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(La biographie du Dr. Sprinkle suit :)
Universit� du Wyoming, Laramie
Nom : Ronald Leo Sprinkle.
N� : 31 Ao�t 1930, Rocky Ford (Colorado, U.S.A).
Education :
Elementary Education: Washington School, Rocky Ford, Colorado
High School: Rocky Ford High School, Rocky Ford, Colorado
Academic scholarship received from the University of Colorado:
B.A. in Psychology, Education, Sociology, and History, University of Colorado, August 1962.
M.P.S. (Master of Personnel Service) in Counseling, University of Colorado, August 1956.
Ph.D. in Counseling and Guidance, University of Missouri, August 1961.
Professional Experience:
Residence hall supervisor. Men's Residence Halls, University of Colorado, 1954-1956.
Instructor-Counselor, Counseling Services, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, 1950-1959.
Acting Director of Extra Class Activities, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, 1959-1961.
Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, 1961-1964.
Assistant Director of Counseling Center, University of North Dakota, 1962-1963.
Director, Counseling Center, University of North Dakota, 1963-1964:
Associate Professor of Guidance Education, University of Wyoming, 1964-1965.
Counselor and Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming, 1965-67.
Counselor and Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming, 1967.
Professional Affiliations:
Member of the American Psychological Association, (Divisions of Counseling Psychology, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues).
Life member of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, (Divisions of American College Personnel Association, Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, and professional member of National Vocational Guidance Association ).
Licensed as Professional Psychologist in Wyoming, January 1, 1966.
Certified as Counseling Psychologist by the Board of Examiners, North Dakota Psychological Association, May 11, 1962.
Member of American Association of University Professors.
Member of Psi Chi (Psychology Honorary).
Associate Member of Parapsychological Association.
Member of Wyoming Personnel and Guidance Association.
Member of Wyoming Psychological Association.
Member of American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
Life Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Professional Organizational Activities:
State delegate to the annual meeting of the American Association of State Psychology Boards, St. Louis, Missouri, August, 1962.
Secretary, Board of Examiners, North Dakota Psychological Association (NDPA), 1962-63.
President, Board of Examiners, NDPA, 1963-64.
Member of Commission VIII, Student Health Programs, of the American College Personnel Association, APGA, 1962 to present. (Chairman of symposium sponsored by Commission VIII at the APGA Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 13, 1965.)
"Measured vocational interests and socio-economic background of college students." The College of Education Record, University of North Dakota, 1962, 47, No. 4, 54-56.
"Counselor competence and the nature of man," The College of Education Record, University of North Dakota, 1962, 47, No. 5, 70-73.
With Gillmor, D. "A first step in evaluation." The Superior Student. (Inter-University Committee on the Superior Student, Boulder, Colorado) 1964, 6, No. 2, 30-33.
"Psychological implications in the investigation of UFO reports." In Lorenzen, L. J. and Coral E. Flying saucer occupants. N.Y.: A Signet Book, 1967. pp. 160-186.
Professional Research and Writing:
"Permanence of measured vocational interests and socio-economic background" : Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, sponsored by Dr. Robert Callis, University of Missouri, 1961.
"Student health and demands for academic accomplishment: an attitude survey of students at the University of North Dakota." Unpublished manuscript presented at the American Personnel and Guidance Association (Commission VIII, Student Health Programs), Boston, Massachusetts, April 8,1963.
"A hypothetical view of communication and human evolution." Unpublished manuscript presented at the North Dakota-South Dakota Psychological Association Convention, May, 1963.
Received a small grant ($278.00) from the Grants-In-Aid Committee, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, in support of a study to investigate the relation of personal attitudes and scientific attitudes. (Survey of persons interested in UFO reports.)
(Manuscript has been rejected by the Journal of Social Issues.) s1[Psychological Problems in Gathering UFO Data: a paper presented in a symposium sponsored by Division 21, Engineering Psychology, at the American, Psychological Association convention, Washington, D.C., September 4. 1967]
Military History: s2[Some Uses of Hypnosis in UFO Research; a paper which will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis; Chicago, Ill.; October 10-13, 1968]
Personal Hobbies:
Reading; composing verses and songs; observing and participating in athletics ; travel; home work-shop activities.
Personal Information:
Married on June 7, 1952 to Marilyn Joan Nelson (born in Gurley, Nebraska, on April 28, 1930; and graduated from the University of Colorado with a B. Mus. Educ. in June 1953); oldest son, Nelson Rex Sprinkle, born February 20, 1958; younger son, Eric Evan Sprinkle, born on March 22, 1961; youngest son, Matthew David Sprinkle, born on May 4, 1964; daughter, Kristen Martha, born on April 16, 1967.
To The Honorable J. Edward Roush, M. C., Ind. Chairman, Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, The Committee on Science and Astronautics (The Honorable George P. Miller, M. C. Calif., Chairman), The House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515.
From R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Counselor and Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82070.
Re Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects.
NCAS EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to incorrect placement of asterisks, it cannot be determined which items above are associated with these footnotes. It has also been impossible to determine the correct asterisk placement, so they have been left in place as shown in the original document.
Thank you for your kind invitation (July 22, 1968) to submit a statement to you and your colleagues in regard to the problem of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). I recognize some of the difficulties which confront you gentlemen, particularly in relation to the amount of information which becomes available to you when you wish to arrive at informed decisions. Also, I recognize some of the difficulties which confront college professors, especially when they try to be lucid and brief!
Elsewhere, a more extensive attempt has been made to present views on the psychological implications of UFO reports. (Sprinkle, R. L Psychological implications in the investigations of UFO reports. In Lorenzen, L. J., and Coral E., Flying saucer occupants. N.Y.: A Signet Book, 1967. pp. 160-186.) Thus, in submitting this short statement, the attempt is made to present my personal views on the significance of UFO investigations. Hopefully, these personal views can be of some assistance to you in considering the statements being submitted to you by the distinguished scientists whom you have .invited to .participate in the symposium.
I accept the hypothesis that the earth is being surveyed by spacecraft which are controlled by representatives of an alien civilization or civilizations. I believe the "spacecraft hypothesis' is the best hypothesis to account for the wide range of evidence of UFO phenomena. (For a more informed description of various UFO hypotheses, see Salisbury, F. B The scientist and the UFO. Bio-Science, January 1967. pp. 15-24.)
I have read thousands of reports and I have talked with hundreds of persons about their UFO observations; either I must accept the view that thousands of people have observed physical phenomena, or I must accept the view that some persons have the ability to project mental images in such a manner that other persons can observe, photograph, and obtain physical evidence of those metal images. (For a more extended discussion of these hypotheses, see Jung, C. G., Flying Saucers, N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959, Pp. 146-158.)
On two occasions, each time in the presence of a person who shares my claim, I observed unusual aerial phenomena which I could neither identify nor understand. My first observation of a "flying saucer" led me to change my position from "scoffer" to that of "skeptic." My second observation of a UFO led me to change my position from "skeptic" to "unwilling believer."
As a result of my second observation, I began to join organizations (NICAP and APRO) and conduct investigations. The Grants-in-Aids Committee of the Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues, a Division of the America Psychological Association, provided a small grant, and Richard Hall, former assistant director of NICAP, cooperated in a study of the attitudes of persons interested in UFO reports. (See enclosure.) Later, I became a consultant to APRO. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lorenzen, directors of APRO, encouraged my interest in learning more about the psychic aspects of UFO phenomena.
At the present time, I am conducting a non-supported investigation of some psychological attributes of persons who claim to experience psychic impressions of UFO phenomena, including their impressions of possible motives of UFO occupants. As a member of the Parapsychological Association and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, i am interested in the possibility that reliable observations are being made by persons who claim to see UFO occupants and, in some unusual cases, experience "mental communication" with these UFO occupants. Use of hypnotic techniques with UFO observers seems to be useful procedure, in some cases, to obtain further information about UFO observations. (See enclosure "Personal and Scientific Attitudes: A Survey of Persons Interested in UFO Reports.")
If these reports by UFO observers are found to be reliable and valid, I believe we shall enter the threshold of a most exciting and challenging period in man's history. In my opinion, the attempt to achieve contact with other intelligent civilizations is a goal which is worthy of great personal and social effort.
I plan to do what I can in furthering investigations of these phenomena, in hopes that these efforts can assist the contributions of other investigators.
However, I believe that the mysteries are too deep, the investigations are too difficult, and the implications are too great for these efforts to be made on an informal basis. I believe that the establishment of an international research center is the most appropriate method to follow in reaching the goal of greater understanding of these phenomena. If this method is not feasible, then I believe that a national research center is needed for continuous, formal investigation of the physical, biological, psycho-social, and spiritual implications of UFO phenomena.
Establishment of a continuing research center could provide for those facilities, equipment, and personnel to conduct the necessary field work and theoretical investigations of UFO reports. In my opinion, the staff of such a research center should be encouraged to avail themselves of scholars and experts in various disciplines, including astronomical, mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, medical, psychological, sociological, military, technical, legal, political, theological, and parapsychological fields of knowledge.
I recognize some of the difficulties which attend such a proposal; I recognize some of the arguments which have been, are being, and will be raised against such a proposal. However, I trust that you gentlemen are aware that the present difficulties of enacting such a proposal are inconsequential when compared to the historical impact created by those persons who dare to exert that leadership which could determine the powers, purposes, and persons who control the spacecraft which we call "Unidentified Buying Objects."
Thank you for your attention to these comments. I shall be most happy to respond to any question which you may have about these or related views.
Respectfully submitted,
R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.
(By R. Leo Sprinkle, University of Wyoming)
A questionnaire survey was conducted among 3 groups: 26 Ph.D. faculty and graduate students in a Psychology Department (Psychology); 59 graduate students enrolled in an NDEA Guidance Institute (Guidance) ; and 259 members of an organization which is interested in "flying saucers" or Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). It was hypothesized that there would be no differences between the scores of the three groups on the Personal Attitude Survey (Form D, Dogmatism Scale, Rokeach, 1960) and the Scientific Attitude Survey (Sprinkle, 1962).
The results showed significant differences (P<.001 between the 3 groups with respect to their mean scores on both inventories, with the NICAP group scoring higher on both "dogmatic" and "scientific" inventories, followed by the Guidance group and Psychology group, respectively. Also, the survey showed differences in regard to social status and education. Psychology and Guidance subjects received an Index of Social Status (McGuire & White, 1955) which would classify them in the Upper Middle Class, while NICAP subjects would be classified mainly in the Upper Middle and Lower Middle Classes. The average years of education were tabulated as follows: Psychology, 18.8 years; Guidance, 17.2 years; and NICAP, 14.0 years.
The results suggest that the NICAP group is more "dogmatic" and more "scientific" than the Psychology and Guidance groups. There are two feasible interpretations of these results: 1) The Scientific Attitude Survey (Sprinkle, 1962) is not useful in assessing "scientific" attitudes, and/or 2) the two inventories have assessed the tendency of the 3 groups to exhibit the "Yeasay-Naysay" pattern (Couch & Keniston, 1960). The latter interpretation indicates that there may be more "Yeasayers" (those with an agreeing response set or a readiness to affirm) in the NICAP group, followed by the Guidance group, and Psychology group, respectively.
(By R. Leo Sprinkle, University of Wyoming)
First, a brief review of UFO literature is presented. References are cited which offer hypotheses (Salisbury, 1967) to account for UFO observations, and positions (Sprinkle, 1967) taken by various investigators in regard to the significance of UFO reports.
Second, examples are described in the use of hypnotic techniques in the investigation of persons who have observed UFO phenomena. Advantages and disadvantages of hypnosis are discussed in regard to obtaining further information from UFO observers.
Third, some speculations are offered in regard to the possible relationships of paranormal or ESP processes and the observations of UFO phenomena. Cases are described which indicate possible relationships of hypnotic and psychic experiences of UFO observers.
Fourth, some suggestions are presented for further investigation of UFO phenomena through the use of hypnotic and parapsychological procedures. These procedures may be useful to assess the reliability of information from UFO observers.
In conclusion, the speaker believes that investigation of UFO reports should proceed along as many lines as there are interested investigators. Considerations of hypnotic procedures and techniques are only one aspect of these investigations, but these considerations may be helpful in obtaining and evaluating information submitted by UFO observers.
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