1300 soldats enlevés à Fort Benning, Georgie, USA, 2 septembre 1977

UFO Magazine, mai/juin 1998, mai 1998

John Vasquez interrogé par Graham W. Birdsall

Peu de gens parmi les centaines présentes à Laughlin sont jamais tombé sur un témoin d'ovni du nom de John Vasquez auparavant, moi y compris. John n'y était pas intervenant, pas plus qu'un chercheur établi et reconnu. Il avait fait le voyage depuis chez lui en Californie pour chercher de l'aide et du conseil à propos d'un grande préoccupation personnelle. Quelques chercheurs sélectionnés assistèrent à une conférence privée, à laquelle John raconta l'un des incidents les plus extraordinaires qu'aucun d'entre nous ait eu a avoir affaire depuis des années.

L'enlèvement en masse d'un bataillon entier de 1300 militaires.

Le jour suivant John accepta gentiment de raconter à nouveau son histoire devant une caméra pour l'inclure dans notre nouvelle série de magazine video UFOs: Hard Evidence. Je commençais à demander à John pourquoi il avait fait des centaines de miles pour trouver des chercheurs sur les ovnis...

Ce que j'essaye de faire est d'apporter des rapports et des documents concernant le Renseignement de l'Armée de Fort Mead, dans Maryland, et aussi mon rapport d'enquête : des lettres de tous les départements de l'Armée et de l'Air Force à propos des ovnis, ou un essai "J.A.W.S.", un acronyme pour Joint Attack Weapons Systems et aussi une mystérieuse manifestation de rougeole à Fort Benning, en Georgie.

John commença alors à revivre un événement qui, dit-il, fut une surprise pour nous tous. C'est tout simplement arrivé. Nous étions vraiment effrayés par cette lumière inhabituelle. C'était une formation de parade de masse. Il y avait 1300 personnes.

Où était-ce exactement ?

C'était au poste du 1er Bataillon d'A.I.T. (Army Infantry Training), c'était un group d'entraînement au combat, des hommes d'infanterie. On parle actuellement du 2 septembre 1977. Je sais que ça peut paraître étonnant, mais j'ai commencé à enquêter sur toute cette histoire en 91. Et lentement j'ai mené ma propre enquête personnelle sur cet événement à Fort Benning. J'ai trouvé beaucoup de documents et des citations sur un événement inhabituel à Fort Benning, parce que nous avions le Secrétaire à l'Armée, Clifford Alexander, qui était présent à Fort Benning.

Normally ça aurait été quelqu'un comme les Chefs d'Etat-Major, un général à 4 étoiles évalua,t l'essai de JAWS. Et, j'ai aujourd'hui un document sur l'essai JAWS. Il est écrit par l'Air Force et j'ai une lettre d'eux n1J'ai effectivement vu cette lettre et elle a été enregistrée sur film - GWB.


C'était une parade du soir. Il y avait 1300 hommes. Nous nous présenter au personnel et aux capitaines et aux XO n2Officiers en charge. Nous nous tenions en formation et quelqu'un devant moi a parlé de quelque chose dans le ciel et je n'en ai rien pensé parce que j'étais juste à regarder les étoiles. Alors j'ai dit. "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?" Le gars devant moi a dit, "Ben regarde". Alors c'est ce que j'ai fait et tout d'un coup il y a cette étoile qui bougeait, d'une manière flottante, progressive. J'ai pensé que c'était un satellite. Le sergent qui se tenait derrière moi a demandé, "C'est quoi d'après vous ?" J'ai juste répondu : "Satellite".

Tout d'un coup, cette étoile s'est tout simplement arrêtée, et a commencé à s'éloigner de nous ; revenir et se déplacer à nouveau, s'arrêter et s'éloigner à nouveau, revenir, et continuer ainsi. A ce moment, le même sergent nous a ordonné de rester attentifs, et alors vous ne pouvez plus bouger du tout. Mais j'ai quand même jeté un œil pour voir où cette chose allait. Et elle était partie.

Et c'est là que le capitaine, notre capitaine de la Compagnie Delta, 1er Battaillon, 1ère Infantrie, est sorti du bâtiment pour faire un discours. Et ce discours était pour nous parler de notre formation de 6-8 semaines. Juste au moment où il marchait vers le podium pour faire son discours, j'ai entendu ce bruit "fonçant" et je me suis penché en arrière et j'ai fait un tout d'horizon, sur ma gauche. J'ai vu cette lumière brillante, une lumière d'une brillance intense. J'ai pensé que c'était une jeep, un camion ou quelque chose comme ça. Et ça se déplaçait tout du long, lentement.

Le somme

J'ai vu des gars de la Compagnie Charlie sortir de leur formation, d'autres tenaient toujours les rangs. Alors j'ai eu besoin d'en avoir une meilleure vue. Je me suis penché en avant. Lorsque je me suis penché en avant cette lumière brillante est devenue vraiment proche et se dirigeait entre les lignes d'arbres. Et je pensais toujours que c'était un camion, mais la lumière était vraiment, vraiment intense. Je veux dire, c'est une lumière d'un blanc brillante, et ça avait un contours bleuâtre autour.

J'ai regardé cette chose et j'ai pensé, "Je ne sais pas ce que c'est". Bon, le gars qui se tenait devant moi, je voulais lui dire quelque chose, lui demander ce que c'était, mais je l'ai regardé, et il était endormi. Sa tête était tombée en avant, ses yeux étaient fermés, il était endormi. Alors j'ai à nouveau penché la tête en arrière, je ne sais pas ce qui s'était passé, mais j'étais inconscient pendant quelque minutes.

Lorsque je suis revenu à moi, je regardais vers le bas et je ne pouvais pas bouger. Je ne pouvais pas bouger mes pieds. Et j'essayais désespéremment de bouger de là où je me trouvais. La chose suivante que j'ai fait, je pouvais bouger mon corps du haut, et alors je me suis tourné à droite, et j'ai vu des hommes qui couraient aux lignes d'arbres et d'autres qui plongeaient sous les bâtiments, a two-storey-high cross-way, comme vous le voyez sur la photo [gauche].

Mon pote Alan... qui courait, ils couraient tous. Alors j'ai tout simplement appelé Alan pour lui dire de revenir m'aider parce que je ne pouvais pas bouger. Il est revenu et m'a physiquement tiré de là où j'étais. Il a tiré mon bras et j'ai comme "sauté" de là où je me tenais.

Il disait. "A couvert ! A couvert !" et je demandais,'"Qu'est-ce qui ce passe ici ?" "Tu sais ?" Il se passait quelque chose et ça se passait vite. J'ai dit à Alan, "Je veux voir le capitaine". Alors on a couru jusque là où se trouvait le capitaine et il se tenait derrière le podium. Il était endormi. Sa tête était penchée et il ne bougeait pas.

Alors j'ai crié. J'ai crié, "Réveillez-vous !" très fort. Je veux dire, j'ai crié si fort que je pense que n'importe qui se serait réveillé. Mais il y avait des tas de gars qui se tenaient toujours autour dans cette formation et c'était comme s'ils étaient inanimés. Le capitaine ne se réveillait pas. "A couvert !

Alors, à peu près à ce moment, Alan s'était tourné et faisait face à cette chose, cette lumière. Je pense que c'était une lumière. And his face was really pale. I mean it's like he's just seen a ghost. His eyes were bulging and his jaw was open and I shook him. I told him. 'Don't look at it! Don't look at it!'. And he sort of came to and he was saying. 'What's going on'.'', like he was really confused.

And we started to run, and when we started running to this first building, on the cross-base underneath, there was something moving and we didn't know what it was. So I told Alan to wait, get ready for it, we didn't know what it was. We'd seen the shadows moving underneath the building, and we're going to physically hurl this thing. Well it was one of us.

He was coming out of the crawl space there and he was asking. 'What's going on'. 'What's going on?' We said. 'The captain's asleep! The captain's asleep!' And I guess there were some more there 'cos he turned his head and said 'The captain's asleep!'.

So. we told him. 'Just take cover, get away from it!' And me and Alan started to run again and the guy crawled away from us. We came to this second building and at the far end of the barracks, it's a two-storey barracks. We heard some guys under there, they were calling our last names so we ran over there.

We dove under this cross-face and we started arguing about what was going on. We couldn't believe things were happening this quick, but this is our reaction, in a hostile manner, because when something like this happens, you know, when people get excited over things...

"Maman !"

Then we saw Sgt. Santini come out from the first building that Alan and I had just crossed. And this ball of white light, from 50ft, we were laying down. It looked like the size of a melon, a small melon. But it was a bright, white light and it wasn't a tracer, 'cos I know, I've seen tracers before, I've fired my M16's and I know what tracers look like.

But this wasn't a tracer. It sort of came from the second storey, and sort of "roller-coasted' down to Sgt. Santini's height. And Sgt. Santini's about 5 feel 11 inches, 6 foot, and he was waving his arms up and down, screaming about what's going on, telling us to take cover and cursing the sky, because something was coming down.

And he started to run and he disappeared in the second building. And this bright light just sort of "roller-coasted" down to his height and zipped across - then it disappeared. And the next thing we heard was a "slap" and a 'thump'.

And one of us, Hackett, crawled over to the other side to see where Sgt. Santini was and he was "out" on the pavement. He didn't move. Apparently he was knocked out or something. Something hit him.

When Hackett came back, this is when we started hearing the screaming. From Alpha Company, all the way down to Bravo, then to Charlie Company and to Delta. When it came to Delta Company, we heard somebody out in parade formation screaming.

'Mommy!', a high-pitched scream that went down to a grunting sort of scream. I can still hear it when I talk about this, I mean, you hear a man screaming like that you know something's wrong.

And I told Jones, who was sitting, laying next to me, I said we should go out there and help these guys because something's going on out there. But he just turned around and said, 'No, they're already dead, forget about it'.

"Ca vient vers nous !"

We started arguing again about these, we started arguing about where the M16's were and where the ammo' was. We were gonna' start deploying some of our defence tactics."

To defend yourselves?

Yeah. And I told Alan, whatever happens, just try to go back to the Main Post and get some help. I was going to stay behind with Jones and Hackett.

Well. during that argument we were having, we had one of the guy s crawl over and we asked him what was going on out there. And he said "It's lights'. We looked at each other as though to say: 'Lights? What kind of lights? Strange lights, what?'

This was more intense light. I mean the whole place just lit, like it was day. And the windows, on the barrack buildings, these old windows and the frame and everything on the building itself, silhouetted. The light just silhouetted the whole thing, just weird, it was really weird.

Just moving across slowly, across the second storey coming around, and we could see the guys in front of us underneath the building and we started pounding the ground and calling their names out, calling them out to get away from that thing, but they didn't move.

So we just kept coming around and by the time this bright light came to the corner edge, I looked into it, I sort of "fixed" myself into this. And I don't know what it was, but it was like looking into one of those searchlights, right inside. And I guess I was hypnotized into watching this and Alan was grabbing my arm and shouting. "What is it Vasquez?", and I said, 'I don't know, but it's coming our way'."

Vasquez then described how he began to hear a 'voice' in his head. He looked down on the ground and saw a small frightened animal, which he labelled a 'possum'. He said he heard the animal ask, 'What is it?' and he answered back . 'I don't know'. His puzzled colleagues looked at him, saw the animal dart away and asked: 'Who are you talking to Vasquez?" He told them.

Hackett, he's a native American, he told me: 'You know, you speak to Nature'.


I don't know, everything strange was happening. And this bright light, it was so bright that underneath the building you could see the pipes, the boards, you could see everything. The whole place was illuminated. Everybody was afraid, and so was I. You know, honest, we're scared of this light, like little kids hiding in a comer.

By this time I hear this voice, this echo sounded sort of far away and metallic-like, and it's telling me. 'It's OK, don't be afraid. come out'. Well, I didn't know who said that and I asked all the guys underneath, 'Who said it's OK? Who's saying it's OK?' And all the guys are looking at me, like, 'Where are you hearing this from Vasquez?'"

Vasquez told his friends that he kept hearing a voice telling him it was OK to come out. They crawled away from him, because they hadn't heard it. He told them to move towards the centre of the building, away from the light, and that he intended to go out and see for himself what was going on. Vasquez crawled out from underneath the building and headed for a grassy moll.

I stood up and I looked to my left, and this bright, shiny, intense bright light was sitting in front of me. I saw this shadowy figure, kind of a little figure, scurry back into the light.


/ was told to keep my eyes closed throughout this time and the next thing that happened I heard this female voice ask, 'Do you remember?'


I didn't know what that was, but when I lifted my left hand to shield the glare from this bright light, something hit my left shoulder, and it sounded like a fuse being blown. I go down, I reach with my hand for my friend. Hackett, and Hackett's screaming my last name, and I was reaching for him, but something else hit my back and I became unconscious.


What I remember from here is that someone was telling me to keep my eyes closed. And I felt there was one person on my left, another person on my right. There was a cover over me and I was being lifted. My whole body felt tingly, real tingly, and the next thing that happened is a quick motion of two people, coming across my left and turning in unison and moving across, away from me and really fast.

I was told to keep my eyes closed throughout this time and the next thing that happened. I heard this female voice ask. 'Do you remember?" And I said. 'Remember what?' And I didn't say a word. It was all mental communication.

And when she heard me say, 'Remember what?'. I felt this deep concern come over her. Deep concern, like there was something wrong. The next thing. I had this physical exam, and after I was looking at this wall, and on the wall there was an insignia of some sort, a half-moon and a zig-zag of some sort."

Vasquez pulled a neck bracelet out from underneath his shirt collar. Here was the self-same design that he had crafted from memory and wore at all times.


And when I turned my head, I saw rows of men lying on a slab. At the 5th or 6th table, there were two things standing in back of me, and within just a split second, she just said, 'Got to sleep', and I did. The next thing I remember, this guy, I have to say it's a guy because I felt this was a male, he kept demanding for me to keeping at his eyes. And I didn't want to. I just didn't want to look at him because he scared me.

And he said. 'There's nothing to be afraid...', or something like that. "Don't be afraid". And he kept demanding for me to look at his eyes. And I said. 'Only if it's going to help'. And he said. 'It will help'. I looked in his eyes and there were three images that I saw. One was myself, standing in an ocean, blue sky, and I'm standing in an ocean by myself.

The other one was seeing a picture of the whole Earth being destroyed, coming apart, little by little. And the other one was an image of a human face, a pale, paste-white face, with a pupil like liquid mercury. And that's all I saw. I saw this face again. I became unconscious. The next thing I remember is that all of us were back in formation, everyone of us.


All of us are back in formation in line, but I remember that Alan and I were standing at the 2nd line, but we'd come back to the 4th line. We were all disorientated. It's like... it felt like we'd drank 50 gallons of beer, because we were kind of weaving back and forth. And so was Alan, and so was everybody else.

We did what you'd call. I guess, our own personal examination. 'How are we doing?' A lot of us were very disorientated, didn't know what was going on. I looked across and I saw Sgt. Turner, who was standing there in his summer uniform, parade dress. He had all his medals on, I thought that he had spilled coffee on his trousers, but apparently he had had an 'accident'. He cursed and walked away.

We were told to go back to our barracks by Sgt. Newkirk, and I was wondering, 'Hey, we didn't have a speech from the captain yet. What happened to our speech?" Well. we never had a speech and we started walking back, and some of us started falling down. We lost balance and I fell down too because everything was spinning, and that was unusual. And when I got up I started to walk away.

Some of the people, some of the guys who'd been in formation, started getting sick, started vomiting, getting sick, falling down, like we lost all control of balance. When I came to the first building, I stopped and I looked at my watch. And my watch stopped at 7.40. I asked Jones, who was standing next to me, what time he had and he said he had 3.30. And he asked his friend who was standing right by, he said it was 4.45. All of our watches stopped.

I got sick then. I got real sick. I don't know why, but I got back to my barracks and there were guys in there acting real odd, like some kind of drug-induced state or whatever. But they were acting really weird. Alan was sitting on his bed, gazing at the wall, it was like, he was "gone".

I opened up my locker, and I was about to take my shirt off, when I noticed my shirt was unbuttoned at the top, my trousers button were open. But the funny thing is that my boots, the combat boots that you wear have eight holes. Well. it was laced through the fourth one and it came to a large, criss-cross at the end, and a sort of bow-tie.

And I told myself. 'I know I didn't go out there like that... I know I didn't do this'. Because the drill sergeant would have said something, he would have been the first to scream and yell and say. 'What are you doing out here like this Vasquez?'

Well. I told myself. 'I know I didn't do this', so I started changing my clothes, taking my clothes off, my trousers, and I found like a paste-glue, around my trousers. I wiped that off and wiped it off myself too. I don't know what that was.

Une chaîne d'événements

John Vasquez m'a alors dit comment il avait commencé à se souvenir de la plupart de ce qui avait transpiré à Fort Benning plus d'une décennie plus tard en 1989.

As his memory slowly resumed, he began to research and investigate the strange happenings in 1991, beginning with a request for San Diego-based US Congressman Cunningham, to instigate an official inquiry on his behalf. The Congressman wrote to the US Army's National Personnel Records Centre in St. Louis, Missouri, requesting John's military file, known as a '201'.

They wrote back stating that some documents pertaining to Vasquez's military career were missing, but crucially, they claimed to have no records of Vasquez having served at or visited Ft. Benning, either in a full or temporary capacity.

Vasquez immediately set about the task of discovering the truth about what he and his fellow colleagues experienced that fateful day. Using his own money, he single-handedly wrote to the USAF, the US Army, the Joint Chief's press office, Ft. Sam Houston in Texas, the President's office and the Vice-President's office.

He also contacted numerous other departments, including health departments and the Surgeon General's office. Vasquez wrote to the latter because on sifting through local newspapers of the time, he discovered one whose headline shot off the page: "Measles Outbreak Strikes Post's Troops"

It was referring to a reported outbreak of measles at Ft. Benning. More to the point, they were referring to his battalion, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry.

Other health departments had previously advised Vasquez to contact the Walter Reid Medical Center in Washington D.C., who should have had details about the outbreak. He corresponded with a Dr. Rugal. Ph.D., who. on reading copies of the newspaper reports concerned, wrote back and said: This is an unusual outbreak. There are no records.

Dr. Rugal told Vasquez that his main concern was that Walter Reid never sent a medical team to study the supposed outbreak, some thing they would have been automatically required to do had it been genuine. We should have, wrote Dr. Rugal, it's a whole battalion.

Another local newspaper at the time made mention of the fact that a JAWS test had been conducted at Ft. Benning.


On 23 October 1997. John Vasquez received a response to an inquiry made to the Joint Staff Panel. They maintained no knowledge of a JAWS test having ever been conducted at Ft. Benning. This was reiterated in similar fashion from officials at Ft. Benning itself, and Ft. Meade. But Vasquez had already received written confirmation from the USAF that a JAWS test had indeed been conducted at the base in question.

That document, which I have seen (and was recorded on camera), is now the focus of some considerable attention.

Vasquez has been told that the document is no longer available to the public, that anyone requesting it will be denied, even through a Freedom of Information Act request. He has also been discreetly contacted by telephone. A USAF official asked: "Can we please have our 'JAWS' document back?"

In return, the official offered to provide Vasquez with 300 UFO documents. How old they were and what relevance they had, was anyone's guess, but some, Vasquez was told, referred to 'Roswell'.


No amount of printed words here can come remotely close to matching the powerful impression left on those who have seen our video tape recording of the interview with John Vasquez, from which these quotes were derived. It is, without question, an extraordinary tale, but unlike so many ex-military personnel who have come forward down the years with equally bizarre stories. John Vasquez's credentials are different, and in so many positive ways:

No, Vasquez is equally intrigued by the possibility that a secret JAWS test was deliberately conducted against an unwitting battalion of seasoned troops to gauge their reaction.

Of course, it wouldn't be the first time that US military personnel have been used as guinea pigs to test covert experimental 'hard-ware', but might it be a 'first' for helping to provide factual evidence that 'UFOs' have been deployed in some form of mass psychological weapons test.

Certainly, JAWS could not be construed as a defensive mechanism; the very meaning of the term 'Attack' suggests that it has potent offensive capabilities.

If this was used on the unsuspecting 1,300 officers and men of 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry, the ramifications could be profound, not least for those soldiers who possibly suffered long-term effects.