The Flying Saucer Review

Adamski, GeorgeAdamski, George & Leslie, Desmond,

I said earlier that never a day goes by without a saucer, or several saucers, being seen and reported. Let me, then, present as final testimony a typical month; in this case April 1952; and some of the flying saucers that brought interest to its thirty days.

For the compiling of this report the credit goes entirely to Mr. Elliot Rockmore, of New York, who edits The Flying Saucer Review. Instead of paying for copies, readers may contribute the saucer cuttings and information of which it is composed, thereby building up an invaluable library of reference for present and future research workers. Mr. Rockmore uses the address of P.O.B. 148, Wall Street Station, New York 3, New York, to which anyone who wishes to help may send him clippings.

Instead of beginning, as I promised, at 1 April, I shall commence at 30 March. Why ? Merely because there was a saucer of unusual interest sighted that day at:

3.0 p.m. Greenfield, Massachusetts. 42.5° Latitude, 72.5° Longitude.

A noise like a wind was heard overhead. Then a bright, silvery object, apparent size, smaller than the moon, descended at great speed, and stopped in the air at an approximate altitude of 1,500 feet. It appeared to be a large rotating ring, apparent diameter thirty feet, with the sky visible through the centre. After several seconds, it turned on edge, and appeared to be composed of two separate four-foot wide rings, five feet apart. It then raced on edge across the sky to the south-west, turned over into a flat position, moved toward a nearby mountain, while following the earth’s contours. On arrival at the mountain, it banked, hovered for a second, then rose at tremendous speed skyward and disappeared.


Boston Traveller, 5 May. 8

8/ An identical object or ‘flying doughnut’ hovered over Cherbourg, rance, on 12 January 1836.

1 April. 7.30 a.m. Gulf of Mexico:

200 miles south of Lake Charles City, La. An object resembling an airplane fell into the sea; observed by ship’s look-out on the s.s.

Esso Bermuda. A search by two coastguard cutters and PBY plane for several hours found ‘no wreckage anywhere’ and a check of all military and civilian airports showed that no aircraft was missing.

New Orleans States, 1 April;

Lake Charles American, 2 April.

1 April. 1.00 to 1.45 p.m. Stocton, Kansas. 39.5° Latitude, 49.25° Longitude.

A very bright, metallic globe or disk, at very great height, which either hovered stationary, or moved very slowly in the south-west sky, as clouds occasionally obscured it. Observed by a group of persons, described as fairly reputable by the local newspaper, who believed it was not being played an April fool joke.

Salinas Journal, 5 April;

Rooks County Record, 3 April.

2 April. 8.40 p.m. Austin, Texas. 30.5° Latitude, 97.75° Longitude.

One reddish, luminous, spherical object, at great height, crossed sky from south to north with a speed greater than a jet plane.

Houston, Texas. 30° Latitude, 95° Longitude.

Fiery, spherical object with a long trail, noiselessly crossed sky in a horizontal path, from south to north, within fifteen seconds.

Fort Worth, Texas. 33° Latitude, 97° Longitude.

A fiery, spherical object crossed sky in a flat path, within fifteen seconds. Observed by an amateur astronomer who said it was not a meteor, and by two Convair aviation engineers who said that it could not have been an airplane because of its silence.

Wichita Falls, Texas. 34° Latitude, 98.5° Longitude.

A fiery object, trailed by a bluish light, noiselessly crossed sky.

Dallas, Texas, 33° Latitude, 96.75° Longitude.

One fiery, yellowish-orange, spherical object crossed the sky from southwest, to directly overhead, to north-east.

Longview, Texas. 32.5° Latitude, 94.75° Longitude.

Same object observed.

Durant, Oklahoma, 34° Latitude, 96.5° Longitude.

A fiery red, spherical object trailing sparks crossed the sky.

Near Kiowa, Oklahoma. 34° Latitude, 96° Longitude.

One bright scarlet object that appeared to be two separate pieces, or spheres, close together, crossed the sky at a speed slightly faster than a kite.

Macalester News Capitol, 2, 10, 11 April;
Austin Statesman, 3 April;
Houston Post, 3 April;
Fort Worth Star Telegram, 3, 4 April;

Wichita Falls News, 3 April.

3. April. Morning. Benson, Arizona. 37° Latitude, 110° Longitude.

Very clear, cloudless blue sky. A very bright, silvery, wingless oval or egg-shaped object, apparent size five times greater than a B29 bomber, hovered motionless for an hour. Upon examination from an open cockpit of an airplane at 14,000 feet, it appeared to be 40,000 feet higher, and did not resemble a balloon, nor any aerial object in the pilot’s twenty-five years’ aviation experience.

Observed by a Marana Air Base owner, one cadet, one flight instructor, and two civilian flight commanders, three of whom were veterans of several years of overseas flying in World War II.

Bisabee Daily Review, 4 April;
Nogales Herald, 4 April;
Phoenix Gazette, 4 April;

San Diego Union, 4 April.

4 April. 10.30 p.m. Near Hammond, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

Clear sky, excellent visibility. A shimmering, green light, resembling an airplane light, appeared in southern sky, and noiselessly headed northwards towards observer. It slowly turned orange-amber in colour and, when nearly overhead, its tail appeared to be _ sparkling. It then turned sharply west, stopped short suddenly, and went directly back along the same path, and became reddish, and oval in shape. When it reached the original area of first observation in southern sky, it headed for the horizon, turning first amber, then green, and finally a silver white.


Vancouver Sun, 1 May.

5 April. About Noontime. Dallas, Texas. 33° Latitude, 96.75° Longitude.

A fluttering object at high altitude, crossed part of sky with great speed in less than six seconds. Observed by a Navy Lieutenant Commander.

Dallas Morning News, 6, 7 April;

El Paso Times, 7 April.

7 April. 4.40 a.m. Racine, Wisconsin. 42.75° Latitude, 87.75° Longitude.

One fiery, spherical, phosphorescent green object, trailed by a short streamer of red and yellow flames, crossed the sky with great speed, and disappeared over the south-west horizon.


Racine Journal Times, 7, 8 April.

7 April. Evening. Portland, Oregon. 45.5° Latitude, 122.75° Longitude.

(a) Unknown object appeared to rise into sky. It did not resemble any type of aircraft.

(b) A bright green, meteor-like object crossed sky, and apparently exploded into white sparks, in south-western sky.

(c) Three bright lights in formation (each much brighter than a star), each carrying a green light, at approximate altitude of 10,000 feet, slowly crossed sky travelling south-west.


Oregonian, 8, 9 April.

9 April. 2.35 p.m. Pensacola, Florida. 30.5° Latitude, 87.25° Longitude.

An object, resembling an airplane trailed by smoke, crossed sky, then another object appeared falling from sky. A short time later a heavy explosion was heard. A tremendous explosion in the sky shook the entire city, breaking several windows, ceiling plaster in some houses, shook store goods off shelves, and nearly knocked down some workers on the city piers. A hot seven-inch cone-shaped piece of metal was found near an oak tree by three children ten minutes afterwards, and they thought it might have fallen from the sky. However, examination of the tree and nearby area found no scorched or damaged wood or other fragments, and examination by the Navy laboratories found it was a sulphur compound to seal joints. It was theorized that it might have fallen from a truck carrying it on a nearby street. The Navy stated that no jet planes were in flight at the time, and no aircraft were known to be in danger, or missing, and that the Eglin A.F. proving grounds forty miles away were not testing explosives at the time.

Pensacola News, 10, 11, 12 April;

Pensacola Journal, 11 April.

9 April. 3.5 p.m. Pintado, New Mexico. 35° Latitude, 105° Longitude.

An aluminium-coloured object resembling a bow-tie, approximate altitude 5,000 feet, appeared to somersault as it crossed the sky at a speed greater than a jet plane, travelling westward.

Albuquerque Journal, 10 April;

New Mexican, 10 April.

11 April. Afternoon. Temiskaming, Ontario. 47.5° Latitude, 80° Longitude.

Six disk-like objects followed by vapour trails, noiselessly drove up and down in the sky. They did not resemble conventional airplanes.


North Bay Nuggett, 19 April.

11 April. 8.3 p.m. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 40° Latitude, 76.25° Longitude.

Saucer-like object seen in the sky.


Richmond News Leader, 12 March.

11 April, 8.0 p.m. Near Hammond, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

A bright light similar to those seen previously in this area was observed again.


Vancouver Sun, 1 May.

11 April. 11.30 to 11.45 p.m. Near Ithaca, New York. 42.5° Latitude, 76.5° Longitude.

One bright, self-luminous, flickering, reddish, orange object apparent size of an eraser at armlength, slowly rose from southern horizon to the centre of the sky in fifteen seconds. It moved steadily to the south, then the southwest, becoming a deep red. Observed by a college instructor, and college students.


Ithaca Journal, 12 April.

12 April. 8.30 p.m. North Bay, Ontario. 46.5° Latitude, 79.5° Longitude.

One bright amber disk-like object came from the south-west, crossed over airfield, stopped in mid-air, and then reversed direction and rose into the sky with terrific speed at a thirty degrees angle. Observed by a flight sergeant, and by an airman with thirteen years in the Air Force.

Montreal Gazette, 16 April;

Ottawa Journal, 16 April.

12 April. 9.30 p.m. Winchester, Virginia. 39.25° Latitude, 79.25° Longitude.

One hazy orange, spherical object, apparent size eight inches, with sparks coming from its rough circular edge, and followed by a one-foot hazy orange trail, observed in southern sky. It appeared to revolve at great speed, as it apparently crossed the sky at tree-top level, in a horizontal path (not falling).


Phoenix Republic; Winchester Evening Star, 14 April.

13 April. Central Norway.

Disk-like object flew in the sky for thirty minutes. Observed by three persons.

New York Sunday News, 8 June;

New York Journal American, 8 June.

13 April. 9.30 to 10.0 p.m. Cleveland, Ohio. 41.75° Latitude, 81.75° Longitude.

One disk-like object, brilliant on top, shaded or indefinitely shaped on the bottom, with a bluish-violet flare in the rear, seen at a 3,000-foot altitude. It faded slowly as though moving to the south-west, but did not manœuvre, just vibrated slightly. Observed by an airline radio operator, and fellow airline workers in the operations room.


Cleveland Press, 18 April

14 April. Anchorage, Alaska. 61.5° Latitude, 150° Longitude.

One huge disk-like object slowly crossed over the sky in thirty minutes. Observed by a dozen persons, including one with binoculars.


Fairbanks News Miner, 17 April.

15 April. 11.40 p.m. Phoenix, Arizona. 33.5° Latitude, 112° Longitude.

A fiery green, spherical object, apparent size of sun, crossed the south-western sky.


Arizona Republic, 17 April.

15 April. Detroit, Michigan. 42.5° Latitude, 83° Longitude.

Bright objects giving off a reddish glow, appeared to ‘float’ over city.

16 April. Morning. Haliburton, Ontario, Canada. 45° Latitude, 78.5° Longitude.

Clear sky. Two silvery streak-like objects, one directly behind the other, performed complex manœuvres for five minutes. Observer was sure one was being towed by the other, or that the second one followed precisely behind the first one.


Toronto Daily Star, 17 April.

16 April. 3.30 p.m. North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 46.25° Latitude, 79.25° Longitude.

A light flashed in the sky, and an object left a thin, white vapour trail. Observer said there was a jet plane in the sky, but that this object was definitely not a jet.


North Bay Nugget, 18 April.

16 April. 7.0 p.m. Nome, Alaska. 64.5° Latitude, 166° Longitude.

Three vapour trails crossed the sky, and were or were not seen on radar, according to different newspaper versions.

No identification was made in April, but in a 14 July news-’ paper release they were described as Russian aircraft.

Life Magazine, 28 April;
New York Times, 18 April;

Nome Nuggett, 21 April.

16 April. 7.14 to 7.30 p.m. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 43.25° Latitude, 80° Longitude.

One huge, revolving, brownish ringlike object with a clear or dark centre (resembling a bicycle tyre on its side) stayed in the sky for four minutes. It changed colour to a bright, bluish-white ring, and moved toward Niagara Falls. Another report stated that it was a cigar-shaped object of the same colour as the sky, with brownish edges, making it appear to be without a centre.

Hamilton Spectator, 17 April;

Toronto Star, 16 April.

16 April. 7.48 to 7.50 p.m. Baldwin, Long Island, New York. 43.75° Latitude, 73.5° Longitude.

One small, bright white light, followed by a larger reddish light at lower altitude, noiselessly crossed the sky horizontally from north to south in two minutes. Observed and timed by four children.


Newsday, 17 April.

16 April. 10.0 p.m. San Jose, California. 37.25° Latitude, 122° Longitude.

Two glowing globular objects appeared hovering together in the sky. Under examination by a 45-power telescope, they were two reddish glowing globes with a dark belt around each, moving up and down in the sky without horizontal movement. They appeared between Mars and Polaris, but were not stars, since they covered the stars when they moved near them. Two photographs were taken, and one showed an irregular twin track in the sky, that might have been caused by two luminous objects moving close together. Observed by five people, including an amateur astronomer.


San Jose Mercury News, 24 April.

17 April. Morning. Williamsport, Pennsylvania. 41.25° Latitude, 11° Longitude.

An object resembling a ‘big block of silver’ crossed through the sky, followed reports of vapour trails on the previous day.


Williamsport Sun, 17 April.

17 April. Morning, Scarboro, Ontario, Canada. 43.75° Latitude, 79.25° Longitude.

A fiery spherical object, trailing black smoke, raced down from the sky over a lake. A short time later a puff of smoke drifted over the lake. A one-and-a-half hour search by two Toronto lifesaver boats found no debris, and no aircraft were known missing. Observed by several local residents, including one former was veteran who ‘recognised’ it as resembling a burning airplane. It was later theorised to have been a jet plane trail of one that had taken off before it was seen.

Toronto Daily Star, 18 April;

Toronto Telegram, 17 April.

17 April. Morning. Coban, Guatemala. 50.5° Latitude, 90.5° Longitude.

One small, luminous object leaving a vapour trail, crossed the sky.


New York Journal American, 17 April.

17 April. 11.0 a.m. North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 46.25° Latitude, 79.25° Longitude.

One white circular object at great height, left a vapour trail as it noiselessly crossed the sky from west to east with great speed.


North Bay Nuggett, 17 April.

17 April. Noontime. Nellis Air Base, Near Las Vegas, Nev. 36.25° Latitude, 115° Longitude.

Eighteen circular, dull-white objects in irregular formation, approximate altitude 40,000 feet, apparent speed 1,200 miles per hour, crossed northern sky in thirty seconds, headed eastward. One object on the right of the formation appeared to zig-zag as it flew with them. Air base officials stated no balloons had been released that day, and no planes were known to be in flight. Observed by an Air Force T/Sgt.

Muncie Evening Press, 18 April;

Philadelphia Bulletin.

17 April. 2.30 p.m. Muncie, Indiana. 40.5° Latitude, 85.25° Longitude.

Cloudless sky. A small cloud was mushrooming upward in eastern sky. A short time later, a large silvery cylinder (resembling a guided missile) suddenly shot skyward, and was followed by an explosion. Since the explosion appeared to be in the vicinity of the nearby Dayton Air Force base, the observer thought it might be a jet plane explosion, but no aircraft were missing or damaged.


Muncie Star, 18, 19, 21, 24 April.

17 April. 10.0 p.m. North Bay, Ontario, 46.25° Latitude, 79.25° Longitude.

A glowing multi-coloured spherical object swooped and climbed at high speed for some time. Observed by two groups of persons in two different areas, who gave the report with some details.


North Bay Nuggett, 18 April.

18 April. 4.0 a.m. Corner Brook, Newfoundland.

One yellowish, spherical object circled town twice, and then sped off towards the north-west.


Quebec Chronicle Telegraph, 19 April.

18 April. 7.0 a.m. Montreal, Quebec. 46.75° Latitude, 71.25° Longitude.

A very shiny, mirror-like object crossed the sky in a straight line, becoming smaller and smaller until disappearing after twenty seconds.


Montreal Gazette, 19 April.

18 April. Daytime. Near Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada. 45.5° Latitude, 74.5° Longitude.

Two objects resembling jet planes barely visible at great height, left vapour trails as they crossed the sky. A loud explosion was heard, and after this only a vapour trail was visible. R.C.A.F. officials in nearby airports stated no airplanes were known to be missing.


Toronto Daily Star, 18 April.

18 April. Afternoon. Brooks Range (Mountains), Alaska. 67° Latitude.

Several vapour trails sighted in the sky. Air Force called them unexplained and gave no further information.


Fairbanks News Miner, 19 April.

18 April. Southern Jutland, Denmark. 55° Latitude.

Several saucer-like objects seen.


New York News from Copenhagen. Aftenbladet.

19 April. 11.30 a.m. Near Hammond, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

Clear, cloudless sky. One bluish, spherical object appeared to shimmer as it hovered in the sky.


Vancouver Sun, 1 May.

19 April. Night. San Diego, California. 37.25° Latitude, 122° Longitude.

A series of heavy explosions were heard and felt throughout city. Search by police found neither wreckage or damage, and they theorized it was caused by supersonic shock of jet planes passing through the sound barrier.


San Diego Union, 20 April.

19 April. 10.30 p.m. Toronto, Ontario. 43.5° Latitude. 79.5° Longitude.

Fifty to sixty self-luminous, pale orange objects in V formation, at great height, noiselessly crossed thirty degrees of the sky (1/6) at great speed, within six seconds.


Toronto Globe and Mail, 20 April.

20 April. 10.0 a.m. London, Ontario, Canada. 43° Latitude, 81.25° Longitude.

A dark cylindrical object leaving a vapour trail, approximate altitude 40,000 feet, crossed the sky with tremendous speed, from north to south. Two P51 Mustang fighters attempted to intercept it, but were unable to reach its height or catch up with it. The squadron leader stated it could not have been an airplane, and estimated its speed between 1,000 and 2,000 m.p.h. It was later theorised to have been a Canberra jet bomber carrying officials to Omaha, Nebraska, although the maximum speed of a Canberra is 600-650 m.p.h. under the best conditions. Observed by thousands of persons.

10.12 a.m. Detroit, Michigan. 42.5° Latitude, 83° Longitude.

Some vapour trail observed in the sky twelve minutes later.

Toronto Globe and Mail, 21 April;

Toronto Daily Star, 21 April.

20 April. Wingham, Ontario, Canada. 44° Latitude, 81.25° Longitude.

Object with a ball of fire in its tail observed in the sky.


Toronto Star, 21 April.

20 April. 6.40 to 7.0 p.m. Los Angeles, California. 34° Latitude. 118.25° Longitude.

Strange object seen in northwestern sky. Under examination through binoculars, it was a glowing wing-like object resembling a sharply-pointed star, and when seen sideways, had a sharply-pointed rudder. It dived, climbed, hovered, and manœuvred noiselessly for twenty minutes before disappearing over the horizon. Observed by an aviation tool designer and Air Force veteran, and two others.

21 April. 10.0 a.m. Hammond, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

Fiery, spherical object crossed the sky from south to north.


Vancouver Sun, I May.

21 April. Night. Molson, Manitoba. 50° Latitude, 96.25° Longitude.

A bright, sparkling, disk-like object, changed colour rapidly in the sky.


Toronto Daily Star,

23 April. 8.26 p.m. Tuxedo, Manitoba, Canada.

One small, self-luminous, circular object changed colour from yellow to orange as it crossed the sky at great speed.

10.5 p.m. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ontario. 50° Latitude, 97.25° Longitude.

One self-luminous, green light, at low altitude, slowly became red, then yellow, at it crossed the sky.

10.15 p.m. Winnipeg.

One bright, star-like object, apparently at great height, slowly crossed the sky headed northward, then suddenly stopped, and reversed its movement almost exactly along its former path.

Winnipeg Free Press, 23 April;

Toronto Daily Star, 23 April.

23 April. 5.0 p.m. Forth Worth, Texas, 32.75° Latitude, 91.5° Longitude.

Approximately fifty pinkish or brownish glowing objects with wings crossed the sky in formation. Observed by a newspaper reporter.


Son Antonio Evening News, 24 April.

23 April. 10.10 p.m. Bradford, Pennsylvania. 42.5° Latitude, 79.75° Longitude.

A bright red object or flash of light with a trail of flame crossed the sky.


Bradford Era, 25 April.

23 April. 8.2 p.m. Austin, Texas. 30.5° Latitude, 97.75° Longitude.

Three formations of about fifty pinkish objects, with a bright spot on front, and a sparkling effect at the back, crossed the sky at a speed apparently greater than a flight of birds. Observed by a college student and ten others, including a communications engineer who stated that the sun was about a thousand miles below the horizon at the time of observation; so, if objects were reflecting the sunlight, they must have been 40,000 feet high and travelling 5,000 m.p.h. A sergeant stated that they appeared to be seagulls at 100-foot altitude, that reflected the city’s neon lights.


Oklahoma City Times, 25 April.

23 April. 10.0 p.m. Reno, Nevada, 39.5° Latitude, 119.75° Longitude.

One fiery green, spherical object followed by a les brilliant small green tail, appeared to be headed directly for earth in the south.


Reno Evening Gazette, 24 April.

24 April. 8.20 p.m. Austin, Texas. 30.5° Latitude, 91.75° Longitude.

One orange, glowing, circular object sped across the sky travelling due west.


Austin American, 25 April.

24 April. 9.0 p.m. Austin, Texas. 30.5° Latitude, 97.75° Longitude.

One silvery object crossed the sky with great speed, headed south-westward.


Austin American, 25 April.

24 April Night. Austin. 30.5° Latitude, 97.75° Longitude.

One reddish object at great height crossed the sky at a speed greater than an airplane, from south to north. Observed by a former submarine look-out, and an aircraft spotter.


Austin American, 25 April.

24 April. Night. Austin. 30.5° Latitude, 97.75° Longitude.

Several reddish, glowing objects in formation, travelling at great speed, crossed the sky from south to north. A second group of bluish objects, also in formation, travelling at great speed, also crossed the sky from south to north. Observed by six persons.

Austin American, 25 April;

Austin Statesman, 25 April.

24 April. 7.30 p.m. Near Vancouver, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

A V formation of orange objects with a bluish glow at the rear, and with a second V formation behind and inside the first one, came from the south at a ‘terrific’ speed, then shot upward, and disappeared.

Vancouver Sun, 1 May;

Toronto Daily Star, 1 May.

24 April. 9.30 p.m. Near Spokane, Washington. 47.5° Latitude, 117.5° Longitude.

A bright, rocket-like object, emitting or followed by brilliant red, green and yellow flames, lit up the sky as it raced towards Spokane, and disappeared. Observed by an air policeman and three other airmen.


Spokane Chronicle, 25 April.

24 April. Night. Regina, Saskatchewan. 50.5° Latitude, 104.5° Longitude.

One disk-like object, with a tail like a kite, observed in the sky. It hovered for a few seconds, then shot out spurts of fire, and moved across the sky, headed southwesterly.


Toronto Daily Star, 26 April.

24 April. Ottawa, Ontario. 45.5° Latitude, 75.75° Longitude.

One trowel-shaped object with a dark tail travelling at great speed, crossed the north-eastern sky.


Toronto Daily Star, 25 April.

25 April. Moorhead, Minnesota. 47° Latitude, 96.75° Longitude.

Five orange and red disk-like objects in a V formation crossed the sky, moving north-westward. Observed by nine children.


New York World Telegram and Sun, 25 April.

26 April. Daytime. Near Lake Wilcox, Ontario.

One bright, hazy circular object hovered in the sky, then suddenly raced across the sky from south to north at great speed within six seconds. It turned on its side while in flight, and appeared flat.


Toronto Daily Star, 26 April.

26 April. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 43° Latitude, 88° Longitude.

Five disk-like objects seen.


Frank Edwards Radio Programme at 10.0 p.m. W.O.R., 29 April.

26 April. Night. Moorhead, Minnesota. 47° Latitude, 96.75° Longitude.

Five glowing, circular objects in V formation crossed the sky, moving north-westerly. Observed by a policeman and five other adults.


Minneapolis Tribune, 29 April.

26 April. 11.30 p.m. Brockton, Massachusetts. 42° Latitude, 71° Longitude.

An explosion was heard, then a bright light resembling a flare fell toward the earth in the south. Observed by seven persons.


Massachusetts Newspaper.

27 April. 9.30 p.m. Near Manchester, Michigan. 42.25° Latitude, 84° Longitude.

One bright, phosphorescent green disklike object with a tail, at very great altitude, apparent speed twice a jet plane, crossed the sky in level flight, then dived over the horizon. Observed by a business agent, with engineer training, and his wife.


Ann Arbor News, 28 April.

27 April. 10.0 p.m. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 42.25° Latitude, 83.75° Longitude.

One brilliant blue-green object trailed by greenish sparks falling from it, crossed the sky with great speed, from north to south.


Ann Arbor News, 29 April.

27 April. Night. North Auckland, New Zealand. 38° Latitude, 177° Longitude.

Saucer-like object observed.


Sydney Sun and Guardian (Australia), 4 May.

28 April. 4.20 a.m. Vancouver, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

One amber-coloured sphere appeared to bounce or rise and fall in the sky, then moved toward the east. It came back over the same course, and disappeared. It returned a third time, appearing slightly lighter, and moved away toward the south-west.


Vancouver Sun, 2 May.

28 April. 6.5 p.m. Over Lake Tanwax, Pierce County, Wash. 47° Latitude, 122° Longitude.

A loud humming noise was heard in the sky. Then about ten dark, disk-like objects crossed part of the sky from west to east, then suddenly turned and headed northwards, disappearing within three seconds. source: 

Seattle Port Intelligence, 30 April.

28 April. 11.0 to 11.5 p.m. San Jose, California. 37.25° Latitude, 122° Longitude.

One luminous object hovered in the sky for five minutes.


San Jose Mercury News, 30 April.

29 April. Morning. Vancouver, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

Same amber-coloured sphere seen.


Vancouver Sun, 1 May.

29 April. Morning. Singapore, Malay States. 2° Latitude, 104° Longitude.

A silver, cigar-shaped object resembling a rocket, and spouting white smoke at intervals, crossed the sky and disappeared after its largest puff of smoke. No jet aircraft in flight at the time, and no weather balloons were in flight. Morning. Johore Bohore Bahru, Malay States (20 miles north). Some cigar-shaped object seen.

Toronto Daily Star, 30 April;

Oklahoman, 30 April.

29 April. 8.0 p.m. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 42.25° Latitude, 88.75° Longitude.

Two reddish-silver trails were observed in the sky. Theorised to be vapour trails left by P84 jet planes on a routine flight, that had been coloured red by the setting sun.

8.0 p.m. Ypsilanti, Michigan. 42.25° Latitude, 83.5° Longitude.

Same reddish trails observed

8.0 p.m. Toledo, Ohio. 42.25° Latitude, 83.5° Longitude.

Same reddish trails observed.

Ann Arbor News, 30 April;

Ypsilanti Daily Press, 30 April.

29 April. 9.55 p.m. Near Albuquerque. 35° Latitude, 106.5° Longitude.

One bright green, spherical object turned a bright orange as it crossed the northern sky in several seconds, heading north-westerly.


Albuquerque Journal, 30 April.

30 April. 2.0 a.m. Rouyn, Quebec. 46° Latitude, 79° Longitude.

A reddish object, crescent-shaped on one side, pear-shaped on the other, observed in the sky. Disappeared in two minutes.


Rouyn Norand Press, 1 May.

30 April. Morning. Hudson River, Near North Bergen, New Jersey. 45° Latitude, 74° Longitude.

Object resembling an airplane appeared to fall into the river. Search by police helicopter could not find any wreckage, and search was abandoned in the afternoon.


New York Times, 1 May.

30 April. 8.32 a.m. Tijeras Canyon, near Albuquerque, N.M. 35° Latitude, 106.5° Longitude.

One small, silvery, disk-like object hovered two minutes in the sky, in a horizontal position underneath a cloud. It slowly tilted up in a vertical direction, and then slowly moved northward, and apparently disappeared into a cloud. It was not luminous, but reflected sunlight when it tilted. It was observed by the associate professor of journalism of New Mexico University, who stated it appeared to be in the same area at approximately the same time as a similar object he had seen in the summer of 1948.


Albuquerque Tribune, 30 April.

30 April. 10.20 p.m. Vancouver, British Columbia. 49° Latitude, 123° Longitude.

One bluish, circular object, apparently twice the size of a bright star, changed to a cone-like object, as it disappeared in the south-west.


Vancouver Sun, 2 May, 1952.

1 May. 9.15 p.m. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 43.5° Latitude, 79.5° Longitude.

Three bluish-green objects observed in the sky.


Canadian Radio Station CKRN, not printed in papers.

1 May. 9.22 p.m. Ottawa, Canada. 45.5° Latitude, 75.75° Longitude.

One huge, disk-like object, surrounded with a silvery-blue or pale green halo, and followed by a silvery or white light, noiselessly curved across the sky at a tremendous speed, from south-east to north-west in less than sixty seconds. Observed by two persons in two different areas in the city, who called a newspaper and gave separate but very similar accounts.

9.22 p.m. Near Alfred, Ontario, Canada. 45.5° Latitude, 75° Longitude.

Some brilliant, pale green, nearly square-shaped object fell toward earth for twenty seconds, then very sharply curved upwards as it crossed the sky from south-east to northwest, at approximately 1,000 m.p.h. Observed by a graduate psychologist of Ottawa University, who stated that he observed it from a side view, and that (a) its turning circle was too small for a jet plane, (b) that it could not have been a car searchlight, since the entire countryside was dark, and (c) it was definitely not a hallucination, but an actual happening.


Ottawa Journal, 2, 10 May 1952.

1 May. 9.40 p.m. Portland, Maine. 43.75° Latitude, 70.25° Longitude.

An object resembling an extremely bright star, revolved in the south-east sky, as it showed a white light, then a green light, and then a red light at intervals. Under examination through binoculars, it was also moving horizontally, and finally disappeared behind a house. Examination of the sky located five more similar revolving ‘pinwheel’ objects that also appeared to revolve, but these did not move horizontally. Observed by a family of three. Head of family was a retired weather forecaster.


Portland Evening Express, 2 May.

So now perhaps the reader will understand why we cannot ive every case of flying saucers on the books since June 1947. ‘here simply is not room.