A , XXXXXXXXXX a présenté un briefing couvrant son
analyse de la photographie d'ovni de Zanesville
(Ohio). Le briefing fut donné dans la salle de conférence de la XXX, et y
assistaient le Dr. Edward U. Condon, de l'Université du Colorado ; le Dr. Robert Low, de l'Université du Colorado ; le Dr. William Hartmann, de l'Université de l'Arizona, le Dr. Charles
Reed, du Conseil National pour la Recherche ; le Dr. Thomas Ratchford, de l'U.S. Air Force, et XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Le briefing de XXXXXXXXXX fut très bien reçu par le Dr. Condon et ses collègues, qui furent particulièrement enthousiastes. Ils furent
impressionnés par le périmètre de l'analyse que XXXXXXXXXX avait mené, qui incluait des
techniques d'étude du terrain, established and new mathematical analysis, and photogrammetric technique and
densitometric traces. Dr. Condon stated he had for the first time a scientific analysis
of a UFO that would stand up to investigation. Dr. Condon and members of his group
questionned XXXXXXXXXXX in detail during and after the analysis and were very impressed with the
quality of his work.
Preliminary arrangements were made to get XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in contact with Dr.
Low, University of Colorado, so that contractual arrangements could be
made to carry on analysis by XXXXXXXXXXXX but under financing from U.S. Air
Force/University of Colorado. To start this procedure, XXXXXXXXXXX contacted XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and suggested that he call Dr. Low to initiate the appropriate discussions. I understand this was
followed through later in the day. This would transfer most of the future analysis to the University of Colorado
control, but Dr. Condon indicated he wished to keep a channel open into our
organization. He was most appreciative of the unofficial role NPIC has played in assisting the development of this special photogrammetric
technique to analyze unscheduled photography.
There was discussion held concerning methods of interesting the American public in participating in UFO
photography. No specific conclusions were drawn, but it was suggested that it might be advisable to reivew all the
photography NICAP holds, and conduct photogrammetic analyses on any that
have the appropriate and necessary information available. This would put Dr. Condon in a
position to say that he had reviewed and analyzed all the photography in NICAP
files, and was now depending on the American public to furnish his new photography. Also discussed was the
possibility of making available to police officers, on military posts, airline pilots, and such people, polaroid
cameras for instance use. No conclusions were arrived at, but some interesting thoughts were tabled. It was,
however, felt by all that more publicity was needed.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX report on his analysis of the Zanesville photography will be
forwarded to XXXXXXXXXXX in the near future for distribution to Dr. Ratchford and Dr. Condon.