- Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14. (Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio: ATIC, 1955).
- Karl R. Popper, Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (New York: Harper & Row, 1963).
Procedural Aspects
- Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, ed. Mimi Hynek (Evanston: CUFOS, 1975).
- Fred Merritt, ''A Preliminary Classification of some UFOs Based on Shape and Imprint Pattern," Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, ed. Nancy Dornbos (Evanston: CUFOS, 1976), pp. 183–195.
- Michael A. Persinger and G.F. Lafreniere, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events (Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1977).
- Claude Poher, "Etudes Statistique Portant Sur 1000 Temoignages d'Observation d'UFO,'' unpublished and distributed privately.
- UFOCAT is the acronym for the catalogue of UFO reports kept in a computer file by the Center for UFO Studies. For a description, see The UFOCAT Codebook by David R. Saunders (Evanston: CUFOS, 1977).
- Private communication with Fred Merritt (CUFOS).
- Charles Lockwood (ed.), Vehicle Interference Project Report (Newchapel: BUFORA, 1979).
A Chronology of Certain EM Events
- Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 (New York: by the author, 1967).
- Saucer News (December 1962), p. 11.
- Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour, Flying Saucers are Hostile (New York: Award Books, 1967), pp. 52–53.
- Coral Lorenzen and Jim Lorenzen, UFOs, The Whole Story (New York: Signet, 1969), p. 62.
- Vicente Juan Ballester-Olmos, A Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal (Evanston: CUFOS, 1976), pp. 44–45.
- Fred Merritt, "Statistical Notes on the UFO Phenomenon," CUFOS Bulletin (Winter, 1977/78), pp. 1–5, 8-11.
- Case report available from CUFOS.
- Andrew Schopick, unpublished, untitled manuscript on EM cases (available from CUFOS).
EM Event Characteristics
- For example, compare to a figure of 48% single witness cases, 52% multiple witnesses, for trace cases (Phillips, op. cit., p. 119).
- Jacques Vallee, "Analysis of 8,260 UFO Sightings," Flying Saucer Review XIV (May/June 1968), pp. 9–11.
- J. Allen Hynek, ''The Duration of UFO Events," CUFOS Bulletin (Summer, 1979), pp. 3–8.
- Stanley Singer, The Nature of Ball Lightning (New York: Plenum Press, 1971), p. 63.
- Phillips, op. cit., p. 117.
- Ibid.
- Vicente Juan Ballester-Olmos, Ovnis: El-Fen�meno Aterrizaje (Barcelona: Plaza & Janes, 1978).
- Michael A. Persinger, "Possible Infrequent Geophysical Sources of Close UFO Encounters: Expected Physical and Behavioral-Biological Effects," UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist, ed. Richard F. Haines (Metuchen, New Jerseh: Scarecrow Press, 1979), pp. 396-433.
- Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1979), p. 246.
- David R. Saunders, "A Spatio-Temporal Invariant for Major UFO Waves," Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, ed. Nancy Dornbos (Evanston: CUFOS, 1976), p. 231-233.
- Hendry, op. cit., pp. 254–258.
Time of Day of the EM Event
- Claude Poher and Jacques Vallee, "Basic Patterns in UFO Observations," AIAA Paper 75–44, January 1975.
- Jacques Vallee, "The Pattern Behind the UFO Landings," The Humanoids, ed. Charles Bowen (London: Neville Spearman, 1969), pp. 71–73.
- Donald S. Berry, "Traffic Characteristics," Traffic Engineering Handbook, ed. John E. Baerwald (Washington, D.C.: Institute of Traffic Engineers, 1976).
- Norman J. Meyerhoff, Spectral Analysis of the Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Motor Vehicle Fatal Traffic Accidents, U.S. Dept. of Transportation-TSC-NHTSA-77-2 (Springfield, Virginia: 1977), pp. 10–11.
- Clarkson Oglesby and Laurence Hewes, Highway Engineering (2nd ed.; New York: Wiley & Sons, 1963), P. 186.
- Louis J. Pignataro, Traffic Engineering Theory and Practice(Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973), p. 158.
- Berry, op. cit.
- University of Colorado, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects (New York: Bantam, 1968), p. 226.
- Persinger, op. cit.
- Accident Facts. 1979 Edition (Chicago: National Safety Council, 1979), pp. 50–55.
- Mark Rodeghier, "A Statistical Analysis of UFO Electromagnetic Interference Events," Pursuit, XII (Winter, 1979), p. 6.
- L.A. Foldvary, "Road Accident Involvement per Miles Traveled-IV," Accident Analysis and Prevention, XI (June, 1979), pp. 75–99.
- Ronald M. Westrum, "Witnesses of UFOs and Other Anomalies," UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist, ed. Richard Haines (Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1979), pp. 101–102.
- U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (Automobile Occupancy), Report No. 1, April 1972.
- Ibid.
- Westrum, op. cit., p. 108.
EM Effect
- Original case report from Blue Book records (made available through CUFOS).
- Keith Basterfield, "Imagery: Can We Explain Certain Close Encounters with the UFO Phenomena?" from UFOCON 5, held by ACUFOS (Gosford, NSW, Australia, 1980).
- Lockwood, op. cit., p. 101.
- University of Colorado, op. cit., pp. 380–385.
- F.C. Gillespie, "Likely Effects of UFOs on Magnetic Signatures," ACOS Bulletin.
- Brinsley Le Poer Trench, The Flying Saucer Story (New York: Ace Books, 1966), pp. 114–116.
- Private communication with Jerold R. Johnson.
- Persinger, op. cit.
- Allan Hendry, "UFO Newsfront," Frontiers of Science, III (March-April, 1981), pp. 15–16.
- Philip J. Klass, UFOs: Identified (New York: Random House, 1968).
- Persinger, op. cit., p. 410.
- James McCampbell, "UFO Interference with Automobile Electrical Systems, Part 1: Headlights," Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, ed. Nancy Dornbos (Evanston: CUFOS, 1976), pp. 164–182.
- Donald A. Johnson, "The Effects of Position and Distance in UFO Ignition Interference Cases," The Journal of UFO Studies, 111, 1980 (in press).
- Merritt, "A Preliminary Classification of some UFOs Based on Shape and Imprint Pattern," pp. 183–195.
Pattern Analysis
- Richard H. Hall (ed.), The UFO Evidence (Washington, D.C.: NICAP, 1964), p. 152.
- Jacques Vallee, "The Pattern Behind the UFO Landings," pp. 68–71.
- Guy Vanackeren and Francis Windey, "A Study of Physiological Effects," SOBEPS News, No. 3 (May, 1976), pp. 35–41.
Summary and Conclusions
- Fred Merritt, "Report Attributes Related to Object Size in Physical Trace Cases," unpublished and available through CUFOS.
- Ibid.
- Vallee, op. cit.
- Rodeghier, op. cit., p. 9.
- J.R. Powell and D. Finkelstein, "Structure of Ball Lightning," American Scientist, No. 58, 1970, p. 262.