Flying Saucer Story a Fizzle; Now It's A Man

Press de Sheboygan (Wisconsin),
s1Clark, J. E.: "flying man, Washington, 1948", Magonia Exchange, 2007-10-15

Chehalis, Wash. - (UP) - The state of Washington, where the first flying saucers were reported, outdid itself today.

A woman reported that she had sighted a "flying man"

Mrs. Bernice Zaikowski, 61, Chehalis, said she saw a man with wings attached to his back fly over her barn at an altitude of 200 feet and disappear to the south.

Mrs. Zaikowski said the upright birdman made a "sizzing and whizzing" noise as he climbed and banked in flight, but that his wings neither flapped nor rotated. She said she could see no motive power such as propeller either above or in front of him.

Authorities greeted the report with an oblique "huh?"

But the Polish-born Mrs. Zaikowski insisted she had a good view of the aerialist as he skimmed her barn on Jan. 6. She said that some school children were with her at the time and ran to her backyard "for a better view."

Officials at McChord Field, Tacoma, said that if the army had any "birdmen" it was news to them.

Chehalis is not far from where the original "flying saucers" were reported about a year ago.