A Phantom Train

Daily News de St. John's (Newfoundland),
s1Benedict, W. Ritchie < Clark, J. E.: "phantom train, Newfoundland, 1907", Magonia Exchange, 14 février 2008

About two weeks ago, according to the story of a prominent clergyman and several others, a phantom train passed through Clarke's Beach just at nightfall. The train was seen by the clergyman going at fairly good speed passing the station at Clarke's Beach. Soon after he asked the agent about the train that had gone through and as to its destination. The agent replied that no train had passed, nor was one expected, but the former persisted in saying that he had seen one. He stated he not only saw it the train but heard the vibrations of the engine and saw several people on board. Soon after the story was made known and others of the place corroborated the story as to seeing the train at the time mentioned by the clergyman. The train hands who run over that section of the road are somewhat "queered" over the story told.