Flying Saucers and Sound

Adamski, GeorgeAdamski, George & Leslie, Desmond,

Perhaps the most puzzling feature of the flying saucers is that most of them (with some noisy exceptions, to be discussed later) streak through our skies in complete and utter silence.

A good example of how this strikes people was given by Mr. Saul Pett, a newspaper man with twelve years’ reporting experience, who on 18 July 1952 saw a lovely luminous orb, the apparent size of a penny, glide through the night sky some miles to the south-east of his River Edge, New Jersey, home. He said: ‘Planes make a noise. This object was silent as death. It was moving too fast and too evenly to be a balloon. But I wasn’t frightened at all, because the thing looked so peaceful and so serene. There wasn’t any appearance of menace. 9

9/ Evening Star, Washington, B.C., 22 July 1952.

That is just how many other witnesses have described their feelings. They have been overwhelmed by the beauty, the serenity and the silence.

But how—pray how—can these objects move through the air at speeds varying from a gentle amble up to twenty-three times that of sound without causing some kind of commotion—a commotion which, by all the rules, should discomfort every eardrum within miles ? That is the distressing, perplexing thing about these saucers. They potter along from the speed of an old car, to rates many times greater than that of the Earth’s rotation without a murmur.

Everyone who has heard jet aircraft in flight will know from painful experience that they shatter the placid air into a thousand screaming knife-edged fragments. The jet is a noisy thing; a crude, a boisterous thing; a thing of sheer brute force; nothing more; brute force concentrated to the limit of physical endurance. And brute force, by its very brutality, is limited to the speed at which it can push things through the physical atmosphere.

But saucers have been seen to travel silently beyond this limit —with what conclusion ? That the forces involved are not brutal; are not material in the physical sense; that they know no barriers, just as the radio wave knows no barriers but can penetrate air and solid wall with little loss of power.

To suggest that matter exists in higher states than the gaseous was high heresy until radio waves were discovered. And, today, to suggest that matter exists in states even less tangible than the known radiations, is to risk a round drubbing from the Pulpit of Physics which, like its medieval counterpart, knows best what is good for men to believe, and is swift on the scene with a bell, book and candle against any threat to What’s What.

‘There are no unknown powers," the kind technician-physicist assures us from behind his stockade of test-tubes and instruments. To which one asks, humbly, how then did the Egyptians, the Persians, the Chaldeans, the Aryans and other ancient races attain to such high knowledge, and sustain their great civilisations, not for centuries, but for thousands of years, if the whole premise on which they built was ignorant superstition ? How did they achieve such feats of building and science—some of which cannot be duplicated today—if the subtle forces they knew and controlled and described in their copious records never existed ?

‘There are no subtle forces,’ says the well-educated expert.

Then, please tell us by what magic art works your radio set, your television receiver; what solid, tangible, obvious known material force makes it possible for a comedian entertaining the studio staff in one place to bore simultaneously a family watching in another ? By what magic does this marvel come about ?

‘By electricity—radio waves,’ comes the reply, not quite in such simple words—but in phrases resounding in high technical vocabulary, backed up with elaborate diagrams said to show why it all works. Far from showing the cause, these merely demonstrate a few incidental effects. But— ‘It works by electricity.’

In the name of All Hallowed Humbug, will someone tell us just what is electricity ? Is it something you can go into a shop and order by the half pound; or is it just one of the demonstrable effects of a further force behind what we call electricity ? The ancient scientists (so scorned by the moderns who never troubled to study them) found it to be the latter; and this power behind electricity they named fohat, which they represented by the Fiery Serpent, the Eternal Dragon; and its sub-divisions, by the Serpent of Seven Heads.

Which conveys (with meditation) more to the intuitive than talk about vibrating atoms, quivers in the ether, tiny particles of something intangible bouncing about like billiard balls. ‘What ?’ —’ What is electricity ?’

Let he who says he knows be dubbed ‘liar’ and stood in the pillory as a lesson to all spreaders of fantasy.

Is electricity anything of itself, or merely one of the effects, like magnetism, of causes still beyond our ken ? The builders of the first ‘luminous bodies’ to fly through space claimed they knew and could control the Fiery Dragon, and the ‘savages’ who built the great serpent mounds of Ohio were wiser in their generation than the white-coated mass of modern research workers, who think they will ultimately pierce the veil with their physical senses. For let us face the sober truth—with all our remarkable progress, we are no nearer to answering what it is than we were when we first discovered that certain metals and chemicals in a jar induced a weak electric current. We have performed many wonders; we have measured and catalogued countless variations and improvements on the original electric jar; we have found a thousand ways by which this force can be utilised and controlled, but we came no nearer to the answer till Madame Curie discovered radium and opened the gate to a second aspect of the Seven Headed Serpent, the Mystic Fire of the Alchemist, of which the current that lights our homes, and the force of the atom bomb, are two of the manifest results.

Physical Science is a science of ‘hows’ and ‘whats’ — how this makes that happen; what does what to which. Arcane science is little interested in detail and incidental trivia, but seeks ever to penetrate upwards towards the ultimate, absolute why. When this is grasped—however imperfectly—the details will take care of themselves. Find the outline before filling in the frills. The secrets of the Cosmos can be gained only by reaching for its heart, not by examining small fragments of its outermost skin under powerful microscopes which, allegorically speaking, is all that happens in our laboratories.

Physicists think (those who really think) that ultimately a time must come when they shall have measured in all fullness the depths and the heights and the breadth of the observable worlds. 10 A library the size of the world they may need to contain it, but slowly and inevitably they will come up against the remorseless solid of a wall; a ring called ‘Pass-not’ beyond which thought, if confined to its present limitations, cannot continue. In vain will they search the wall’s unyielding surface for signs of the answer, but they shall not find it written there.

10/ The attitude of thinking that we know everything is not quite so prevalent today as it was at the beginning of this century, when even people like Rutherford calmly remarked that ‘nearly all the major discoveries of Science have now been made’. Many an idol has, fallen since then.

Suicide in the laboratories ? Falls from high places ? Professional chairs standing empty ? 1 think not. Nothing has ever toppled the ‘Expert’ from his throne, nor shaken orthodoxy in its pulpit. They can prove successively that black is white, and white is green, but their flocks shall never desert them. Successive towers of Babel arise, each pointing to heaven in totally opposite directions, until the joke has gone far enough. Then comes a Divine Chortle—Olympian laughter rolls down from above, toppling the structures back to dust. How long shall it go on, how often must it be repeated, till God makes a god out of man despite himself ? But there is hope.

Each year fresh evidence is thrust beneath the myopic spectacles of the savants. Each year the gate to knowledge of the states beyond matter is forced wider until, unwillingly, the white-coated hordes will be pushed through it, with much lamentation, as their discarded theories settle gracefully in the wastepaper basket. In the meanwhile let them concentrate on producing bigger, better hydrogen bombs and reach the supreme limit of sheer brute force, as opposed to subtle power.

Now in order to sustain the physicist on this throne of infallibility it is necessary to preserve certain illusions. Of these perhaps the most deliberate, is to rear young minds to believe, without hesitation or suspicion, that we have the privilege to be members of the most enlightened and progressive humanity that has ever adorned this long-suffering planet. So it comes as a rather painful shock to any who rashly peruse the more ancient literature of races that perished tens of thousand years ago, to find a strong suggestion that there existed previously, not one but several humanities greater, wiser, more moral, and more advanced in certain aspects of natural science, than ourselves. Their buildings, like their thoughts, have defied time. Their books -such as have survived translation—cause one to pause and wonder A glance at the Laws of Manu is enough to make our civilisation seem like a mechanical jungle The Chaldean books of astronomy make Hoyle and Jeans seem old-fashioned. And in the rolling Stanzas of Dzyan 11 (translated into Sanskrit and old Chinese from a still earlier tongue) one catches, as far as the modern ear trained to cacophany can catch anything so profound, an echo of the Music of the Spheres, reducing one’s intellectual pride to ground level as it senses the presence of giants—giants in spirit and in mind. We call ours ‘the Age of Light’. According to the ‘Vishnu Puranus ‘of’ prehistoric’ India, ours is ‘Kali Yug’, or the ‘Age of Darkness’; and some bitingly adept prophecies are made concerning it, each of which has come bitterly true.

11/ A recently discovered ancient Kabbahstic manuscript, translated by Professor Scholem in Jerusalem has turned out to be an early hebraic version of the ‘Dzyan’.

Now what, in the name of this Age of Darkness and Superstition, has all this got to do with flying saucers ? And how is a delve into archaic languages going to solve and shed light on the problem of their subtle power ?

I think it has a lot to do with it.

When you stand out of doors do you hear radio waves whizzing in with the speed of light ?

I do not think anyone has ever heard them. And yet, by turning a knob in my room I can happily pick up programmes and speeches from different parts of the world and, even more blissfully, turn them off again. I have never seen nor heard anything in between the studio and my radio receiver. Yet there must be something connecting the two or my receiver would be unable to receive. I admire the skill with which the maker has assembled this miraculous instrument, and admire him for not going mad as the awful omnipresent ‘why’ stirred uglily in his mind.

But possibly it did not stir. He knew what would happen if he connected which tubes to what wires. And it all happened, just as the book said. So he went home happily to bed, and slept undisturbed by these wonderful anxieties. Would that I could share his innocent peace of mind ! Unfortunately I cannot. Radio to me is a complete mystery. I have asked experts how it works and they have told me what sort of mechanical processes go on inside the box, but none of them have told me ‘why’. I can only try to tell myself. And myself keeps telling me, repeatedly murmuring the words ‘subtle forces’.

So naturally I felt a humble filial affection for the authors of the archaic documents, when J came across similar ideas more explicitly and conclusively stated.

In 1951 some remarkable photos appeared in the weekly magazine Illustrated showing tables, chairs and furniture flying in the air and careering around a fully lighted room, to the apparent hazard of the occupants who were dodging out of the way as quickly as possible, lest they got hurt by a levitating chaise-longue. There was no doubt as to the pictures being genuine; many such phenomena are on record. The fact that I have never personally witnessed such a performance is no grounds for denying it. Likewise it would be foolish to reject all evidence of objects (living as well as dead) that have from time to time apparently defied the laws of gravity and sailed up into the air.

Especially gravity; about which we know little, except that what goes up must usually come down. Newton put this more explicitly, but threw no light on the nature of this terrestrial magnetic force, any more than today’s Newtons can throw light on magnetism in general. As we know so remarkably little about magnetic currents, either induced or planetary, it is safe to assume that there are—not necessarily exceptions—but conditions under which the rules are broken, so far as our limited knowledge understands those rules. 12

12/ We still cannot explain to a schoolboy who rubs glass with silk how it is that the glass becomes positively charged and the silk negatively. We think we have transferred negative electricity (whatever that may be) to the silk; but we could equally well have transferred positive electricity to the glass. Whatever happens, the fundamental question as to why this should occur remains completely unanswered.

The explanations given with other experiments when heavy furniture moves into the air without tangible support, is that -’spirit hands’ are at work. Call them ‘spirit hands’ if you like, but would it not be safer to say that a second force opposite to the earth’s magnetic pull has temporarily been brought into action ?

And what brings these other forces into action ?

By all that one can see it appears to be activated by that little known force called the Human Will.

Experiments with sensitive apparatus have proved what the Sanskrit and Sensar writers always knew, that the human brain emits electric currents, that thought is, or causes, an electric impulse. However, the ancient writers go further. They seem to think that this brain current is very, very powerful. If not the actual current emitted by the brain, the current it can induce in Surrounding objects is powerful enough to raise huge rocks in the air. The button that starts a great machine is weak enough in its thrust (one finger-power to be precise) but look what it can do. The mighty bridges that open, the liners that cross the ocean, the high-speed lifts of a skyscraper are all started by one little finge pushing one little button. Suppose now that the tiny impulses in the brain if properly directed could harmonise (get the correct wavelength) with much greater forces. What would be the result ? Subtle control of mind over matter. Not brute force such as steam pulleys, nuclear explosions, but subtle control, a thousand times more powerful and efficient.

The stones of the Great Pyramid’s central chamber, weighing seventy tons each and brought hundreds of miles, Stonehenge, the colossal stones of South American ruins, the great monolithic gate of Tiahuanaco—why use such colossal, unmovable stones when smaller ones would have done just as well ? How were the fifteen-ton polished casing stones of the Great Pyramid fitted to an accuracy of plus or minus one hundredth part of an inch without modern machinery ? How were they fitted at all, for that matter ?

Let us not start to probe too deep here yet, lest our minds be drawn to the awful possibility of a race whose civilisation might make our own look like a slum for backward children. Let us leave the Great Pyramid in Egypt, where it has remained for tens of thousands of years and where it will remain for tens of thousands of years after the last vestiges of New York and London have crumbled to dust, and come back to the question of things that appear to defy gravity.

Saint Teresa of Avila, according to Miss V. Sackville-West’s interesting biography 13 (valuable as coming from a non-Catholic and impartial source) tells us that she used frequently to rise in the air, and levitate at the most inconvenient moments. On one occasion this happened during the visit of a neighbouring abbess, and St. Teresa, from a point near the ceiling, was overheard to chide the Almighty in no uncertain terms for making a spectacle of her. In this she was unfair to blame her Creator for a phenomenon that arose only from the undirected power of her own colossal intellect. By accident she had hit off the ‘wave length’ that causes opposite forces to the earth’s magnetism to come into play, and the result was, quite rightly, according to the superb logic on which the mighty Universe is built, that she sailed upwards until the ceiling arrested further progress. I quote St. Teresa as a possibly better known version of this occurrence, although many other examples are on record. Possibly the most interesting is the case of St. Joseph of Copertino, a seventeenth century Italian monk, who could not only levitate at will, but also, sometimes carried passengers and freight into the bargain. On one occasion the friar was seen to pick up a heavy, wooden monumental cross, which ten workmen had failed to manage, and fly it several yards to its appointed resting place. The Calendar of the Saints makes interesting reading in the history of flight-without-wings, for it lists just on two hundred saints more or less adept in this amazing form of transport.

13/ ‘The Eagle and the Dove.’

Professor W. J. Crawford published the results and findings of some sixty-seven experiments in levitation under strict laboratory conditions in which tables, chairs, book-cases, and living human beings were raised in the air and moved silently round the room. 14 And some good pictures were taken by Mr. Leon Isaacs showing furniture levitation during the experiments described by Mr. Harry Edwards. 15 Now what has St. Teresa got to do with flying saucers ? St. Teresa and the furniture moved silently and without any signs of visible or audible power.

14/ W. J. Crawford,, The Reality of Psychic Phenomena.

15/ H. Edwards, The Mediumship of Jack W. Webber.

Do I then suggest that flying saucers are moved silently through space by the colossal wills of their inventors and builders ? Not necessarily. But I do believe it would be possible. I say not necessarily because voluntary levitation, according to those who have succeeded with it, is a very strenuous operation. So the mental force required for propelling a space ship over White Sands Testing Ground at 18,000 m.p.h. would give even the greatest of beings a headache. And yet I say it would be possible, but not for us mortals.

There was a tradition among the Egyptian Magi that the sign of a true priest was his ability to fly in the air, or to levitate, at Will. By this feat alone was he to be known and recognised as a true scientist of the Ancient Wisdom.

From South America come strangely coinciding legends; not legends originated by the present natives, but tales bequeathed them by earlier, greater races who disappeared leaving behind those splendid monuments, without explanation or apology.

According to the legends:

‘In the olden days everyone could fly... Everything was so light, great stones could be moved .. .’

‘In the old days men could fly by singing a song and striking a plate. 16

16/ Harold T. Wilkins, Secret Cities of South America, 1940, and Mysteries of Ancient South America, 1950.

Do the first two echo anything concerning levitation ? Do they not suggest a forgotten race who had mastered gravity ?

What about the third ?

A properly pitched note can break a mirror. Is it beyond the realms of possibility that if sound were completely understood in all its seven aspects it might be harmonised to the electrical magnetic forces that produce levitation ? After all, we have already succeeded in ‘harmonising’ it with radio waves and made it travel with the speed of light instead of the lumbering speed of a jet plane, and our grandfathers would have had us certified if we had even hinted at the possibility. So why cannot sound be harnessed, or transformed into further unknown forces ?

What is this ‘Word of Power’ we keep coming across in the ancient writings, this mighty ‘sound’ known only to the Adepts and Initiates, before which all matter bowed; a ‘sound’ which reaches its mystic apex in the ‘Fiat Lux’, ‘Let there be light, and there was light.’ 17 The Word of God which causes things to be ? We find it in every ancient race and scripture. The Popul Vuh, the South American Quiche ‘bible’, says: ‘Then came the word... Let the emptiness be filled, let the waters (primal matter) recede and make a void. Let the Earth appear and become solid... Let there be light... ! Earth ! they said and instantly it was made. 18

17/ Genesis I.

18/ Goetz and Morley, Popul Vuh.

Some ancient tablets found in Mexico read: ‘The first intellectual command was: "Let the gases which are scattered throughout space be collected together, and with them let worlds be formed ! Then the gases were brought together into whirling circulating masses (nebulae)".

‘The second intellectual command was: "Let the outside gases be separated, so that they form the atmosphere and the water ".’ 19

19/ Jas. Churchward, The Cosmic Forces of Mu.

In both we see the word, command, or cosmic vibration as the cause of each new manifestation; seven in all, corresponding to the seven ‘days’ of Genesis.

The sacred Stanzas of Dzyan, 20 said to be of Atlantean origin, contains the same idea at the beginning of Stanza 3.

20/ Stanzas of Dzyan as given in The Sacred Dostrine, Vol 1 (Adyar Edn.).

‘The last vibration of the seventh Eternity thrills through Infinitude.... The vibration sweeps along, touching with its swift wing the whole Universe.... Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the waters, into the Mother-Deep (Space).’

‘... The luminous egg... curdles and spreads in milk-white curds (nebulae) throughout the depths.’

In this brief abstract formula we see a clear hint as to how a new nebula comes into being, from a vibration uttered on a higher plane to the ‘milk white curds’ we see today in space through our strong telescopes. 21

21/ ‘Everything we call’matter is not material matter at all but radiant energy.’ (Sir James Jeans.)

How did the ancients know about nebulae, solar systems and the rest ? And what have they to do with flying saucers ? The Popul Vuh says: ‘They (the first race of men) were able to know all, and they examined the four corners, the four points of the arch of the sky and the round face of the earth.’ St. John describes the Creator, in the beginning of the manifest universe, as a ‘sound’.

‘In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. 22

22/ John I.

This sublime but now lost knowledge of the ‘Word’—the ‘Tau’ of the Egyptians, and ‘Aum’ of India, and ‘J.H.V.H.’ of the Kabbalist has now degenerated down to pantomimes like: ‘Open Sesame’ and the party conjuror’s: ‘Abracadabra’. But even in their debasement these are memories of the sonic power which could, when uttered in divine, or in properly developed human minds, cause solid atoms to form, and worlds to appear out of primal chaos.

How very confused and lost it now is. And it is liable to become even more so in the noise and jangle of our civilisation. For this mystic word is uttered in the silence of the mind. One must be very quiet inwardly if one is to sense its faintest echo. And uttered in the perfect controlled silence of a developed mind I believe it will do many strange things—move tables in the air for the benefit of photographers—lay fifteen-ton blocks micro-accurately in place on pyramids.

Move flying saucers ? Perhaps.

Can you see, in imagination, a highly developed being in his space vehicle uttering the correct vibration which will make the propelling forces obey and thrust him through the void towards our atmosphere ? And then on entering this, our ocean of air, whose nature he perfectly understands, utter a second vibration that will smooth out and completely neutralise all the jagged rending disharmony of a solid body being thrust through by sheer brute force ? But he is not using brute force. He understands air and all its hidden properties. As a result he respects it. He uses gentle harmonious forces that do not push and shove and heave and rend, but part it smoothly, with courtesy and scientific good manners. And when we have won a little more true knowledge we may be able to do likewise; at the moment we have only learned how to kick things out of the way.