A Comparative Analytical and Observational Study of North American Databases on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Teodorani, MassimoTeodorani, Massimo, novembre 2009

Databases concerning UAP sightings are analyzed in depth through the examination of three specific samples describing anomalous events reported in the last 60 years in the confining US states of New York and Connecticut and the Canadian province of Ontario. Temporal, spatial and typological analysis of these data show that UAP databases, though not explaining the intrinsic nature of the reported phenomenon, are able to demonstrate its existence whatever its nature may be, and to show quite clearly the way in which the witness perceives it in the same way at different locations both in terms of time intervals and in terms of the sighted shapes. Long-term temporal analysis demonstrates that the time-frequency of reported sightings is directly correlated with the evolution of communications technology and anti-correlated with the secular decrease of Earth’s magnetic field, but also that throughout the general trend some really anomalous residual does emerge in the form of transient “flaps” that are intrinsic to the UAP phenomenon. A work hypothesis is discussed concerning an additional reason why mankind of the technological age tends to report a much higher number of UAP sightings than in the ancient past. Spatial analysis, excluding any connection of the location of their occurrence with magnetic and gravimetric anomalies, shows that the geographical frequency of UAP sightings is strictly correlated with the population number but also that, once a statistical pondered evaluation is done, a real spatial recurrence does exist and is circumscribed to specific areas. Astrometric analysis shows that UAP sightings tend to be reported more frequently when moonlight is low and very often when planetary conjunctions are visible. An explorative and instrumented mission to some locations of Ontario is described, where the testimony of a suspect sighting and the registration of apparently anomalous VLF and ELF data are presented and discussed in detail. Scientific methodology concerning the instrumental monitoring and measurements on the field is discussed throughout the text.


  1. Working on UAP databases
  2. Temporal analyses
  3. UAP sightings and the geomagnetic field
  4. UAP sightings, the Moon and planetary conjunctions
  5. Spatial analyses
  6. Typological analysis
  7. Conclusive remarks on obtained results
  8. Instrumental verifications on site: mission to Ontario
  9. Conclusions