Des choses façonnées qui tombent

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I use the word "shaped" here to mean forming by intelligence.

I suggest the following classifications of things that have fallen from the sky:

  1. Object unassociated with intelligent action.
    1. Substances of inorganic nature, shaped or moved by random forces: e.g., inorganic dust, "true meteoritic material," etc.
    2. Miscellaneous objects.
  2. Object associated with intelligent action.
    1. Symmetrical Objects: wedges, spheres, discs, threads, carvings, works of art, nails; any object not obviously the product of the unguided forces of nature.
    2. Objects and substances of organic or functional nature.
    3. Objects, lights, substances, or groups of these, of any kind, which demonstrated motions, control, accumulation placing, selection, delimitation, direction, defiance of gravity or other natural forces, locomotion, gregariousness, purposefulness, or any dynamic or volitional characteristic not attributable to recognized physical forces alone.

We have to consider some of the utilitarian or functional categories as including items which might be used for food: shrimps, periwinkles, snails, etc., or edible substances.

Two purposes will be served in this chapter. We will consider shapes and functional things as related to intelligence and to falls from space, but will also include gadgets which indicated the extreme antiquity of some type of intelligence or intelligent life on earth; and items found in locations and strata where falls from space, or space ships, might have placed them.

In some of these cases we have to decide between several possible alternatives:

  1. Extreme antiquity, attributable to ancient civilizations without space flight;
  2. The same, but with space flight developed internally
  3. Space flight independent of man on earth, bringing occasional widgets from extraterrestrial sectors of intellectual development;
  4. Falls of items originally on the earth but previously expelled by explosion or other force;
  5. Falls of items blown off other exploding planets.

We cannot forever ignore the immense antiquity of some archaeological items. It is not fashionable with archaeological circles, which is anything but an exact science, to admit the existence of culture or rather civilization, more remote than that of the historically recorded Egyptians and Orientals: four to seven thousand years at most; and heaven forbid if one suggests advanced races in eras of ten, twenty, forty, or one hundred thousand years ago. Yet no scientist has found a logical common denominator for the various races, cultures , and civilizations of which we have unmistakable records, except that of a common source predating the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Indians (Asiatic), the Incas, and the Mayas, and in fact all branches covered by the study of anthropology and ethnology. Much as we may deride writers such as Churchward (as per De Camp; Lost Continents) in his rather crude presentation of his hypothesis of the Lost Continent of Mu, his is the only general explanation of terrestrial intellectual development and distribution to be advanced which in a broad way explains the observed data. Such explanations, however desirable, are ruled out by the fashion of the day which decries emphasis on qualitative knowledge in favor of quantitatively investigating the fifth place of decimals or other exaggerated refinement of classified knowledge.

Who is Churchward or this DeCamp? Some "Gaiyor" Baini who guessed or knew right???

Because we feel so strongly on this subject, we list some of the obstreperous items which prove that articles created by intelligence existed tens or scores of thousands of years ago. These things prove either, or both, of two things: there was a vast and advanced civilization on the earth in those distant times; or those articles have come here from space, via ships, or from a scattering of debris in space. Anyway you look at it, the arrogant omnipotence of homo sapiens takes a beating  for our present egotistical state of culture was preceded by another of unfathomable age.

If intellectual development is that old, isn't it logical that it may have created a form of flight not yet known to our engineers? Let's forget the fifth decimal place  go back to unity  to the objective assimilation of qualitative data; back to philosophical generalizations and the divination of natural law; back, in fact, to the mentality of a Humboldt, a Newton, a Copernicus. Science is starved for such ability, more than at any time in the past century.

A Dr. Gurlt, in 1877, reported an object found in a tertiary coal bed. In several magazines of that general period there were questions from speculative scientific men as to why, if meteors have been encountering the earth from remote times, there are no meteorites in tertiary coal deposits. Subsequent finds have answered the questions. Well, anyway, this object, incongruous in its carbonaceous environment, is a fossil meteorite. There has been much debate, some of it venomous, as to whether it can be more than merely that. The find has been placed in the Salzburg Museum, after being taken from a block of coal in Lower Austria.

The specimen was examined by many interested persons and scientists, who did not fully agree on its origins. Some said that it was a meteorite; some said that it was an artificial production; others remarked that is resembled a meteorite modified by the hands of man. (Nobody, so far as I know, ever suggested that modification could have been effected through the agency of intelligence other than human.)

The object is an almost perfect cube, and many examiners consider it too geometric in shape to be entirely natural. Two opposite faces are a little bit rounded, reducing the size of the other four. A deep incision runs around the cube. The material is of a variety conventionally conceded to be meteorite iron and nickel, roughly three by two by two inches. It weights 785 grams, has a specific gravity of 7.75, and it is hard as steel, as are all iron-nickel aerolites.

I can't help thinking of the little stone of Tarbes: are most of the things, which come from space of a little more physical delicacy than most of the indigenous items of the same types?

This cubic meteorite is most disturbing to conservative science . Its tertiary age cannot be denied, nor its authenticity  that much is firm. That is, it was certainly placed in the coal bed in tertiary times, but no one knows how much older it may be . Equally firm is its nature as meteoritic iron, nickel and carbon (it is really a form of steel.)

The greater puzzle is its geometric shape, including the circumscribed groove, so regularly and doubly "artificial" that it seems certainly to have been shaped by hands.

"Hands"? Human hands, in the tertiary era? No! say the anthropologists. Extraterrestrial hands, maybe on an exploded planet, or blasted off this bedeviled old earth when Mu went up in cosmic glory?

Hands with 3 fingers & thumb

To uninhibited thinkers, facts remain facts. This specimen is artificially shaped; it is a fossil of tertiary coal beds; it is of meteoritic structure and material which even conservative science has reluctantly admitted as being from outer space. So this must have been shaped by intelligence either before or after falling, but certainly prior to or surely concomitant with the formation of tertiary coal.

For our purpose, we do not care whether one says it was fashioned by extraterrestrial hands or terrestrial hands, for we are just as much interested in proving the extreme antiquity of civilized man as we are in indicating the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This obstreperous whickeroo was dropped into an embryonic coal bed, either from an indigenous civilization or by an off-shore agency of some kind.

If there was civilization in tertiary times  terrestrial or spatial  the sequel of intelligence in space, then or evolving later from the ground variety, is a quantitative development, and the emergence of space travel is inherent in the later case and an almost inevitable emergence in the former.

It is recorded in the Annals of Scientific Discovery, 1853-71, that Sir David Brewster had made a startling announcement at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1853. He had, he said, to call to the attention of the meeting an object of so incredible a nature that nothing short of the strongest evidence was necessary to render the statement at all probable. He claimed that a true crystal lens had been found in the treasure house at Nineveh. It is on record that many of the temples and treasure houses of old civilizations were in the habit of preserving things which fell from the sky and things which, to these ancient peoples, were already antiquities.

This egocentric race has been so imbued with its own importance that it cannot believe that optical equipment could have evolved in times prior to the Renaissance. We will concede that such items were not in use during the Dark Ages, nor, apparently, during the centuries from that period backward to some thousands of years BC. But such a concession is, in fact, a victory, for it then becomes necessary to concede a knowledge of optics some millennia before the incarceration of this lens at Nineveh. And that is a major part of our whole tenet.

In The Microscope and its Revelations, Carpenter presents two drawings of the lens, but he argues that it is impossible to accept that optical lenses have ever been made by the ancients. He says the object must have been an ornament. Brewster says it was a true optical lens.

Then we are right back where we started with the little worked meteorite. If either, or both, of these shameless trinkets are indigenous to our planet we must, perforce, accept a civilization with a knowledge of optics, predating all presently recorded history.

Lens was Atruscan,

n1ED: The following has no obvious reference or necessary position.

Mirror Silvering of Crystal (Rock or Force-Made Crystal) Unknown to Atruscans

It was Crystal & It was a Lens, Atruscans used them to Make fine Gold & Silver earrings & Gold wire inlays. Also were used to Make fire for the 'Smiths.

This lens is just as much, in its small way, a relic of the first wave of civilization (if not from space) as is the Great Pyramid which embodies more astronomy and mathematics than was possessed by those people to whom its construction is attributed.


Wilkins, in Secret Cities of South America, reports the finding of optical lenses and mirrors in a submerged city on the coast of Equador, and others in archaic ruins of Central America. These appear to be pre-Incan and pre-Andean.

These Were Muanian in Make

The London Times of February 1, 1888, has reported the finding of a roundish, or ovate, object of iron which was found in a garden at Brixton, after a violent thunderstorm on August 7, 1887. It is described as an oblate spheroid about two inches across its major axis. An oblate spheroid is the shape generated by an ellipse if rotated about its minor axis, and a prolate spheroid is similarly generated by rotation about its major axis. A football is shaped something like a prolate spheroid, while a flattish pumpkin or tomato is close to being an oblate spheroid.

The paper discussed this object at length, while also describing an "iron cannon ball," found in a manure heap after a thunderstorm. Both items seem to be too shapely, or symmetrical, to have been created without the aid of intelligence. There may be some significance in the fact of their all being small, a couple of inches or so in diameter.

The Scientific American, 1851-52, has the following to say, which is contributory to our theme:

A few days ago, a powerful blast was made in the rock at Meeting House Hill, in Dorchester, a few rods south of Reverend Mr. Hall's meeting house. The blast threw out an immense mass of rock, some of the pieces weighing several tons, and scattered small fragments in all directions. Among them was picked up a metallic vessel in two parts, rent asunder by the explosion. On putting the two parts together, it formed a bell-shaped vessel, four and one-half inches high, six and one-half inches at the base and two and one-half inches at the top, and about an eighth of an inch in thickness. The body of this vessel resembles zinc in color, or a composition material, in which there is a considerable portion of silver. On the sides there are six figures of a flower or bouquet, beautifully inlaid with pure silver, and around the lower part of the vessel a vine or wreath, inlaid also with silver. The chasing, carving, and inlaying are exquisitely done by the art of some cunning workman. This curious and unknown vessel was blown out of the pudding stone fifteen feet below the surface... there is no doubt but that this curiosity was blown out of the rock as above stated...the matter is worthy of investigation, as there is no deception.

Inlay Work the Mark of Atruscan-Lemurians.

The London Times, for June 22, 1844, reports that some workmen, quarrying rock close to Tweed, not far from a place called Rutherford Mills, had discovered a gold thread embedded in the stone at a depth of about eight feet. A piece of the gold thread had been forwarded to the office of the Kelso Chronicle. That is a very simple item, indeed! Just a wee bit of gold thread in solid rock!

Matching the gold thread in interest is something found inside a lump of coal by a Mrs. Culp, at Morrisonville, Illinois, in 1891. When the lump of coal for her cooking range fell apart she was startled to find embedded in circular fashion, a small gold chain about ten inches long and of quaint workmanship. If the cubical Austrian meteorite is not enough to convince you that things of intelligent manufacture were falling into coal beds in tertiary times, then surely this one will.

Cube shaped by Mag. Force compressor.Caused tremendous Heat, thus the regard of it as being a Meteorite.

It is further reported that James Parsons, and his two sons, exhumed a slate wall in a coal mine at Hammondville, Ohio, in 1868. It was a large, smooth wall, disclosed when a great mass of coal fell away from it, and on its surface, carved in bold relief, were several lines of hieroglyphics . Nothing further seems to have been reported, and if any reader knows more of this incident the author would welcome a report (send care of the publisher)  perhaps from some local newspaper of that date. This item, at least, we will concede was not dropped by space ships. It must represent the work of contemporary, indigenous civilization in tertiary times.

In their hearts, all Miners know thisl

Ref. to Ohio incident Miners See these things EACH Year, Many or Most speak Little English & "It ain't coal & ITS IN THE WAY SO GET IT OUT of there.

Some Miners Save parts or all of these above curiositys & they May be found in their homes. They are used to seeing them.

In the London Times of December 24, 1851, it is stated that a citizen of Springfield, Massachusetts, a Mr. Hiram de Witt, had returned from California bringing a chunk of auriferous quartz about as big as a man's fist. It was accidentally dropped and broke upon. It had a nail in it. A cut iron nail, about the size of an ordinary six-penny nail, a bit corroded, "straight and with a perfect head."


According to the Reports of the British Association, 1845-51, Sir David Brewster astounded the assembled brethren with an account of a nail which was found in a block of stone from Kingoodie Quarry, in North Britain. The block of stone was nine inches thick. There was little, if any, evidence as to what part of the quarry it came from, except that it could not have come form the surface. The quarry had been worked for about twenty years, and consisted of alternate layers of hard stone and a substance called "till." The point of the nail extended upward into the till and was badly eaten by rust. Part of the nail lay on the surface of the stone, but about an inch, including the head, was embedded in the stone.

Head imbedded thus could Not have been pounded in Head first, It Would Not go in.

This till intrigues me. Once upon a time I read the book, Raganork , by Ignatius Donnelly, who was a U.S. Congressman with time on his hands, and who spent that time in the Library of Congress, making himself one of the most literate Congressmen ever to invade Washington. His theme was of Atlantis, and he built up a case for this till having been splattered all over the Atlantic hemisphere of the earth by collision with a comet. In this splash were transported the erratics of the till which are so annoying to geologists. Maybe this nail was one of these erratics.

The Learned Rep. Was right, save that It was done by MANY "Comets" in The Great War.

Under the title "Mysterious Monoliths," Fate Magazine, March 1950, shows a photograph of some spherical sandstone balls which were blasted out of solid rock by a highway crew near Hornbrook, California. The balls appear incredibly ancient. Sandstone balls of nearly spherical shape are not especially rare, and they are oblate spheroids which used to be sought after for garden ornaments throughout the Middle West. They were called concretions, and were shaped either by the action of water or by successive deposits of sand which later solidified, according to geologists. We can believe in their natural formation, since the condition in which they were found seem to indicate that this is true. But these balls in California were apparently found in quantity , in solid rock. Their symmetry indicates artificial shaping, they are an indication of antiquity, rather than a proof.

Balls were compressed Earth, Used as Ammo for Force-"Guns" During "The Great War" The success of that, was so fast, that these were never used.

W.S. Forest, in Historical Sketches of Norfolk, Virginia, reports the finding of a coin at a depth of thirty feet, by well borers, in September, 1833. It was about the size of a shilling and unlike anything seen before. Although buried for many centuries, the markings were well preserved, represent a warrior or hunter, and had a Roman appearance.

"ROANOKE" a Whole Colony kidnapped.

There are a number of these coins which have been found in unexplained places, and where

The Cross found in an ancient grave in Georgia. The inscription is undecipherable. The horse's head is crudely scratched by an unskilled hand at a later date than the original. Was it dropped by a UFO?

burial at very early dates is indicated. A coin described by Donelly is fully discussed in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, and was brought up from a depth of one hundred and twenty feet, with the borings of a well in Illinois. The crosses reported in the Smithsonian Institute Reports, 1881 are puzzling. Looked at in a mirror, some of the inscription resembles Roman numerals, but is not quite intelligible. Their appearance is certainly not indicative of anything within everyday experience. They may have been dropped from space ships. The alphabetical characters resemble our own to a degree, but are not interpretable in any known language. These were found in an ancient grave in the state of Georgia.

Cross is Atruscan-Lemurian, language is that now called "Black tongue" spoken by "Gitana" the World over. Show this to a Brother-Gypsy & Lord know what the reaction would be if the original were shown. It is a Chiefs or Nabobs own insignia of Clan. He flew to that place but had to walk, Later. He died from Walking for His Muscles were not used to or for such purpose. Manner of Death indicated by Horses Head, even tho there were no horses on this Land at that time. His name and address & his accomplishments are signified on the metal. The cross was Left so that the body Might be brought home. The making of this required Calipers, Scribes and Drawing compass, plus Mathematics.

Punch, a Press, a set ot Stamps, a Drill, SeveralDifferent FILES, A FORGE, SMELTER & ETC. OR ONE FORCE-RAY STAMP & BURNER PRESS. (italics by Jemi)

We continue to have a choice between terrestrial antiquity or spatial antiquity. But antiquity we do have, and a race so ancient, on earth, could very well have invented space travel.

All of these samples lead to conclusions, but we must not overlook the actual sighting of shaped objects, falling from the sky. The object, five inches by fifteen inches, for instance, which fell at Twickenham, August 5, 1889.

Samples of script have come out of the Brazilian jungles which are almost identical with alphabetical characters from Ceylon's buried and forgotten ruins . Tiahuanaco is thought to have been in ruins so long before the formation of the Andes that it had actually been submerged and was raised from under the sea at the time of the formation of the Andes. (Red is A & B).

Confirmed, 1954, American Arch. Exp.

n2ED: The following has no obvious reference or necessary postion.

Read, "The Day the Sun Stood Still" Edited 1941. Readers Digest of the book.

Andes were impelled upwards by Great force once by Nature once by "The War of the Great Freeze" & by, in part "The Great Bombardment"

Some scientists believe that the Andes have been formed twice, and that the last formation was perhaps 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. It probably was farther into the past than that. The meteor craters spread across the southwestern United States and down into tropical Mexico have an apparent age of 8,000 to 12,000 years. The traditions agree that "Atlantis" or its equivalent, was destroyed about 9,000 years or so BC. There are several traditions in several parts of the world that the ancestors of some races and tribes were flourishing before the moon existed.

A detailed build-up for this antiquity is beyond the scope and ability of this book. Mainly we are interested in showing that such an antiquity did exist, and that it is conceivable that some very early race, 200,000 years ago or so, may have developed space flight, and after the cataclysm of 12,000 years ago may have chosen to stay in space, thinking it a safer habitat than this uncertain planet.

We offer no proof for this supposition. What we do offer is a set of conditions which might make it possible, plus a long series of observations of activity in space which gives every appearance of being the result of intelligent direction. Such a hypothesis relieves us of having to assume that the UFO's of today must necessarily come from another planet, or another star. We submit that our postulate is an improbability of lesser order, and that the growing evidence of the antiquity of mankind, far beyond anything heretofore admitted by science is a contributory factor worthy of consideration .

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