Luna second questions to witnesses

Chairman, I’d like to submit for the record an article by News Nation and it follows Mr. Grusch’s full interview for the record?

Grothman: without objection.

Thank you. Mr. Grusch, why is it that you refer to the phenomenon as non-human intelligence? Why deviate from the basis of extraterrestrial life?

I think the phenomenon is very complex and I like to leave an open mind analytically, to specific origin.

When you say specific origin, can you elaborate on that for those that might?

If it’s a traditional extraterrestrial origin or something else that we don’t quite understand from either a biological or astrophysics perspective? I just like to keep an open mind on what it could be. Yeah.

Okay. And referring to your News Nation interview, you had referenced specific treaties between governments. Article Three of the nuclear arms treaty with Russia identifies UAPs. It specifically mentions them. To your knowledge, are there safety measures in place with foreign governments or other superpowers to avoid an escalatory situation in the event that a UAP malevolent event occurs?

Yeah. You’re referring to actual a public treaty in the UN register? It’s funny you mentioned that. The agreement on measures to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war sign in 1971, unclassified treaty publicly available. And if you cite the George Washington University National Security Archives, you will find the declassified in 2013 specific provisions in the specific red line, flask message traffic with the specific codes pursuant to article three and article also situation two, which is in the previously classified NSA archive. What I would recommend, and I tried to get access, but I got a wall of silence at the White House, was those specific incidents when those message traffic was used, I think some scholarship on that would open the door to a further investigation using those publicly available information.

Thank you. And then my last question with 51 seconds remaining. You mentioned white collar crimes potentially being taking place in regards to a cover up. Can you please elaborate?

I have concerns based on the interviews I conducted under my official duties of potential violations of the Federal Acquisition Regulations thus far.

Thank you very much, Chairman. I yield the remainder of my time.