George Adamski: Cosmic Saint or Sinner?

Salkin, Harold: UFO Universe, n° 2:4, pp. 16-18, 20-23,
1ʳᵉ page de l'article d'origine (p. 17)
1ʳᵉ page de l'article d'origine (p. 17)

The contactee's personal publicist tells - for the first time - the complete inside story of his rise to fame

2ᵉ page de l'article d'origine (p. 18)
2ᵉ page de l'article d'origine (p. 18)

Whenever old-time UFO buffs gather to "hoist a few" and ponder the latest perplexing developments in the field, there is one name that seems to pop up more frequently than any other, and the sparks begin to fly. Was he on the level, or a classical charlatan? Did he knowingly set out to mislead a host of faithful followers, or was he simply reporting the truth about a series of events so patently unbelievable that the average person simply could not accept them.

The center of all this controversy was, of course, the late George AdamskiGeorge Adamski. Today, more that 25 years after his death in Washington, D.C., the question still hangs high in the ufological atmospheres: what is the real story and how does it reflect on the many twists and turns of the great flying saucer saga?

At the start, one fact must be faced: George AdamskiGeorge Adamski, more than any other single individual, brought to public awareness the realizations that flying saucers (a/k/a UFOs) do indeed exist, that they have landed on this planet, and that they are piloted by benevolent, human-type beings from points farther out in our solar system, our galaxy, or perhaps the remotest reaches of our known universe.

For the benefit of the younger readers, who may not be familiar with the colorful details of this man's career, perhaps we should do a cinema-style flashback to view the more important scenes in the panorama which was his life .

Born in Poland in en , George AdamskiGeorge Adamski was raised in a town near Buffalo, N. Y. His formal education was limited to grade school, but his mind was extremely active and he would delve into such subjects as astronomy and oriental philosophy, devouring books from the public library, reading magazines and holding long discussions with anyone he could find who was familiar with these fields.

After several years of service in the army, on the Mexican border, he settled in Southern California, which even in those early years were becoming a haven for seekers after the Greter Truth - probers into the frontiers of reality.

It wasn't long before AdamskiGeorge Adamski began attracting a following. He made a good appearance being of rugged stature, tall, charismatic, with flashing dark eyes and an intensity of speech that would override any Doubting Thomases in the crowd. His main theme was that man is not alone in the universe, that the age-gold question of how Planet Earth relates to the rest of the cosmos could be answered if approached properly.

His reputation grew and he began holding regular lectures, with the result that he was given the title of "Professor" by his students (though he made no claims of a college degree). He wrote articles that were published in area magazines and his circle of influence kept expanding.

Early in en , AdamskiGeorge Adamski purchased 20 acres of land halfway up the slope of Mt. Palomar, directly below the location of the giant 200-inch telescope operated by the California Institute of Technology. He set up his own telescope, a 16-inch one, and began scanning the skies in search of objects that he had already seen with the naked eye. With a camera attachment he was able to take pictures of several disc-shaped craft moving in our atmosphere.

One evening he was studying the surface of the moon through his lens, when he spied a long, dark cigar-shaped object silhouetted against the lunar orb. As he stared in amazement, first one, then two-three-four smaller silvery obbjects emerged from the larger craft. He was fortunate enough to capture the group on film, the first definitive photographic evidence that UFOs were not a figment of the imagination.
