Memo to: Files
From: E. u. Condon
Today Bob Low told me of a remarkable conversation that he had with
John Ahrens today, after word had been received of the arrest this morning of James and Lois Wadsworth for possession of narcotics and peyote. Ahrens told Low
that some weeks ago, and before the discharge of Saunders
Levine from the UFO project, he (Ahrens) had overhead a conversation of Saunders
and Levine
in the UFO project office in which they were saying to each
other that they could discredit the UFO project by arranging to have Wadsworth arrested
for narcotics possession. Ahrens was puzzled by this, and did not think much about it at the time. But with the
subsequent discharge of Saunders and Levine, followed by the arrest of Wadsworth today, he remembered the incident and
told Low about it.
If true, this would suggest that one of the Saunders-Levine
-Armstrong group may have put the police on the
Wadsworth trail for motives going beyond those of assisting in law enforcement. Also if true, this would show that
Saunders and Levine, while still on the staff of the project, were actively seeking ways to discredit it, in addition
to the action they had taken on December 13 (17) en in giving the stolen August 9, 1966 memorandum to
James McDonald
Low also told me a few days ago that in the summer of 1967, Mary Lou told him "in confidence" that she had been using LSD, and also that Jim Wadsworth was using it. She had also told him that she had discontinued use of LSD because of a "bad trip." Because Wadsworth's actual work on the job was fairly satisfactory, Low did not undertake to question him about LSD at that time or later, nor did he tell me until a few days ago.
Low also told me today that at home the night before (Feb. 29) his daughter Lorrie told him that on one occasion during the summer of en , Mary Lou had tried to induce her (Lorrie) to try LSD but she had declined the opportunity.
E. U. Condon
cc - Dean Manning
- Bob Low