Mysterious Airship Awes Britishers

Manitoba Morning Free Press de Winnipeg, Friday, May 21, 1909
s1 Clark, J.: "airships, occupants, Britain, 1909", Magonia Exchange, 7 août 2007

People Claim They Have Seen It Regularly Flying Over the City of London.

London, May 20. - The mysterious aeroplane or airship, the alleged performances of which in or over England have been mentioned by the Sun, is becoming a perpetual nightmare. The newspapers for some time past have recorded daily the testimony of various persons who declare they have heard or seen it flying over the eastern counties and the North Sea.

Now this latest Flying Dutchman has turned up suddenly in the neighborhood of Cardiff, where a wayfarer, according to his own account, saw a cigar-shaped airship aground on the summit of Caerphilly mountain, a little after midnight this morning. He tells a very circumstantial story. He relates how he watched the two men forming the crew repairing the machine until they saw the watcher when they hastily embarked and soared away.

A local newspaper reporter went to the scene and found the ground had been torn as though by a ploughshare. Curious printed papers, one in French, containing technical directions[,] and numerous newspaper cuttings dealing with aeronautics were lying around.

While some newspapers profess skepticism all print the details. A large portion of the public[,] possessed with the anti-German mania, are convinced that their arch-enemy is among them.