Dan Throop Smith, Jr.

Smith s1"About Dan T. Smith", StarPod US, 2011-06
Dan Smith

Fils de Dan Throop Smith (1907-1982, conseiller en fiscalité du Département du Trésor sous Dwight D. EisenhowerDwight D. Eisenhower) s2Sullivan, Ronald: "Dan T. Smith Dies; Tax Policy Expert", The NewYork Times, 1982-06-02.

Dans les années 1980s Smith commence à s'intéresser à ce que saurait le gouvernement US sur les phénomènes paranormaux. Dans les années 1990 il rejoint Rosemary Ellen Guily (célèbre paranormaliste) dans une enquête sur les cercles de cultures.

Shortly after Smith began looking into government complicity in a cover-up of an eschatological phenomena problem, he was introduced to a CIA analyst named Ron Pandolfi.

Smith and Ron Pandolfi have been friends ever since, and Smith often blogs about the latest gossip passed on to him by Pandolfi.

Smith has shared numerous communications with Pandolfi and some of his associates, like Dr. Kit GreenChristopher Canfield Green, another former CIA analyst.

en , Pandolfi shared Green’s communications with Smith, to facilitate spreading the information to investigators.

s3Ryan: "Dan Smith – Who’s That?", Top Secret Writers, 2009-04-26.