Les relations fonctionnelles entre les acides aminés libres et les pigments de chlorophylle (Figure 4)

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Fig. 4. Functional relationships between the sum of amino-acids concentrations (EpsilonAA Ser + Asp+ Asn +Glu +Thr+ Pro+ Ile+ Leu+ Phe + Try + X1 + X2 + X5)
and the sum of chlorophyll pigments (Chl.A + Chl.B normal and oxidized forms) + Pheophytins + chlorophyllids + Protochlorophyllids).
A = normal relation: 0 = D + 730 series; box= distance 10 m at D + 40; hollow triangle distance 1.5 m at D + 4. solid triangle= distance 15 m at D + 15.
B = exposed points at D + 40: solid upside-down triangle point at epicenter of U.E. The axis line (-·-) on Fig. 5B indicates the position of the normal regression.

First suggested by Jain (1966), were pointed out both in dicotyledones and monocotyledones (Bounias, 1972; 1973; 1975), following experiments conducted in controlled artificial conditions in growth chambers.

A detailed analysis of the biochemical content of samples collected at D+ 730, show these functional relationships to be found again (Figure 4A).

This means that the deviations observed in the range of the natural variability do respect normal physiological law, despite uncontrolled (field) conditions.

Plotting the same parameters from samples collected at D+ 40 surprisingly led to a completely reversed relation (Figure 4B).

It is noteworthy that not only the points situated far from the epicenter at D+ 15 and D+ 40 are situated well on the normal curve, but also the point corresponding to the epicenter at D+ 40 clearly fits the same curve. The correlation being y = -2.11x + 11.56, for x = 1.9, the theoretical value for y (amino acids) is 7.55, whereas the observed value is 6.91 (i.e., a 8.5% deviation). This point is however situated at the extreme part (i.e., the lower chlorophyll concentrations and the higher amino acids ones).

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