The Memorable November Twentieth

Adamski, GeorgeAdamski, George & Leslie, Desmond,

It was about 12.30 in the noon hour on thursday, 20 November 1952, that I first made personal contact with a man from another world. He came to Earth in his space craft, a flying saucer. He called it a Scout Ship.

This took place on the California desert 10.2 miles from Desert Center toward Parker, Arizona.

During the year of 1952, along with my photographing attempts I had made a number of trips to the desert areas where I had been told the flying saucers were seen and were apparently landing. Every trip had been unsuccessful, but I kept hoping that one day success would be mine.

It was late in August 1952 that Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey, of Winslow, Arizona, first came to Palomar Gardens and asked to talk with me privately. I had never heard of them prior to that time. During the conversation, they told me about Dr. and Mrs. George H. Williamson, of Prescott, Arizona. These four people were as interested in the flying saucers as I. They had read everything available on the subject They, too, had seen these strange objects flash through the skies, sometimes low, sometimes high. And they, too, had made trips to a number of desert places in the hope of seeing one land. Then they heard about me and the Baileys drove up to see me and tell me some of their experiences.

Later, the Baileys and Williamsons came up together. After spending several days at Palomar Gardens as our guests, they asked me to telephone them before my next attempt to establish a contact. During their stay we had met a great deal and had become better acquainted and they wanted to be with me if things could be so arranged.

I promised to call them as they requested, but warned them that I seldom planned such trips more than a day or two in advance. Thus, on the evening of 18 November I telephoned Dr. Williamson that I was leaving about midnight the next night for a destination near Blythe, California, and asked him if they would be able to meet me there early on Thursday morning, the 20th.

They could. So could the Baileys with whom Dr. Williamson kept in contact. Thus the arrangements were made and hopes were high, as they always were for these trips.

It was close to 1 a.m. on the morning of the 20th when at the risk of waking the wild life I left Palomar Gardens and rumbled down the mountain road on my way to meet the Baileys and Williamsons on the highway just west of Blythe, California. Accompanying me on this trip were Mrs. Alice K. Wells, owner of Palomar Gardens and operator of the cafe there, and Mrs. Lucy McKinnis, my secretary. The two women had agreed to take turns driving the long distance, since I never drive a car on the highway.

We reached our destination shortly after 8 a.m. after a two-hour delay caused by picking up a nail in one of our rear tyres. We found that we had ruined it by running on it, so finally I had to buy another tyre.

The four from Arizona were waiting for us just a few miles out from Blythe, and together we all drove into the town where we had a leisurely breakfast. Afterwards, we stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes discussing where to go from there. Al. Bailey, in whose car the others were riding, was perfectly willing to abide by any of my suggestions. So they said they would follow us.

Finally we decided to turn back on the highway over which we had just driven. There was no particular reason for this except that I have developed the habit of following my hunches or feelings and this seemed to be the way to go.

Perhaps one reason was, that in first driving into Blythe I had noticed what appeared to be a one-time military training centre and also a very large airport. These both seemed to have been abandoned. Beyond them I had noticed a road which I thought would take us close to the base of a ridge of mountains far in the distance. Only I had not noticed how far we had driven past that highway before reaching Blythe, and driving back, looking for it seemed twice as far as I remembered.

When we reached Desert Center, there to the right was the road for which we were looking, the highway leading to Parker, Arizona.

About 11 miles down this Parker Highway I suggested that we stop the cars along the side of the road and get out to look around for a while. And I would figure out what to do from thereon.

The ground here was not as sandy as one usually expects on deserts. Instead, strange and interesting rocks in varying small sizes covered the earth. Dr. Williamson said they were volcanic. They were sharp and jagged and varied in their shapes.

Small bushes of silver-white desert Holly, some with their tiny blood-red berries, doted the earth here and there. And a few other desert scrub growths with which we were unfamiliar attracted our attention. But all plant life was conspicuously sparse in this area.

It was about 11 a.m. when we arrived at this spot, and for the next half hour we just roamed over the ground noticing the interesting rocks; picking up one here and there for closer examination and discussion. A strong gusty wind was blowing, and it was quite cold compared with the heat of the sun’s rays when the wind temporarily subsided. We found it more comfortable to turn our back to the wind.

A short distance beyond where the cars were parked we noticed a shallow dry ‘wash’ bed which seemed to come from the end of the mountain ridge at its base. This crossed the highway in a ‘dip’ at what I would estimate to be about a 35 degree angle, and continued to wind its way between risings on the side of the road where we roamed.

Curiosity overcame Al. Bailey and myself. Leaving the others, we walked across to the base of this ridge to see what was on the other side of the mountains and how the ground lay there. As far as we could see it was similar in every respect to the land on the side where we were, except for the highway. And it extended thus for many, many miles.

About half an hour was spent in this manner when someone suggested it would be a good idea to eat. This was heartily approved by all.

Not knowing what we might encounter before the day was over, Alice had brought along a light lunch—hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches, cookies, candy and a few bottled drinks, beside a couple of gallon jars of water for drinking. This was now unpacked and passed around.

Some of us sat on the narrow shoulder that skirted the road beside our cars, but the rocks were sharp and sitting was not too comfortable. The others stood nearby, shelling their eggs or eating, as we discussed what to do or where to go from there.

The sky was beautiful and clear with little wispy clouds forming here and there, only to float away into nothingness. And although we knew most of the mountains in the background were miles away, they appeared quite close in the deceptive atmosphere of the desert.

Each of us was alert, scanning the broad expanse of sky visible in all directions, and hoping steadfastly for a bright flash somewhere out there that would indicate the presence of a space craft. At the same time we noticed that passing cars invariably slowed their speed to observe what we were doing.

Then Betty Bailey said, ‘Let’s take some pictures’.

The Baileys had brought a movie camera, which they had rented and with which they were not too familiar, and some extra film. The Williamsons had a still camera.

It was shortly after 12 noon. Both Betty Bailey and Betty Williamson were still taking pictures when the sound of a plane’s motors was heard approaching from behind the ridge of mountains across the road from us.

Although I speak of these mountains being ‘across the road’, the closest part in their base was probably about the length of two city blocks beyond the far edge of the highway. Yet in the stillness of the desert air sounds carry far and we heard the plane a good minute before it came into sight, crossing low over the mountain ridge. It was a conventional two-motor plane and apparently on a routine flight.

We watched this plane as it passed almost over our heads, continued its line of travel and became a diminishing speck in the distance.

Suddenly and simultaneously we all turned as one, looking again toward the closest mountain ridge where just a few minutes before the first plane had crossed. Riding high, and without sound, there was a gigantic cigar-shaped silvery ship, without wings or appendages of any kind. Slowly, almost as if it was drifting, it came in our direction; then seemed to stop, hovering motionless.

Excitedly Dr. Williamson exclaimed, ‘Is that a space ship ?’

At first glance it looked like a fuselage of a very large ship with the sun’s rays reflecting brightly from its unpainted sides, at an altitude and angle where wings might not be noticeable.

Schooled in caution against over-excitement and quick conclusions, especially in regard to aircraft, Lucy replied, ‘No. George, I don’t believe it is.’

‘But that baby’s high ! And see how big it is !’ exclaimed Al.

‘And, Lucy ! It doesn’t have wings or any other appendages like our planes do !’ persisted George. And turning to me, ‘What do you think, Adamski ?’

Before I could answer, Lucy interrupted. ‘You’re right, George ! Look ! It’s orange on top—the whole length !’

Excitement filled the air as the truth was quickly realised, and everybody began talking at once. Alice wanted me to get my telescope out of the car and take a picture of this beautiful ship close by. Al. Bailey wanted his Betty to take a movie of it while it was hovering. But she was so excited that she could not set the camera correctly. By the time she got herself calmed, the ship was already moving again.

The two pairs of binoculars which had been brought along were being passed rapidly from one to the other so all could get a good look. And it was with the binoculars that George noted a black, or dark, marking on the side as though an insignia of some kind was there. This marking was entirely different from any he had ever seen before, although he was unable to make it out in detail. A member of the Air Force during the last war, Dr. George Williamson is well acquainted with the insignias of planes of other nations as well as our own.

A never-to-be-forgotten sight. It could easily have been seen by any passing motorist. But comparatively few people have ever learned to look up. Especially is this true, and rightfully so, of car drivers travelling down an open highway. Their attention is focused on the road ahead.

Had any one of us been pointing upward, as people often do, chances are that some passing car might have stopped, and those within it could have seen this gigantic space visitor as easily as we were seeing it. But we were all cautious not to attract such attention.

And in spite of all the excitement, I knew this was not the place; maybe not even the ship with which contact was to be made, if that was in the plan. But I did feel this ship had a definite ‘something‘ to do with it all.

Fully aware of the curiosity created by our party here in the desert where no one would normally picnic, I did not want to be more conspicuous by setting up my telescope and camera in such an open spot. Above all else, I didn’t want to make the slightest mistake that might prevent a landing and personal contact being made, if such a possibility existed. And now I felt certain that it did.

I said, ‘Someone take me down the road-quick ! That ship has come looking for me and I don’t want to keep them waiting ! Maybe the saucer is already up there somewhere-afraid to come down here where too many people would see them.’

Don’t ask me why I said this or how I knew. I have already said that I have a habit of following my feelings, and that is the way I felt. But I cannot tell you why. For those who have an understanding of the subtler working of the mind, no explanation is necessary. For others, an explanation might necessarily be long and difficult.

Lucy quickly got into our car and started the motor. Al. asked if he might go too, and climbed in beside her. Telling the others to stay where they were and to watch closely all that took place, 1 got into the back seat of the car.

As Lucy turned the car around and started down the highway, Al. looked up and I looked out the back window and both of us saw the big ship turn also, silently moving along with the car, but high in the sky and what looked like about half-way between the highway and the mountain ridge. We both watched it closely as we rode along for about half a mile.

Here I asked Lucy if she could safely turn to the right for a short distance to get me closer to a spot I saw and felt would be ideal for setting up my telescope.

There were tracks of some vehicle clearly visible, and it looked as though a road might be on the ground directly under the big ship. Al. and I had noticed this apparent road at the base and running the entire length of this mountain ridge when we had walked over to the other end of the ridge shortly after our arrival. At the time we discussed it, we decided this was an old abandoned target range and this road had been worn there by jeeps at one time.

The rocks here were small but extremely sharp and hard on tyres. Then there had been bottles broken and glass strewn around, so I questioned the wisdom of driving across it. But much time and effort could be saved if we could drive instead of having to carry all my equipment by hand to the spot I had chosen, a good half mile in from the highway at the base of a flat-top, low, hill-like formation.

My equipment consisted of my six-inch telescope, a tripod and a cardboard case box containing the camera and attachments for the telescope, the film holders, seven in all, loaded with super-fast film, and a Kodak Brownie.

We decided to try driving in closer and succeeded in making it safely, stopping within about 200 feet of my chosen spot. Here the large ship appeared to be almost directly over the car, and as the car stopped, it stopped !

Al. helped me unload my equipment, set up the tripod and fasten the telescope on it as firmly as possible.

This was difficult since the gusts of wind were blowing quite strong and in spite of all we could do it would shake the telescope. And an unfirm foundation is never conducive to good picture taking.

But I did not want to waste too much time with these preparations because I did not know how much time I was being given. I felt a definite need for haste, but as I think back over my experiences, I am not sure whether this feeling was coming from those in the big ship, or being created by my own excitement.

I told Al. and Lucy to get back to the others as quickly as possible and for all of them to watch closely for anything that might take place.

As I have said before, I had many times entertained dreams of actually meeting the personnel of some of the craft I had been clicking my camera at for several years. I have expressed myself a number of times as being not only willing but decidedly anxious to take a trip in a saucer. This, despite the fact that I have heard a number of rumours of people disappearing, with the only explanation seeming to be that they were taken up in a space craft of some kind. Most of such rumours seemed well founded as the facts were given to me, and none of these ‘kidnapped‘ persons had, to my knowledge, returned.

Faced with the fact that if there were a landing at this time, and if I were permitted a personal contact with the crew that landed, there was also a possibility that I, too, might be privileged to take a trip somewhere with them, even to the place from wherever ‘they’ came. Consequently, I wanted to be sure that those with me should witness my going.

That was why I had cautioned all of my companions to watch very carefully to see whatever it might be possible for them to see at the distance they were from me. This distance was something between half a mile and a mile.

Asked how long they should wait before returning for me, yet to be sure their presence would not interrupt anything that might be going on, I told Lucy to return for me in an hour, unless I signalled to them before that time. I explained that when the saucer left, if one did come in as I was hoping, I would walk to the highway and wave my hat. But in all cases, to return at the end of an hour because I was certain everything would be finished by that time.

As the car was turned to obey my instructions, the big space ship turned its nose in the opposite direction. Silently, but quickly, it crossed above the crest of the mountains and was lost to my sight, but not before a number of our planes roared overhead in an apparent effort to circle this gigantic stranger.

Al. and Lucy were able to keep it in sight longer than I because on the highway they were farther from the mountains. Not until they had joined the others did it disappear from their sight as it turned its nose upward and shot out into space, leaving our planes circling—nothing.

Alone with my telescope and my thoughts, I busied myself attaching the camera to the telescope and making adjustments with the eyepiece. This adjustment had become slightly distorted in the moving and setting up. All the time thoughts kept racing through my mind, possibilities of what could take place; fears that nothing would; wondering if the big ship would return, or if the planes had chased it away for good; if a strange craft did come close, would I get the kind of picture I wanted— one which would be convincing beyond all question to the general public—and a thousand other thoughts along this same line.

And while I had long hoped for a personal contact with a man from a flying saucer, expectation that such would actually take place at this time was far from my mind, I was hoping for a good picture, a possible closeup of some space craft that would show more detail than I had ever before succeeded in getting. But from previous experiences, I would not have been too disappointed if nothing further had occurred.

Not more than five minutes had elapsed after the car had left me when my attention was attracted by a flash in the sky and almost instantly a beautiful small craft appeared to be drifting through a saddle between two of the mountain peaks and settling silently into one of the coves about half a mile from me. It did now lower itself entirely below the crest of the mountain. Only the lowest portion settled below the crest, while the upper, or dome section, remained above the crest and in full sight of the rest of my party who were back there watching. Yet it was in such a position that I could see the entire ship as it hovered in the cove ahead of me. At the same time, many miles of the highway and surrounding terrain were in full view of the crew within the saucer.

Quickly I spotted it in the finder on my telescope, and as rapidly as possible I snapped the seven loaded films, without taking time to focus through the ground glass in the back of the camera. But I was hoping and praying all of the time that Lady Luck was with me and that the pictures would turn out well.

As I removed each film holder with its exposed negative from the camera—an old Hagee-Dresden Grafles type—I put it in the right-hand pocket of the jacket I was wearing. Here, I was sure, these films would be safe from any accident.

I took the camera off and replaced it in the box in which I had brought it. I then decided to see what I could get with the Brownie. As I snapped the first picture I noticed the saucer flash brightly as it moved away and disappeared over the same saddle through which it had first come, just as a couple more of our planes roared overhead.

I stood watching them as they circled a couple of times and then continued on their way. I was sure the saucer had again evaded them and was on its way to its mother ship.

Then I decided to take a couple more pictures with the Brownie just to show the general terrain in this section in case my space craft pictures turned out well. I still questioned whether or not they would. But this is always the case and I never know until the finishing work is completed. I have never grown to the state of complete assurance of having a good picture, as expert photographers usually have when they take one.

After taking three pictures with the Brownie, I just stood there for a few minutes looking around and with the Kodak still in my hand. I was somewhat awed by being so close to a saucer and I wondered if whatever or whoever was in it knew I was photographing it. I had a feeling that they did. I only wished I could have seen the one who was operating that beautiful craft and could have had a chance to talk with him.... Maybe he would let me look inside.

Suddenly my reverie was broken as my attention was called to a man standing at the entrance of a ravine between two low hills, about a quarter of a mile away. He was motioning to me to come to him, and I wondered who he was and where he had come from. I was sure he had not been there before. Nor had he walked past me from the road. He could not have come from the side of the mountains on which we were. And I wondered how he had crossed over and descended any part of them without me having noticed him.

A prospector perhaps ? Or someone living among these mountains ? I had thought no one would be within miles of this spot when I chose it. Or could he be a rock hound, stranded way out here ? But why was he motioning to me unless he needed help ? So I started toward him, mentally questioning in a minor way, but still feeling the exaltation of my recent experience.

As I approached him a strange feeling came upon me and I became cautious. At the same time I looked round to reassure myself that we were both in full sight of my companions. Outwardly there was no reason for this feeling, for the man looked like any other man, and I could see he was somewhat smaller than I and considerably younger. There were only two outstanding differences that I noticed as I neared him.

1. His trousers were not like mine. They were in style, much like ski trousers and with a passing thought I wondered why he wore such out here on the desert.

2. His hair was long; reaching to his shoulders, and was blowing in the wind as was mine. But this was not too strange for I have seen a number of men who wore their hair almost that long.

Although I did not understand the strange feeling that persisted, it was however a friendly feeling toward the smiling young man standing there waiting for me to reach him. And I continued walking toward him without the slightest fear.

Suddenly, as though a veil was removed from my mind, the feeling of caution left me so completely that I was no longer aware of my friends or whether they were observing me as they had been told to do. By this time we were quite close. He took four steps toward me, bringing us within arm’s length of each other.

Now, for the first time I fully realised that I was in the presence of a man from space—A HUMAN BEING FROM ANOTHER WORLD ! I had not seen his ship as I was walking toward him, nor did I look round for it now. I did not even think of his ship, and I was so stunned by this sudden realisation that I was speechless. My mind seemed to temporarily stop functioning.

The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen. And the pleasantness of his face freed me of all thought of my personal self.

I felt like a little child in the presence of one with great wisdom and much love, and I became very humble within myself... for from him was radiating a feeling of infinite understanding and kindness, with supreme humility.

To break this spell that had so overtaken me—and I am sure he recognised it for what it was—he extended his hand in a gesture toward shaking hands.

I responded in our customary manner.

But he rejected this with a smile and a slight shake of his head. Instead of grasping hands as we on Earth do, he placed the palm of his hand against the palm of my hand, just touching it but not too firmly. I took this to be the sign of friendship.

The flesh of his hand to the touch of mine was like a baby’s, very delicate in texture, but firm and warm. His hands were slender, with long tapering fingers like the beautiful hands of an artistic woman. In fact, in different clothing he could easily have passed for an unusually beautiful woman; yet he definitely was a man.

He was about five feet, six inches in height and weighed— according to our standards—about 135 pounds. 77 And I would estimate him to be about 28 years of age, although he could have been much older.

77/ As Venusian gravity is less than ours, a Venusian would ‘weigh’ more when on our planet.

He was round faced with an extremely high forehead; large, but calm, grey-green eyes, slightly aslant at the outer corners; with slightly higher cheek bones than an Occidental, but not so high as an Indian or an Oriental; a finely chiselled nose, not conspicuously large; and an average size mouth with beautiful white teeth that shone when he smiled or spoke.

As nearly as I can describe his skin the colouring would be an even, medium-coloured suntan. And it did not look to me as though he had ever had to shave, for there was no more hair on his face than on a child’s.

His hair was sandy in colour and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders, glistening more beautifully than any woman’s I have ever seen. And I remember a passing thought of how Earth women would enjoy having such beautiful hair as this man had. As I said before, he wore no protection over it and it was being blown by the winds.

His clothing was a one-piece garment which I had a feeling was a uniform worn by spacemen as they travel, like Earth men in various types of work wear uniforms to indicate their occupations.

Its colour was chocolate brown and it was made with a rather full blouse, close-fitting high collar much like a turtle neck, only it did not turn down. The sleeves were long, slightly full and similar to a Raglan sleeve, with close-fitting bands around the wrists.

A band about eight inches in width circled his waist. And the only break in colouring of the entire garment was a strip about an inch and a half in width at the top and bottom of this waistband. This was brighter and more of a golden brown.

The trousers were rather full and held in at the ankles with bands like those on the sleeves at the wrists, in style much like a ski pant.

Actually it is very difficult to describe this garment in colouring for I know of no descriptive word in our language that would suit it perfectly.

It was definitely a woven material, very fine, and the weave was different from any of our materials. There was a sheen about the whole garment, but I could not tell whether or not this was due to a finishing process or whether it might be the kind of substance of which its thread was made. It was not like our satin, silk, or rayon, for it had more of a radiance than a sheen.

I saw no zippers, buttons, buckles, fasteners or pockets of any kind, nor did I notice seams as our garments show. It is still a mystery to me how this garment was made.

He wore no ring, watch, or other ornament of any kind. And I saw nothing to indicate, nor did I have a feeling, that he had a weapon of any kind on his person.

His shoes were ox-blood in colour. They too were made of some apparently woven material but different from his suit because these looked much like leather. It was soft and flexible because I could see the movement of his feet within them as we stood talking.

High like a man’s oxford, they fitted closely around his feet, which I would say were about size 9 or 9.5 However, the opening was on the outer side about half way back on the heel between the arch and the back of the heel. Two narrow straps were here, but I saw no buckles or fasteners, and I reasoned that these straps must have the quality of stretching similar to the woven inserts in some women’s shoes.

The heels were slightly lower than on Earth men’s shoes, and the toes were blunt. I noticed his shoes particularly because during our conversation he made it very plain to me that his shoe prints were most important. But more about that later.

Suddenly realising that time was passing and I was getting no information by just looking at him, I asked him where he came from.

He did not seem to understand my words, so I asked him again.

But his only response was a slight shake of the head and an almost apologetic expression on his face, which indicated to me that he was not understanding either my words or the meaning behind them.

I am a firm believer that people who desire to convey messages to one another can do so, even though they neither speak nor understand the other’s language. This can be done through feelings, signs, and above all, by means of telepathy. I had been teaching this as fact for 30 years and now I concluded I would have to use this method if information of any kind was to pass between us. And there were a lot of things I wanted to know, if I could only think of them.

So, to convey the meaning of my first question to him, I began forming, to the best of my ability, a picture of a planet in my mind. At the same time I pointed to the sun, high in the sky.

He understood this, and his expression so indicated.

Then I circled the sun with my finger, indicating the orbit of the planet closest to the sun, and said, ‘Mercury’. I circled it again for the second orbit, and said, ‘Venus’. The third circle I spoke, ‘Earth,’ and indicated the earth upon which we were standing.

I repeated this procedure a second time, all the while keeping as clear a picture of a planet in my mind as I was able to perceive, and this time pointing to myself as belonging to the Earth. Then I indicated him, with a question in my eyes and my mind.

Now he understood perfectly, and smiling broadly he pointed to the sun; made one orbit, made the second, then touching himself with his left hand, he gestured several times with his right index finger toward the second orbit.

I took this to mean that the second planet was his home, so I asked, ‘You mean you come from Venus ?’

This was the third time I had spoken the word ‘Venus ‘in relation to the second planet, and he nodded his head in the affirmative. Then he, too, spoke the word ‘Venus’.

His voice was slightly higher pitched than an adult man’s. Its tonal quality was more that of a young man before his voice completes the change from childhood to maturity. And although he had spoken but one word, there was music in his voice and I wanted to hear more of it.

Next I asked, ‘Why are you coming to Earth ?’

This question too was accompanied with gestures and facial expressions as well as mental pictures, as were all the questions I asked of him. I repeated each question at least twice to be sure that he understood the meaning of the words I was speaking. The expressions of his face and his eyes told me clearly when he understood, or when there was still any uncertainty in his mind as to what I was trying to ask. I also repeated the answers he gave me to be sure that I was understanding him correctly.

He made me understand that their coming was friendly. Also, as he gestured, that they were concerned with radiations going out from Earth.

This I got clearly since there was a considerable amount of radiation of heat waves rising from the desert, as is often the case. Such as the waves that are often seen rising from pavements, and highways on hot days.

He pointed to them and then gestured through space.

I asked if this concern was due to the explosions of our bombs with their resultant vast radio-active clouds ?

He understood this readily and nodded his head in the affirmative.

My next question was whether this was dangerous, and I pictured in my mind a scene of destruction.

To this, too, he nodded his head in the affirmative, but on his face there was no trace of resentment or judgment. His expression was one of understanding, and great compassion; as one would have toward a much loved child who had erred through ignorance and lack of understanding. This feeling appeared to remain with him during the rest of my questions on this subject.

I wanted to know if this was affecting outer space ?

Again a nod of affirmation.

In this respect let me say here, it has long been known by scientists of Earth that the cosmic ray, as it is called, is more powerful in outer space than it is in the Earth’s atmosphere. And if this be true, is it not just as logical to assume that the radioactive force from the bombs being tested by nations of Earth could also become more powerful in space, once leaving the Earth’s atmosphere ? Logical deduction supports the statement of this space man.

But I persisted and wanted to know if it was dangerous to us on Earth as well as affecting things in space ?

He made me understand—by gesturing with his hands to indicate cloud formations from explosions—that after too many such explosions. Yes ! His affirmative nod of the head was very positive and he even spoke the word ‘Yes’ in this instance. The cloud formations were easy to imply with the movement of his hands and arms, but to express the explosions he said, ‘Boom ! Boom !’ Then, further to explain himself, he touched me, then as a little weed growing close by, and next pointed to the Earth itself, and with ,a wide sweep of his hands and other gestures that too many ‘Booms !’ would destroy all of this.

This seemed sufficiently clear, so I changed the subject and asked him if he had come directly from Venus in the ship I had photographed ?

Here he turned around and pointed up behind the nearby low hill.

There, hovering just above the Earth, was the saucer I had seen earlier and thought had left. I had been so engrossed in the man that I had failed to look beyond him into the recesses of the cove to where the small craft had apparently returned and remained hovering all this time.

He was amused at my surprise and laughed a most hearty laugh. But I didn’t feel that he was laughing at me, and consequently I felt no embarrassment,

I laughed with him, and then asked if he had come directly from Venus to Earth in that ?

He shook his head in the negative and made me understand that this craft had been brought into Earth’s atmosphere in a larger ship.

Recalling to mind the large ship we had first seen, I asked if that was the one ?

A nod of affirmation was his reply.

Now in my mind’s picture I put a number of smaller craft— like this one at which I was looking—inside the big ship. I could tell by his expression that he was receiving my mental pictures, and I compared this big craft with our own naval plane carriers.

A nod of his head told me this was right.

So I asked if the large craft might be called a ‘Mother‘ ship ?

He seemed to understand the word ‘mother ‘for now his nod of affirmation was accompanied by an understanding smile.

Next I asked if our ships which had appeared around the ‘Mother’ ship, and those that came down close and observed me as I was photographing his smaller craft had bothered them any ?

To this he answered ‘yes‘ with a nod of his head.

Then I asked, ‘How does your ship operate ? By what power ?’

Although he was very expert in mental telepathy, I had some difficulty in getting a picture of this question in my mind. Even though I gestured with my hands as well as I could, it took me several minutes before I succeeded in getting him to understand the meaning of my question. But I did finally succeed.

He made me understand that it was being operated by the law of attraction and repulsion, by picking up a little pebble or rock and dropping it; then picking it up again and then showing motion.

I in turn, to make sure I understood, picked up two pebbles and placed them close to each other as though one was magnetic, pulling on the other, illustrating it that way as I spoke the word ‘magnetic’. After a short time of doing this, he answered me; even repeating the word ‘magnetic’ which I had already spoken a number of times.

Then he replied ‘yes’.

Here I remembered about the little disks that had so often been reported. This was easy, for I indicated with my hands a small circle, then I pointed to his hovering craft and to him, while in my mind I was wondering if these little disks were piloted.

He quickly understood and shook his head in the negative. Then also making a small circle with his two hands, he raised it to his eyes and then pointed to his ship, followed by a gesture toward space, and I received his thought of the big ship.

I understood this to mean that the little disks often reported sighted were really eyes of larger craft—either the saucers or the mother ships—remotely controlled and not piloted. As I reviewed this in my mind, he assured me J was right.

Then in my mind I saw an explosion in space with a bright flash.

As this picture formed in my mind, he laughed and made me understand that in such cases something had gone wrong with the little disks so they could not be brought back to the ship that had sent them out. Then the control had caused a crosscurrent, or short circuit, to take place. And an explosion resulted. But he assured me that this was always done out far enough so that there was no danger to men on Earth.

Pic. 9

The affidavits vouching for Adamski's meeting with the Venusian, November 20, 1952

Suddenly the thought came to me to ask if he believed in God ?

This he did not understand, for he was not familiar with the word ‘God’. But I finally succeeded in getting the thought in my mind—he was watching me closely—of creating something, and then with the motion of my hand, symbolising the vast sky, the earth and all, and speaking the words ‘Creator of All’.

After a few repetitions of this he understood my thoughts, for I am sure my gestures were not too good.

And he said, ‘yes’.

I realised fully that he naturally wouldn’t understand our names for things and to him God probably would be represented by some other word or name.

But he made me understand, by elaborating a little longer with his gestures and mental pictures, that we on Earth really know very little about this Creator. In other words, our understanding is shallow. Theirs is much broader, and they adhere to the Laws of the Creator instead of laws of materialism as Earth men do. Pointing to himself, then up into space—which I understood meant the planet on which he lived—he conveyed the thought to me that there they live according to the Will of the Creator, not by their own personal will, as we do here on Earth.

I then asked if there were any more landings forthcoming like this one.

He answered me, saying there had been many landings before, and there will be many more.

Are space people coming only from Venus ? Or are there other planets or systems from which they come ? I asked, and here again I had a little difficulty in conveying my thoughts. But I finally succeeded.

To this he made me understand that people are coming Earthwards from other planets in our system, and from planets of other systems beyond ours. I had suspected this for a long time, so his reply was no surprise to me. But now I wanted to know, ‘Is space travelling a common practice with the people of other worlds ? And is it easy ?’

He spoke the word ‘yes’ in answer to both of these questions.

I remembered reports of men being found dead in some saucers that have been found on Earth—saucers that had apparently crashed. So I asked if any of their men had ever died on coming to Earth ?

He nodded his head in the affirmative, and made me understand that things had on occasion gone wrong within their ships.

I could understand this because I knew that both the big ship We had all seen first and the smaller one I had photographed were mechanical craft. And things can go wrong with any mechanical device.

But I wasn’t satisfied. I had a feeling that he was trying to save my feelings, but I wanted the whole truth. So I persisted, and asked whether men of this world had been responsible for any of these deaths ?

His reply to this was ‘yes’, and by holding up his hands several times, as well as with other gestures, he tried to tell me how many.

But I could not get the numbers. I could not be sure whether he was indicating actual numbers, or whether his indications should be multiplied by tens or hundreds, or by what number according to our method of counting.

Remembering a question that had often been asked of me by people with whom I had talked, I asked why they never land in populated places ?

To this he made me understand that there would be a tremendous amount of fear on the part of the people, and probably the visitors would be torn to pieces by the Earth people, if such public landings were attempted.

I understood how right he was, and within my mind wondered if there ever would be a time when such a landing would be safe. I was wondering, too, if such a time ever arrived, would they then attempt public landings.

He read my thoughts as they were passing through my mind, and assured me that such a time would arrive. And when it did, they would make landings in populated territories. But he made me understand clearly that it would not be soon.

In the beginning of our conversation, when I realised that I would have to use my hands for gestures to get this man from Venus to understand my questions, I had set my Kodak on the ground. Now I picked it up and asked him if I could take a picture of him ?

I am sure that he understood my desire, since he was so good at reading my mind. Also I am positive that he knew I would do him no harm because he showed no signs of fear when I picked up the Kodak. Nevertheless, he did object to having his picture taken, and I did not insist.

I have heard many times that men from other worlds are walking the streets of Earth. And if this be true, I could easily understand his desire not to be photographed, because there were a few distinguishing points about his facial features. Normally these would not be noticed. But in a photograph they would be conspicuous and serve as points of identification for his brothers who have come to Earth. However, I respected his desires and felt it unwise to question further on this subject.

But I did ask him if any Earth people had been taken away in space craft.

He smiled broadly, and in half-way manner nodded his head in the affirmative, although I felt that he was not too willing to give that information.

One more question persisted—that of a particular case I knew.

He answered this question for me, but warned me not to mention it further. In fact, I might add right here that he told me a number of things which I must not reveal at this time.

So, changing the subject again, I asked how many other planets are inhabited ?

He indicated that large numbers of them throughout the universe are inhabited by human beings like us.

Then more specifically, I inquired how many in our system ?

He made a large circle with his hand and covered it with a sweeping motion, as if meaning that all of them were.

I wondered whether I understood him correctly, and he made me realise quite firmly that I did.

Naturally my next attempt was to learn if people everywhere are all of the same form as we on Earth.

His response to this question was emphatic, as if he knew exactly what he was talking about, and I understood clearly that the form is very much universal. He tried to explain further, but I could not understand too clearly whether they vary in size, colouring and flesh textures on various planets, or whether there is a mixture on each planet as on Earth. Logical analysis would indicate the likelihood of the latter.

Despite the conclusions of most ‘orthodox‘ scientists it has always seemed to me a fallacy to believe that other planets are not the home of intelligent beings even as is our Earth.

All planets are apparently made out of similar substances. All revolve in the same space. Some are larger, some smaller than others, and all are in varying degrees of development—changing ceaselessly. This is true of all forms, whatever they are, wherever they be.

Reflecting telescopes will never give the full answer. For just as they reflect the light from a planet, they reflect also the particles moving in our atmosphere, and throughout space, and in the atmosphere surrounding the body they are studying.

Until finer devices are developed to filter out all the reflections from the countless moving particles everywhere present, a correct reading of any other body in space will be impossible with a reflecting telescope.

On the other hand, if and when the much-talked-of space platform becomes a reality, I believe actual facts about space will be revealed to our ever-searching scientists, and this will cause the reversal of many theories that today are accepted as facts.

Presence of space craft in our atmosphere, and personal contacts such as the one I have made, prove the old astronomical theories to be wrong. As completely wrong as man’s sailing around the world proved the ancient theory of the Earth being square to be incorrect.

Since there are people on other planets, I wanted to know if they die, as Earth men die ?

He smiled, and remembered a question I had asked earlier, if any of his people had died in coming to Earth ?

So to clear the subject for me, he pointed to his body and nodded in the affirmative—that bodies do die. But pointing to his head, which I assumed to mean his mind, or intelligence, he shook his head in negation, this does not die. And with a motion of his hand, he gave me the impression that this—the intelligence—goes on evolving. Then pointing to himself, he indicated that once he lived here on this Earth: then pointing up into space—but now he is living out there.

I tried to learn the time involved in this type of transition but did not succeed in getting an answer from him. I did receive an impression but cannot say definitely that it is correct since so many thoughts were going through my mind. I could have allowed a slight confusion to enter.

An awareness of time began pressing upon me and there were so many questions I still had not asked him. I was trying to remember them and decide which ones were most important.

One question I wanted very much to ask him was, ‘Is the moon inhabited ?’ I believe it is, and that the people of other planets who indulge in inter-planetary travelling have bases there. My theory about other planets and the atmosphere surrounding them includes the moon. 76

76/ Professor Shapley at Harvard announced the presence of lunar atmosphere in March, 1953.

But I forgot this one. Should I ever get another chance to talk with an inter-planetary traveller, I hope I remember to ask this question.

Nor did I ask him his name. But in a time like this, names and personalities are entirely forgotten. They mean so little and are very unimportant. Perhaps, if I should be privileged to meet him a number of times in the future I might remember to ask his name. Nor would I ask the name of any other inter-planetary traveller I should ever be permitted to contact, if it was in any way similar to this contact. In fact, I didn’t even think of this point until someone later asked me about it.

He, too, must have received an impression that our visit was drawing to a close and that he must return to his waiting ship. For he kept pointing to his feet and talking in a language I surely had never before heard. It sounded like a mixture of Chinese with a tongue that I felt could have sounded like one of the ancient languages spoken here on Earth. I have no way of knowing this as fact. It was only my reaction as I listened, and his voice was indeed musical to listen to.

From his talk and his pointing to his feet, I felt there must be something very important there for me. And as he stepped to one side from the spot where he had been standing, I noticed strange markings from the print of his shoe left in the earth. He looked intently at me to see that I was understanding what he wanted me to do. And as I indicated that I did, and would comply, he stepped carefully on to another and another spot. Thus he made three sets of deep and distinct footmarkings. I believe his shoes must have been especially made for this trip and the markings heavily embossed on the soles to leave such deep imprints.

Then motioning for me to come with him, we turned and walked side-by-side toward the waiting ship.

It was a beautiful small craft, shaped more like a heavy glass bell than a saucer. Yet I could not see through it any more than one can see through the glass bricks that are popular in some of the newer office buildings and homes, which permit more light to enter than would solid walls.

It was translucent and of exquisite colour.

As we approached it, I suddenly became aware of a shadowy form moving within the ship, but there were no definite outlines and I could not say whether it was a man or a woman.

However, that no mistake may be given here, let me say that I definitely do not believe this ship was made of glass such as we know it. It was a specially processed metal. Let me explain it in this way.

Carbon is a soft, opaque, elementary substance. Diamond is a clear, hard stone which radiates prismatic colours in the presence of light—and is almost indestructible. Yet basically a diamond is carbon. Through natural processes of heat and pressure, Nature has transmuted the soft carbon into the hard diamond.

Earth scientists are working with this same principle and are having success to a limited degree.

It is my belief that the men on other planets—more versed in universal laws—have learned and are using these laws for practical purposes. I believe they know how to bring their primary elements from the opaque stage to a translucent stage, yet practically indestructible in hardness, as is the diamond. And it was of such a material that this space craft was made.

And after being so close to one of their small craft as I was to this Scout Ship, it is my firm conviction that it is this quality that makes them so elusive to our eyes and even to cameras, yet showing them on radar screens which require a density of some kind to show up. For I am told by radar operators that lights alone, or light reflections on clouds, do not show on radar screens. Neither do clouds, with the exception of rain clouds and ionised clouds.

Also it is this translucent quality, along with the power they use, that makes them often appear as different coloured lights without definite form.

The ship was hovering above the ground, about a foot or two at the far side from me, and very near to the bank of the hill. But the slope of the hill was such that the front, or that part of it closest to me, was a good six feet above the earth. The three-ball landing gear was half lowered below the edge of the flange that covered them, and I had a feeling this was a precautionary act just in case they had definitely to land. Some of the gusts of wind were pretty strong and caused the ship to wobble at times. When this took place, the sun reflecting on the surface of the ship caused beautiful prismatic rays of light to reflect out from it, as from a smoky diamond.

This was observed, too, by the six others who maintained a steady watch from a distance.

The splendour as it flashed its prismatic colours in the sunlight surpassed every idea I had ever had about space craft. A beautiful vision in actuality. The answer to many questions. A long-cherished hope realised... for here before me, silent in the desert stillness and hovering as if poised for flight, this ship of unearthly construction waited our approach !

The very realisation of the experience I was having overwhelmed me... and I found myself speechless. No longer was I concerned with Earth alone. Rather, it was more like living in two worlds at the same time, and though I should live to be a hundred years of age, or more, I shall never forget the joy and the thrill of my first close approach to a Scout Ship from planet Venus—a sister to Earth.

Nearing the ship, I noticed a round ball at the very top that looked like a heavy lens of some kind. And it glowed. I wondered if this could be used as one end of a magnetic pole to draw their power from space as they were moving through it. In the photographs this ball looks like a large ring, and I have been asked if it was used to hold the smaller craft in place in the mother ship. I doubt this, unless it is suspended in its place in the larger ship through the force of magnetism. This could easily be.

The top of the craft was dome shaped, with a ring of gears or heavy coil built into and encircling the side wall at the base of this domed top. This, too, glowed as though power was going through it.

There were round portholes in the side wall, but not all the way round, because immediately above one of the balls of landing gear I noticed that the wall was solid. Whether this was true over the other two balls I cannot say because I did not walk around the ship. The covered portholes must have been made of a different quality or thickness of material for they were clear and transparent.

And once, for a fleeting second, I saw a beautiful face appear and look out. I felt that whoever was inside was looking for the one who was still out with me, but no word was spoken. The face disappeared so quickly that I caught only a glimpse of it, but I did notice that this person, too, had long hair like the man I had been talking with.

The lower outside portion of the saucer was made like a flange, very shiny yet not smooth as a single piece of metal would appear. It seemed to have layers of a fashion, but they couldn’t be used as steps because they were in reverse to what steps should be. I have no idea of the reason for such construction, but it must have had a purpose.

I was absorbed in observing every detail of this strange and beautiful craft as we neared it, and I wondered just how they were managing to keep it in the hovering state as I saw it.

My space-man companion warned me not to get too close to it and he himself stopped a good foot away from it. But I must have stepped just a little closer than he, for as I turned to speak to him, my right shoulder came slightly under the outer edge of the flange and instantly my arm was jerked up, and almost at the same instant thrown back down against my body. The force was so strong that, although I could still move the arm, I had no feeling in it as I stepped clear of the ship.

My companion was quite distressed about this accident, but he had warned me and I alone was to blame. However, he did assure me that in time it would be all right. Three months later, his words have been proved true for feeling has returned and only an occasional shooting pain as of a deeply-bruised bone returns to remind me of the incident. 78

78/ When Adamski hurt his arm the visitor tried to grab it to save him. In so doing he slightly grazed his own hand on the flange and drew blood—red blood like our own, which seems to discredit any idea that he may have had a different organic system to that of earth men.

At the time I was not so concerned about my arm as I was about the exposed negatives still in the pocket of my jacket on that side. Immediately I reached in and removed them to put them in my other pocket.

As I held them in my hand, this visitor from Venus reached out and indicated that he would like one. Whether or not he realised that the power from his ship might have neutralised the film to a certain extent, I have no way of knowing.

However, at his request, I held the entire stack out to him and he took the top one. This he placed in the front of his blouse, but I still didn’t see any opening or pocket of any kind.

As he did this, he made me understand that he would return the holder to me, but I did not understand how, when, or where.

I asked him if I could take a ride in his ship ?

He shook his head.

Then I asked if I could just go inside to see what it looked like in there.

But, smiling very cordially, he made me understand that would be impossible at this time for he must be going.

I was a little disappointed, but at the same time it gave me, hope that there would be another time and another opportunity.

Since I was not permitted inside the ship I cannot answer all the questions I have been asked about its construction, air conditioning, etc. However, it is my theory that they have solved their space craft construction problems as we have learned to build submarines for underwater travel. I believe space problems and water problems are very similar in respect to travelling through them. Both are fluid. Water is but gases in liquid form. Space is composed of gases in free state.

With a few graceful steps he reached the bank at the back of the ship and stepped up on to the flange. At least that is the way it looked to me. Where the entrance was, or how he went into the ship, I do not know for sure, but as it silently rose and moved away, it turned a little and I saw a small opening about the centre of the flange being closed by what looked like a sliding door.

Also I heard the two occupants talking together, and their voices were as music, but their words I could not understand.

Pic. 13

One of the witnesses, Alice Wells, made this sketch of the visitor while watching the interview through binoculars. It conveys the broad features of his appearance but is far short of doing him justice.

As the ship started moving, I noticed two rings under the flange and a third around the centre disk, this inner ring and the outer one appeared to be revolving clockwise, while the ring between these two moved in a counter clockwise motion.

As I stood in this mountainous recess—a solitary man watching the beautiful Scout Ship glide silently over the crest of the mountains and disappear into space—I felt that a part of me was going with it. For, strange as it may sound, the presence of this inhabitant of Venus was like the warm embrace of great love and understanding wisdom, and with his departure I felt an absence of this warm embrace.

There was an emptiness such as can be compared only with the feelings experienced when a very dear one departs; yet a longing remains for his presence. And to this very day I feel the same emptiness and longing whenever I think of this visitor from another world.

Yet there was and is an inexpressible joy for the privilege I had been given of glimpsing friends from a world beyond this Earth—and the ecstacy of a visit with one of them.

After this small craft had completely disappeared from sight, I hurriedly returned to the footprints my friend had impressed so strongly upon my mind.

As I was walking back to them I noticed that both his footprints and mine were visible as we had walked together toward the hovering ship. But his were deeper in every instance than mine. 77 When I reached the place where he had so deliberately impressed the markings, I picked up some rocks and laid a border around the prints until I could call the others to come and see them, and Dr. Williamson could make casts of them.

77/ As Venusian gravity is less than ours, a Venusian would ‘weigh’ more when on our planet.

I knew he could do this because, being an anthropologist, he was well experienced in such things. And on this trip we had tried to be prepared for any eventuality, even to having along a small package of plaster of Paris.

On my way to the highway to signal the others as we had agreed, I paused momentarily by my telescope to put the Kodak Brownie in the box with the camera belonging to the telescope.

All of them, as they were watching, had seen the small craft as it flashed through the sky on its take-off. But if they had not they would have known something had taken place because of the number of planes circling over the vicinity. And one large B-36 had appeared right over the scene. The noise of these planes was much in contrast to the silent movement of the two types of space craft which we had all just seen.79

79/ The first recorded instance of one of the big mother ships being seen to discharge a formation of ‘Scout Ships‘ was just over two centuries ago at Augermannland, when glowing disks, or balls, or saucers were seen to emerge from a bright tube, or cigar-shaped object high in the sky.

And M. Trecul of L’Academic Francaise observed a small saucer, with a long fiery wake, leave a huge ‘aerial cigar with pointed ends‘ on 20 August 1880.

‘The Disks having been launched from a huge mother ship’. So reads a two-page headline in a lengthy article entitled ‘Flying Saucers from Outer Space’ in look magazine of the first week in October 1953, describing how saucer launchings from the big cigar ships have been clearly observed by radar.

‘At the same time (5.31 a.m., December 6 1952, on a B29 crossing the Gulf of Mexico) Harter caught sight of a huge blip—a half-inch spot on the scope. Amazed, he saw the most fantastic thing of all. Still moving at more that 5,000 miles an hour, the smaller craft merged with the larger machine. Instantly the huge blip began to accelerate. It flashed acrossed Harter’s scope and was gone. The meaning of what they had seen was inescapable. The disks had been launched from a huge mother ship for some type of reconnaissance mission. After the B29 was sighted, one group had been’ diverted for a brief observation. Then, flying at 5,000 m.p.h., they had been taken back aboard the mother ship. It was almost unbelievable. But the radar set had been working perfectly, and the visual confirmation, as Bailey and Ferris saw the machines flash by, was final, absolute proof. Three separate times, saucers had been seen visually where the three radarscopes showed them.’

Excitedly checking their watches, my friends were preparing to start on their way to me when they saw me waving my hat in the prearranged signal. It had been exactly 60 minutes from the time we had separated. And I had told them to wait one hour before coming after me, whether they saw me signalling or not.

Waiting by the roadside until they reached me, I suggested they leave the cars there instead of again driving over those sharp rocks.

I was so excited—although I had not realised it—that I could scarcely talk. They, too, were excited and all began asking questions at the same time. I told them I had talked with the man and he had left footprints. ‘Come on—look at them !’ And that was all I needed to say.

George took the plaster of Paris, a couple of mixing pans and a gallon jug of water out of the car, and together we all walked back up to the footmarkings.

In spite of the rough walking, questions were fired at me from all sides, but I seemed to be in another world. I felt as though I was only moving bodily here on Earth, and my answers to the questions were given in a daze. This feeling of being in two worlds at the same time continued with me for a couple of weeks, and even now when a strong memory of the experience overtakes me, this feeling returns.

Arriving at the spot where the visitor and I had stood talking, and where the footprints were purposely embedded in the earth, everybody gathered around, with various exclamations as all noted the strange markings. Truly, here was a message that would take much work to interpret.

Both the Bettys took photographs of the prints, while Alice, a splendid artist, sketched them, for each print contained different markings. After photographing them, Betty Bailey also made quick sketches of them. To my knowledge, none of these photographs turned out good enough to show anything distinctly.

There was not sufficient plaster of Paris to make casts of all of the prints—there were more than a dozen good ones of the visitor’s steps as he walked from the ship to where we stood talking, and then returned to his ship. So George was able to make only good complete set and two partial sets.

The one good set he took home with him for preservation treatment and careful study. One of the other sets he gave to me, and the third set he took home with him in the hope that some of the symbols would show up plainer in the partial casts, and together he could get more detailed symbols to study.

Since then he has done excellent work on interpreting these symbols from astronomical charts and ancient symbology. So we now have a partial message.

Others, too, have worked independently in an effort to learn the message of the symbols. And while much has been learned, there is still a great deal of work to be done before the full message is known.

I have been asked in this connection, how symbols of another planet could be interpreted here on Earth. The reasoning on which these people have worked has been twofold:

1. That ancient civilisations have lived on Earth whose development and understanding of the Universe in which they lived was far superior to that of man today. Thus their symbols—records of their wisdom—would be of a Universal nature. If, through careful comparison, the symbols in the foot-markings were found to be like those left on Earth by ancient civilisations, a comprehensible message could be worked out.

Pic. 14

Left Foot. Right Foot.

2. Astronomy has its symbols. If any of these were found in the footmarkings, they could be understood as guide posts in space, presently being used by men of other worlds in interplanetary travel. And thus a helpful hand is extended to Earth-men as they turn their thoughts and efforts outwardly toward space travelling.

During all the while the footprints were being photographed, sketched and casts made of them, planes were circling overhead as if trying to see what was going on down there on the ground, narrowing their circling, widening it, and banking as they turned.

I was aware of their presence because their motors resounded in the still desert air, and sometimes a shadow crossed the ground. But I was not interested enough to try to keep count of how many there were at any one time, or during the entire time. My thoughts were more with my recent visitor and his craft.

Several hours were consumed before the excitement had subsided a little and the casts were made and sufficiently dried to wrap and pack for carrying without danger of crumbling or breaking.

George and Al. asked permission to give a report to an Arizona paper and I granted it. They decided to drive to Phoenix since that was the closest large city whose papers would probably have the greatest coverage. They asked me a number of questions to help them in their report, one of which was— ‘How large was the saucer ?’

I answered ‘about 20 feet’ but I was still in that ‘daze’ and did not recall actually noticing how large it was. I had noted the details and not the overall. But to substantiate their report, I gave them a couple of the holders with exposed film in them for the paper to finish and use, if they so desired.

We carried the telescope and other equipment to the highway and packed everything safely in the cars.

After everything was packed and checked for safe riding, and while we were all taking a last long look around this, to us, historical spot, Al. made a marker of rocks and an empty bottle to locate the place again if anyane wanted to come out in the near future to investigate and see the footprints. I made a different type of marking in a bush nearby.

Then we drove to Desert Center for dinner. Probably we appeared as a detached and ‘big-eyed’ group in the little restaurant that evening as we tried to associate such a mundane thing as bodily nourishment with the veritable ‘other-worldly’ experience from which we had just come.

Al. took the speedometer reading on his car and it was exactly 10.2 miles from the place on the highway to the intersection at Desert Center. This was the only accurate mileage reading made that day. Other distances and times were approximations, with two exceptions—the time the large cigar-shaped ship was first sighted, and the sixty minutes I was away from the others, taking photographs and talking with the man from space.

On 24 November the Phoenix Gazette published the report of my contact with the Venusian, along with photographs of the four witnesses who had given them the story. A picture of sketches made of the footmarkings and a very poor photograph of the saucer—the best of those taken at the time and which were in my pocket when I was caught in the power of the craft —accompanied the story.

That report published was true fact, with two exceptions. I am not associated with the staff of the big observatory on top of Mt. Palomar, nor do I own the business at Palomar Gardens. These mistakes have been made many times in the past and I am doing my best to correct them.

Since there were a number of good footprints left in the ground when we left, the two men, Al. and George, suggested that the reporters drive out with them to see the prints for themselves.

This was not done, because the story was accepted as given, and the sketches were proof of their reality. However, let me say here, according to the report given me, the newspaper men did not accept the story as a matter of course. They were first incredulous and tried in every way to break it down and to get some of the witnesses to change their story. One man reminded the women folks of the dangers they were all submitting themselves to if their story was false But all four remained firm on what they had personally seen and the facts as I had told them.

Then excitement gripped the newspaper folks (although caution remained uppermost), and fear that a competitor might get a scoop on them resulted in a truncated version of the story being accepted and published in the Gazette.

Readers were so interested in the story of this contact that every copy of that issue of the paper was quickly snapped up and for some time afterwards the Phoenix Gazette had to turn down requests from people all over the country, who had their money refunded to them.

At home I told a few people of my contact just to get their reaction, but since the photographs I had taken had not turned out well, I had nothing tangible with which to support myself, because I did not want to risk displaying the casts and having them broken. But since I have a number of earlier pictures, and since I have been talking and lecturing on this subject for more than three years, most of the people with whom I discussed the episode did believe my report of this personal contact.

Some expressed fear, some dismay, and others wanted to know when another contact might take place so they could be present and maybe be taken for a trip. These still remain the reactions of the people as I tell them of my experience, even though now I have good photographs and good drawings of the footmarkings with several preliminary but far from complete interpretations of the message contained therein.

Also a story of the contact with pictures of the ship was carried in series by the Oceanside, California, Blade Tribune, a daily paper. This story was written by one of their reporters who made a special trip up to see and interview me. This paper also quickly ran out of all copies of the issue carrying the story.

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Certain students of this subject have asked me if I thought saucers and their occupants might normally be ‘etheric’ in nature or texture, but be able to ‘condense’ and so take on ‘solidarity’ and ‘visibility‘ in Earth’s environment.

This is an involved subject. There are, of course, more things in heaven and earth than we have dreamed of and it never pays to be too arbitrary about those things which as yet we ‘see through a glass darkly’. But for now I am confining myself to a factual accounting of what I actually saw and heard on that memorable 20 November and the texture and substance of both this man and his ship were far from being anything through which you could stick your finger. It was ‘solid’ in the way anything else is solid in our three-dimension world.

‘And if they can live and breathe in our atmosphere, how do they maintain existence in space ?’

These are things they have worked out, just as our own interplanetary societies are now endeavouring to work them out. I believe that later on all these things will be made plain to us. Their mother ships could naturally be the answer to much of this problem, but further comments, discussion and opinion on this technical phase of the phenomena will be reserved for a later and forthcoming book.