Virtual Telecommunications Access Method.


API de communication avec des périphériques électroniques.


VTAM est une partie de SNA which in turn became part of the more comprehensive SAA. As the computer industry turned to open standard architectures, IBM began to deemphasize its proprietary architectures in favor of becoming a participant and leader in developing open standard architectures. However, most of its customer base retains a large investment in legacy applications and system skills based on VTAM, SNA, and SAA.

VTAM's interface consists of "macro instructions" that set up connection control blocks and then do SENDs to devices and either synchronous or asynchronous READs from them. Typically, programs written in Common Business Oriented Language, PL/1, and assembler language use VTAM to communicate with interactive devices and their users. Programs that use VTAM macro instructions are generally exchanging text strings (for example, online forms and the user's form input) and the most common interactive device used with VTAM programs was the 3270 Information Display System.



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