A Prophecy

Adamski, GeorgeAdamski, George & Leslie, Desmond,

In earlier chapters I have been harping continually on an idea which, for want of a better name, I called ‘The Vibrational Principle’. The conviction that such a principle exists came about by sheer weight of evidence from all over the ancient world. Wherever there is an inexplicable monolithic monument one will find, not far away, a curious legend concerning it. The legend may vary in detail, but, boiled down, it invariably amounts to this—that the builder produced a sound by his own voice (a mantram) or by a magic rod, or by means of an instrument, and that as a result the colossal stones flew through the air and moved into place apparently of their own accord.

If such a simple and economical building process exists, then impossible structures such as Tiahuanaco and Sacsahuaman now become possible; and boasts that certain Celtic ruins were ‘the work of one night’ become less exaggerated.

But if sound can be used for constructive work it can also be used for great destruction. In the story of Jericho the Bible gives a very clear account of what progressively built-up sound waves could do to fortifications. Recent excavations have shown this was no myth; the great walls, of colossal thickness, did in fact collapse after being violently torn asunder, and that there was probably seismic disturbance as a result.

Jericho is one of the best recorded examples of the sound working ‘in reverse’, and is the same principle as the high note that can split a mirror. In Dublin Airport they have had to substitute all the glasses in the bar for plastic, because the sound of the propellers was pitched in such a way that it would cut off the glasses clean through the middle, causing injury to unsuspecting passengers, followed by a brisk exchange of solicitors’ letters.

We had an actual demonstration of how a mere sound can move great weight on 22 November 1952, when a Hawker Hunter aircraft went into a supersonic dive near Tangmere Aerodrome, Sussex, and the wave set up by it piercing the ‘sound barrier’ caused the wall of a house, several thousand yards away, to move over an inch from its true position. Here is the first apparent proof of the sound itself achieving what was previously attributed to high explosives; opening our eyes to the interesting possibility that it may be the actual ‘sound’ rather than the physical impact that causes such destruction when bombs land. If so, it would explain many of the peculiar things that happen such as walls blown down in the opposite direction to the blast—a phenomenon attributed to ‘suction‘ or a vacuum caused by the blast.

Suppose the vacuum is the result of the sound, and not of the actual physical blast which may be only an incidental effect ? The Ancients said they knew how to produce this vacuum through sound for raising great weights. A study of their methods might produce some revolutionary scientific discoveries.

To us, all this is hypothetical, but to the Ancients, and those who still guard their secrets, it is concrete fact. Huge, uncontrolled explosions, they say, are wasteful, and quite unnecessary to obtain results; music such as Keely discovered in 1895 will do the work far better and more safely. The most interesting and definite statement on how this can be done was made in 1920 by the Mahatma Dhut Khul (known to students as ‘The Tibetan’) when writing in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, he says:

‘The laws governing the erection of large buildings and the handling of great weights will some day be understood in terms of sound. The cycle returns, and in days to come will be seen the reappearance of the faculty of the Lemurians and early Atlantean to raise great masses.... Mental comprehension of the method will be developed. They were raised through the ability of the early builders to create a vacuum through sound.’

Here, at last, we have a link between the great prehistoric megaliths and the alarming effects of our new planes on the property of peaceful citizens. In fully comprehending the latter we may also find a rational explanation for mysteries like the immovable 1,800-ton blocks at Balbeck.

‘The Tibetan‘ goes on to say that vibration in its manifestation as colour can be equally effective. In fact, vibrations of every kind will one day be used for creative and destructive purposes.

‘Destruction, it will be shown, can be brought about by the manipulation of certain colours and by the employment of united sound. In this way terrific effects will be achieved.... In these two thoughts lie hid the next step ahead for the science of the immediate future.’ (Ibid.)

He says ‘the immediate future’. How immediate does he mean ? Is a return to the pre-Deluvian methods something of the remote distance or shall we be here to observe it ?

‘Music will be largely employed in construction, and in one hundred years from now (a.d. 2020) it will be a feature in a certain work of a constructive nature. This sounds to you utterly impossible, but it will simply be a utilisation of ordered sound to achieve certain ends.’ (Ibid.)

There we have it. Legends that the builders played their lutes and made great stones move into position may soon be proved to be no idle superstition but a definite fact. And our grandchildren on the way home from school, who stop to watch men at work on a building site, will hear no screaming drills nor clanking derricks, but will be treated to a performance by a rather novel kind of orchestra. Building engineers will have to become composers.

Interesting experiments are now taking place in the ‘supersonic‘ laboratories. What Keely did; what the Egyptians did; what the.Chaldeans and priests of Atlantis did; what the Druids did with their huge moving stones, our experimenters may—if the signs be correct—already have done, but been afraid to say much as yet, for fear of ridicule and the overturning of theories dear to their hearts. For, like nearly all great discoveries, it was accidental—happening during some totally different experiment. As a result, it is overlooked, unnoticed, unbelieved until by repeated recurrence it forces men to give it attention. A few more jets will crash the ‘sound barrier’, more walls will move and ceilings fall. Soon an entire house will be raised and put down in another site. And authorities, faced with enormous bills for damages, will be obliged to set men to investigate the true causes of these phenomena.

But it may not be nearly so long before they have discovered the Negative Aspect—the wonderful possibilities of blasting their enemies (i.e. those whose abominable sin is to have been born on the wrong side of the planet) and their cities into dust, by the concentration of sound waves to a point where the pressure fractures the molecule, and causes disintegration. As ever, it is easier to produce darkness than to produce light, and modern science is well on the path to full-blown Adeptship in the Dark Arts.