Claims that an Unidentifed Flying Object - perhaps from outer space - was seen over Swindon on Thursday night, were dispelled by the RAF.

Journal du Wiltshire (Royaume Uni), 2 juin 1966 s1Article de "UFO Archive 1965", Weird Wiltshire

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Photographs of the mysterious object in the sky were taken by 20-year-old Miss Gill Holton of Shelley Street, Swindon at about 10.15pm. But a spokesman for RAF Lyneham said that the pictures were probably of a Comet aircraft which was on a training flight.

The Comet was in the air between 9.30pm and 10.45pm and could well have been over Swindon at 10.15pm. As it was making practice approaches, it may have had its landing lights on.

Gill, a clerk at The College said: "I noticed two bright lights that looked like car headlights coming towards me in the sky. There was no sound so I thought it could not be a plane. Anyway, it was going so fast.

"I ran indoors grabbed my camera and took some photographs. By this time it had got over and started to go up. Then it got smaller and just vanished.

"The whole thing took just about two minutes. The object was going from east to west and then it went upwards."

The RAF spokesman said the Comet aircraft would be flying at about 1,000 or 1,500ft.

"It is not normal to put its landing lights on over Swindon, but someone may have done so as part of the training."

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