Enemy Attack and UFO Potential

Kramer, William M. & Bahme, Charles W.: Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control, 2nd edition, 1992, Chapitre 13, pp. 439-471,

Kramer, William M. & Bahme, Charles W.: Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control, Fire Engineering Books & Videos, 2nd edition, 1992, Chapitre 13, pp. 439-471

Few Residents of the United States, except for those in Hawaii, have experienced an enemy attack on their hometown in this century; some think they have. The Great Los Angeles Air Raid of February 26, 1942, began at 2:25 A.M. when the US Army announced the approach of hostile aircraft and the cities air raid warning system went into effect for the first time in World War II. "Suddenly the night was rent by sirens. Searchlights began to sweep the sky. Minutes later gun crews at Army forts along the coast line began pumping the first of 1,433 rounds of ack-ack into the moonlight. Thousands of volunteer air raid wardens tumbled from their beds and grabbed their boots and helmets. Citizens awakened to the screech of sirens and, heedless of the blackout warning, began snapping on their lights . . . The din continued for two hours. Finally the guns fell silent. The enemy, evidently, had been routed. Los Angeles began to taste the exhilaration of its first military victory. " s1Smith. Iack. "The Night L.A. Bombed.", Los Angeles Times, September 9, 1975, Part 1, p. I .