Recent saucer sightings

Saucer News n° 1,, March 1966
La page d'origine s1"Misc Blue Book Files Roll 2", Blue Book archives, p. 324
La page d'origine s1"Misc Blue Book Files Roll 2", Blue Book archives, p. 324

FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE EXETER, NEW HAMPSHIRE SIGHTINGS: Since publication of our December 1965 issue, we have received a good deal of additional material concerning our lead story in the "Recent News" section, which in our opinion is one of the most impressive UFO incidents of recent years. Here is Norman Muscarello's story, as quoted in the Rockingham County Gazette:

"It was about 2 a.m. on Friday, September 3rd, I mas walking along Route 150 in Kensington (N.H.) on my way home from a visit to a friend in Amesbury. As I approached the Clyde Russell house, I saw a 'thing' with brilliant red alternating lights approaching me from the direction of Dining's corral. (See diagram below.) I jumped over the wall and lay on the ground while it hovered over me about a telephone pole length above the ground.

"I had a good opportunity to observe it closely. The lights were on an oblique angle, from sky to ground. There were five lights in all, which lit up in sequence. It took about two seconds to complete a cycle. I estimated the length from the first light to the fifth as approximately 90 feet.

"As it hovered over me, it also partially covered the Russell garage. The lights were so brilliant that it was impossible to make out any shape behind them. After it left, I banged on the door of the Russell home, but was unable to wake anybody. Then a car came along, and I was given a ride to the Exeter police station. I told them what I had seen, and someone suggested that a return to the area.

"Officer Bertrand took me in one cruiser, and Officer Hunt arrived in another. We walked down into the field, but didn't see anything. As we were about ready to return to the cruisers, I noticed the alternating lights down in back of some trees. It came out at tremendous speed, and we all had a good opportunity to observe it.

"What impressed me most was the brilliant red lights, and the complete (...)