Windfill Church Scene of Strange Phenomenon Tues

Tribune de Kokomo (Indiana), Wednesday, January 21, 1931
s1Clark, J. E.: "strange light, Indiana, 1931", Magonia Exchange, 27 mai 2007

Windfall, Ind., Jan. 20 - (Tribune Special) - A strange phenomenon, which observers are at a loss to account for, appeared Tuesday evening [January 20], at the Methodist church, where revival services are in progress under the direction of the Rev. George Henninger of Indianapolis.

While the audience was awaiting the appearance of the choir at the opening of the services, a light flashed over the heads of the people, moving in a north to south direction across the auditorium. The body was described as resembling a comet in appearance and movement, the light being of a blue cast. It affected in no way the electric lights in the church.

Members of the congregation were admittedly awed and extremely puzzled by the phenomenon which was the subject of much questioning.

It is said the strange sight was observed by scores whose eyes were fixed on the front of the church. Only a few who were looking in other directions missed seeing it.

While the origin of the strange light is not known, it may be a recurrence of St. Elmo's fire, a phenomenon which motorists on U.S. Highway 31, reported seeing Monday night.