Clark, J.: "mystery airplane, North Atlantic, 1927", Magonia Exchange, 9 août 2007

London, June 1 (UP) – Captain Bone of the Cunard Liner Transylvania, in reply to a message asking him about the report that his vessel had sighted an airplane 500 miles from the Azores Islands, says that Monday night [May 30] two observers saw a light in the sky, which was believed to be an airplane.

When questioned about the report last night, the air ministry was unable to throw any light on the subject, and there was no information to be had concerning the presence of airplanes so far out at sea.

Captain Bone's radio message reads:

"On May 30, 11 P.M. (Greenwich mean time), a night clear, wind light easterly, latitude 43.47, longitude 32.39, a lookout in the crow's nest reported a light in the sky low above the southern horizon, considered to be an airplane.

"The officer on watch on the bridge didn't see the light from the lesser altitude, sent Cadet King aloft with binocular. King states he observed a light in the sky moving eastward. It was first observed flying low, but rose to greater altitude and disappeared in an easterly direction.

"The light was observed by two witnesses in a period of 10 or 12 minutes. Ships [sic] officers knew of no transatlantic flight and the conjecture is, it was a naval plane maneuvering in connection with fleet exercises."