"If it waddles?"?

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duckClearest Translation, swims and has webbed feet--then perhaps it is a duck!

But a child, seeing his first platypus, will say, "It looks like a duck with four feet and fur! But what is it?

But what happens when a man sees something for the first time and asks, "What is it?"?and there is no one who can supply the answer?

Fortunately, our experience and knowledge enable us to explain the seeming inconsistencies of this freak of nature.

The controversy about the s0-called Flying Saucers began in just such a fashion with Kenneth Arnold-s startling announcement in 1947.

A businessman of Boise, Idaho, Mr. Arnold was on his way from Chehalis to Yakima, Washington. Flying in his private plane, he was startled to see a bright flash on his wing.

Looking in the direction of Mount Rainier, he was astonished to see nine gleaming disks, each approximately the size of a C-54. They were clearly outlined against the snow.

As he later told the story, "it was as if they were linked together. They flew close to the top of mountain in a diagonal, chainlike line."

Mr. Arnold estimated their speed to be around twelve hundred miles per hour, and he thought they must have been about twenty to twenty-five miles from his plane.

"I watched them about three minutes," he said. "The were swerving in and out around the high mountain peaks. They were flat, like a pie pan, and so shiny they reflected the sun like a mirror. I never saw anything so fast!

Thus, as of June 24, 1947, Flaying Saucers were born.

"I saw them--but what are they?" Mr. Arnold undoubtedly asked. And no one had the answer.

Since that memorable day, thousands of other sightings have been reported and verified, and still the question must be asked, "What are they?" But more importantly, where do they come from, what is their purpose here, and if they can do it, why can't we? Are they Russian secret weapons?

Not Worry, Jemi, those were L-M Ships, Not "S" Men. They are an improved type & were only on a training Flight. That is why their leader inter-connected their force-fields-to teach them Ion Level TeleControl without inducing a fear-block n1Clearest Translation which they, too, get When "Mowing the Lawn."

Several well-documented volumes have been devoted to listings of sightings, to reports by everyone from boy scouts and families on picnics to astronomers and a man who claims to have had a conversation with a Saucer passenger from Venus.

But our answers to the questions, our evaluation of the potential answers to the fascinating and sometimes frightening questions, end where others begin. In other words, we shall not devote ourselves to the recent sightings and reports which have flooded newspaper offices, official bureaus of the government and, for some strange reason, airports. (Presumably, the public feels that anything which takes place in the air is the business of the airport!)

I have long been interested in the study of the unexplained areas of human existence, and as an astronomer with special interest in the moon, the early reports of flying saucers caught my attention. References in dusty volumes in the Library of Congress flashed through my mind, references I had noted years ago and which now, in the light of these developments, seemed to offer a new field of research, of analysis and co-relation which might throw light upon the matter.

I began to ask myself questions ? and I began to see a shape, a form, take place in the entire field of observable phenomena which had remained obscure and previously unrelated.

This flying saucer was photographed over the Brazilian Jungle

Desmond Leslie, in the book, "Flying Saucers Have Landed," reviewed some of the interesting material gleaned from old manuscripts, many of which referred to sightings of unidentified objects flying through the air. The most cursory examinations of such material, when collected andorganized into a readable whole, made it quite evident that conclusions could be drawn.

Does it follow, I wondered, that still further conclusions could be drawn if one were to collect and sift and evaluate data from many different fields? Would there be any indication that life does, in fact, exist in space? If so, would that life have direction, control, intelligence? Or would it be amoebic in nature, lacking intelligence, be a form of vegetable or animal-mineral life? Would a thorough study of material in many fields reveal a pattern, a consistency of any sort which would provide clues to the future activities of these Unidentified Flying Objects?

I wanted to know the answers. I wanted to know if the somethings existed, and if they did, what they were. I wanted to know where they lived and how they lived. I wanted to know what they were doing when we didn't see them. I wanted to know why some people saw them and some people didn't see them. I wanted to know why they appeared in one place and not another. I wanted to know whether they were friendly or hostile.

L-M? PALS; S-M? n2This note is quite ambiguous. It may be interpreted as the above or as: L---M: PALS S-M? or since L-M closely follows the word hostile it might be: Hostile LM?

Even if he knew he nor any number of men could ever do anything, Jemi.

PALS: S-M? From the similarity of the marks following L-M and S-M the first interpretation is most likely the correct one.

For first they would refuse to even believe. Requires true Humility or active2 fascination.

I wanted to know, further, if they might be a Mark Twain-like hoax which a gullible public was swallowing, having tired of ordinary pursuits of happiness and excitement.

I wanted to know, too, whether we would have to wait until the things decided to visit us, or if we could possibly expect to pay them a surprise visit in their own territory in the near future .

Like a child seeing his first platypus, I asked myself questions. But unlike the child, I searched for my own answers.