Ghostly Signals at Woburn

Times de Ottawa (Ontario),
s1Benedict, W. Ritchie < Clark, J. E.: "phantom train, Massachusetts, 1870", Magonia Exchange, 2008-02-14

The Boston papers publish the following as a strange but well authenticated story:

The engineer of the freight train on the Boston and Lowell railroad, which leaves Boston about 3 o'clock in the morning, has on several occasions discovered a red light swinging at a furious rate at the Woburn station, where the train stops for water. The light would sometimes be in the front and sometimes in the rear of the train. When the engineer would stop his train and questioned some one to learn why the signal to stop was made, the messenger would be greatly surprised to see the light vanish. Investigation has proved that no person was there with a lantern, and the brakes man and conductor concur, also, in having beheld the phenomenon, which, so far as is known, is without visible cause. Some laborers living on the line of the above station state that a few mornings since they were coming down the road on a hand-car, when they suddenly heard the approach of the engine and train, and knowing that no train was due in the vicinity at that hour, they became greatly frightened, and, jumping out of the car, threw it off the track to await the train which they thought was coming at a rapid pace upon them, but which, it is needless to say, did not come. The superstitious regard the affair as a forewarning of some disaster, while the spiritualists have the ready theory that it is the spirit of a man who was killed there some two years ago.