Mysterious Airship Seen.

Daily Northwestern de Oshkosh (Wisconsin), Tuesday, February 29, 1916
s1 Clark, J.: "airship, Wisconsin, 1916", Magonia Exchange, 2007-08-08

Successive Appearances of Aerial Prowler at Superior.

(Special to The Northwestern.)

Superior, Wis., Feb. 29. - The mysterious aeroplane which employes at the Great Northern ore terminals claim to have seen over the ore docks early Saturday [February 26] was sighted again in Superior Sunday night and early yesterday. A train crew and Station Agent Pinkney at Itasca say they saw the airship going west last night and Postmaster Carlson of South Range, near Superior, reports that he sighted its lights moving rapidly eastward some hours before. Still others reported having seen the lights of an airship.

Efforts of the police and special agents of the railroad and dock companies to solve the mystery today resulted in the interrogation of an officer on a lake freighter, tied up at a Duluth [Minnesota] dock, who is said to be an aviator and who has a number of airship models on his boat. He denied knowledge of any airship at the Twin Ports.