Airship at Portage

Free Press de Winnipeg, Thursday, March 25, 1915
s1 Clark, J.: "airships, Manitoba, 1915", Magonia Exchange, 2008-07-31

Strange Visitor Flies Over the City at Night Time.

Portage la Prairie, Man. , March 24. - An airship of some description was seen over Portage last night, according to reports of several citizens, whose veracity cannot be questioned. The airship was seen at several places, and several times during the evening. The first time was about 9.30 and the last about 11.30. The buzzing from the engine was quite plainly discernible and two lights were carried, one at the front of the machine and one at the rear. The machine was first seen north of the city and it was last seen heading south. This was at 11.30 last night.

Even reports come from the country districts today, that moving lights were seen last night, and George Guay, a real estate agent of the city, says that he watched the lights for some time, and was positive it was some kind of an airship.