solar system, where one would expect to learn the answer, one finds the sun, where life in any conceivable form would be instantly annihilated. And yet that glorious orb must be and is the source, the cause and the sustainer of all life in our system; even the LIFE itself of which we humans are pale and microscopic shadows.

The ancient teaching suggests all the planets of this system are inhabited by men, in different degrees of attainment, and the name given to them is ‘The Schools of Life’. Using this allegory, the smaller, inner planets may correspond to the first schools, and the large outer globes to the senior, or latter spheres of education. The great outer worlds are called ‘synthesising planets‘ to which comes life from all over the system for its final enlightenment and perfection.

There is an arcane tradition which I find more acceptable to reason than anything modern speculation can offer. Concerning the inner group, of which we are the third planet, Venus is held to be more advanced than its neighbour, owing to particularly favourable circumstances at the outset of its career. The popular mythologies, and the less obscure inner temple teachings, all make Venus ‘The Home of the Gods’, from whence help has frequently been sent to its impoverished neighbour and brother, the ‘Planet of Painful Endeavour‘ or ‘Earth’.

Orthodox Christians need have no trouble with their beliefs in accepting the idea of extra-terrestrial humanities, more advanced than our own. They can, if they wish to put it in simple theological terms, say that there was ‘no fall of man’ on Venus. 70 In this they are only echoing the archaic stanzas which tell us that right at the outset of Earth’s inception certain difficulties and setbacks took place that put our planet a whole cycle behind its neighbour, and that we are still feeling the effects to our pain and cost To put it more crudely—Earth is the tough school; it is a kind of solar commando course whose successful graduates may surpass all other solar humans in strength and powers of resistance—a prodigal son whose eventual return will bring more joy to the Father’s heart than all the successes of the more fortunate sons.

70/ The Vatican has announced that it finds nothing ‘contrary to faith or morals’ in the idea of planetary neighbours who escaped falling into ‘original sin’.

Nor need flying saucers cause them alarm for, if they turn to the Bible, they will find a record of Christ telling us of a very great future event which would be preceded by ‘signs and wonders in the sky’. 71

71/ Luke 21 (v. 9-11).

The arcane teaching holds that our more fortunate members of the family were so distressed by the conditions existing on Earth and the tremendous difficulties experienced by life in attaining to human consciousness, that they intervened actively at great cost to themselves.

These difficulties are expressed in the old stanzas: ‘After three hundred million years, Earth turned round. She lay on her back, on her side. She created from her own bosom. She evolved water-creatures, terrible and bad.’ (Book of Dzyan, Stanza II.) The same idea is expressed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and in the ‘Cuthca Tablets’. These and the following stanza refer not only to the difficulties of evolution but also to one of the huge cataclysms caused by a sudden shift of the poles, which happened many times. ‘She shook them off her back whenever they over-ran the mother.’ (Ibid.) The Popul Vuh also tells how a series of unsuccessful attempts to produce men failed and were destroyed.

A point was reached about eighteen million years ago, say the old teachings, when something resembling a man had evolved; but it was mindless, for it was born from Earth alone. This may have been the ‘Missing Link‘ between the human and animal kingdoms that still eludes anthropologists.

‘The Life needed a form. The ancestors gave it. The Life needed a physical body; the Earth moulded it. The Life needed a spirit of life; solar powers moulded it into its form. The Life needed a mirror of its body (etheric double). "We gave it our own ", said the gods. The Life needed a vehicle of desire (astral body). "It has it," said the Drainer of the Waters. But Life needed a mind to embrace the Universe. "We cannot give it that," said the ancestors. "I never had it", said the Spirit of the Earth. "The form would be consumed if I gave it mine", said the Great Fire. Man remained an empty senseless bhuta.’ (Book of Dzyan. Stanza V.)

In other words, evolution had gone so far but could go no farther until it received some tremendous stimulus outside the ordinary powers of the Earth. And so from our nearest neighbour came the greatest of Venus, ‘The Sanat Kumara’, ‘The Lord of the Flame’, the Spirit of the Venusian Logos Itself, whose memory is revered and held sacred in every ancient religion. From Venus, say the old teachings, came the elder brothers, the ‘Lords of the Flame’, the highly perfected humans from an older branch of the planetary family. Of their free will they came; out of love and compassion for the groping, mindless things in the steaming primal jungles.

Earth, Mars and Venus were in ideal conjunction for their great vehicle to travel the immense physical distance separating the two planets. Thus to Earth came the Lord of the Flame, or Sanat Kumara, with his Four Great Lords and one hundred assistants.

‘Then with the mighty roar of swift descent from incalculable heights, surrounded by blazing masses of fire which filled the sky with shooting tongues of flame, the vessel of the Lords of the Flame flashed through the aerial spaces. It halted over the White Island which lay in the Gobi Sea. Green it was, and radiant with the fairest blossoms as Earth offered her faintest and best to welcome her King.’ 72

72/ Besant-Leadbeater, Man, Where, Whence and Whither.

In this fragment we have the first account of the landing of a great space ship or flying saucer, eighteen million years ago according to the Brahmin tablets. Incredible as it seems, there can be no other meaning to this passage. The blazing masses of fire and shooting tongues of flame might have been phrased by any modern writer describing an inter-planetary space ship.

Turning to the Stanzas, of Dzyan (second series), we find a more detailed account of the journey in Stanza V.

‘The Lords of the Flame arose and prepared themselves. It was decision’s hour... The Great Lord of the Fourth Sphere (the Earth) awaiting their oncoming. The lower (Earth) was prepared. The upper (Venus) was resigned....’

Then comes an interesting hint on the method of propulsion: ‘The foundation note ascended. Deep answered unto deep. The fivefold chord awaited response.’ (Ibid.)

Once again we have the harmonic principle, par excellence: ‘Dark grew the space between the spheres. Radiant the two worlds became.’ (Ibid.)

In other words, the magnetic currents between Earth and Venus increased to the maximum, owing to the peculiar conjunction. This enabled the journey to commence.

‘The threefold thirty-five (The Sanat Kumara, The Four Lords, with their hundred assistants, one hundred and five in all), finding the distance just, flashed like a sheet of intermittent flame, and lo, it was done.... The Sacrifice of the Flame arrived and for aeons hath endured. The Watchers began their task (human souls now incarnate in physical bodies), and lo, the work proceeds.’ (Ibid.)

The ‘Lord of the Flame’ can be found under many names. He is the ‘Ancient One’, ‘The Mighty Lord of Fire’, ‘The Youth of Timeless Aeons’, ‘The Eternal Virgin’, ‘The Point of Blue within the Hidden Diamond’. And in our own Bible He is ‘The Ancient of Days’. With His Lords and helpers He ‘projected the Spark’, 73 stimulated men to rationality, and lived among them in physical form for countless millenia, teaching and guiding the huge black creatures who worshipped Him as the ‘Holy of Heaven’. Great was their simple love for these shining beings who, to them, were the original Immortal Gods on which later pantheons are based. Every legend, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, South American, Indian or Persian, of the gods coming to Earth can be traced back as a race memory of this one tremendous event. But, like all legends, they became distorted and overlaid, or confused under sexual allegories until the doings of Zeus, Wotan, Quetzcoatl and the rest would hardly pass the censor.

73/ Dzyan.

But the work of the Kumaras was not easy. As early man developed mind, he also changed slowly from the bi-sexual androgyne into male and female, in two separate bodies. Apparently the sex-change came too quickly for some creatures, still on the borderline of human consciousness.

‘The animals separated first. They began to breed. The twofold man separated also. He said "Let us be as they", "let us unite and make creatures", and they did.

‘And those which had no spark took huge she-animals unto themselves. They begat upon them the dumb races. Dumb they were themselves. Monsters they bred. A race of crooked red-hair-covered monsters, going on all fours.’ 74 (Stanza VIII. 31.)

74/ With the result that in many oriental countries the monkey is held sacred, in the belief that he is the descendant of the crooked, hairy race that was produced by the ‘Sin of the Mindless’; and that had it not been for this mistake, the poor creature would be human today as ourselves. Man owes him a debt; the monkey bodies cannot become human until the end of the cycle.

It is very hard, I know, to credit any previous civilisation with knowing more than ourselves. Not until the production of large telescopes had we any idea that we lived in our own solar system revolving inside an even greater system called the nebula. And we are still very uncertain about the way the host of nebulas are moving. According to the red shift in the spectroscope, they appear to be rushing away from one another with ever increasing velocities, whereas by analogy one would expect them to rotate around an even greater system. How much the ancients knew of galaxy motion can be guessed from an old occult commentary written originally in Sensar: 75

75/ As translated in Cosmic Fire.

‘The one wheel turns. One turn alone is made and every sphere, and suns of all degrees, follow its course. The night of time is lost in it and aeons measure less than seconds in the little day of man.

‘Ten million million aeons pass, and twice ten million million Brahmic Cycles [311,400,000,000,000,000 years equals one Brahmic Cycle, or Great Aeon], and yet one hour of cosmic time is not completed Within the Wheel forming that Wheel are the lesser wheels from the first to the tenth dimension.

‘These in their cyclic turn hold in their spheres of force other and lesser wheels (planets, etc.). Yet many suns compose the cosmic one.’

Reading ‘system‘ for ‘wheel’ makes this acceptable to the best brains in Mount Palomar. Another drily stated tenet of modern astronomy is phrased a little more poetically in the continuation of the same commentary:

‘Wheels within wheels, spheres within spheres. Each pursues his course and repels or rejects his brother, arid yet none can escape from the circling arms of the mother.’

Then it says something concerning the eventual dissolution and reappearance of a Universe, which appears to be stating in a definite form what is now held to take place when a system. ‘blows up’, becoming a super-nova, or refers to events when an entire nebula reaches the hour of trial. I feel it is worth quoting and pondering:

‘When the wheels of the fourth dimension, of which our own sun is one, and all that is of lesser force and higher number, such as the eighth and ninth degrees, turn upon themselves, devour each other, and turn and rend their mother (nebula), then will the Cosmic Wheel be ready for a swifter revolution.’

So if the pre-Deluvians knew this much of astronomy, it is very possible that what they have written concerning Venus and the awakening of animal-man into true man is not without foundation. And if the coming of the Lords of Venus is no mere fable, then we have in our possession a definite record of the first great space ship to land on Earth, and the date given in the Brahmin Tables is 18,618,793 years ago.

The thought had often occurred to me that if all the teachings about Venusian-Kumaras were something more than myth, could we not expect that others from that bright planet would follow in their footsteps and come to Earth, the poor neighbour, at times when help was needed ? The Egyptians wrote of the gods coming down from heaven in their shining vehicles bringing many gifts for men, gifts of food and gifts of teaching. The Red Indians have traditions that up till the coming of white men, the elder brothers used to fly down in their circular shining ships to teach them and to help them at times of need. All the Celtic countries tell of the immortals coming down in flaming chariots from their shining palaces in the heavens to dwell on Earth amidst us. And it does not take much poetic imagination to call the bright planets ‘shining palaces in the heavens’, nor their space craft ‘Flaming Chariots’.

Now that science has run amok and is threatening us with atomic annihilation it does seem reasonable to expect that if ever another intervention was needed, the time would be now. We have enough evidence to assume that some, or many, intelli-gents outside the Earth are watching our progress with interest. And if the whole solar system is inhabited by members of the same solar family, why should not a few of our two billion Earthmen again have an experience which the ancient books seem to think was once quite common—that of speaking with visitors from space ? I can see nothing against it whatsoever except prejudice.

So for the unprejudiced I now hand over the tale to George Adamski, who is the first to be able to give us a documentary record of his experiences and impressions on coming face to face with a man from another planet. Adamski was not afraid when he saw the shining vehicle come down, nor when the tremendous realisation burst upon him that he was standing face to face with a living spiritual being, a man like ourselves, a human brother from another globe of existence.

And so we who are of the same flesh and mould as Adamski can look up with joy, rather than with fear, when from time to time other fragments; other people; Sparks from the same flame, flash for a moment into the orbit of our perception, knowing that, like ourselves, they are working out the full lesson of their worlds in the slow, aeonic. struggling ascent towards union in the Central Mystic Sun, known to sages and philosophers of all time as the goal and achievement, not only of man, but of Cosmic Man himself, whom we shall re-become.

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George Adamski with his six-inch telescope, and the camera which took the photographs