Phantom Ships Float On High

News-Palladium de Benton Harbor (Michigan),

Supposed Aerial Craft Are Seen in These Parts

Big Balloon Believed to Have Passed Over Twin Cities.

Several prominent business men of the city claim to have seen a large balloon settle to the ground near the St. Joseph river this week. The reports differ, some saying that it was Sunday afternoon [July 6] while others claim the time to have been Monday. Dr. F. R. Belknap, Fred Rowe and Wm. Williams are among those who saw the monster craft. Careful investigation in the outlying districts fails to locate any one who saw the craft and for this reason it is believed that the balloon was a mirage caused by a gas ring, similar to the one seen near the river a few weeks ago.

The balloon was seen at a distance and was indistinct but it looked as if it was a large silver colored craft with a hanging basket. So low was it that it looked as if the basket was dragging in the tree tops.

People who were on the beach at St. Joseph yesterday also report that what looked like an airship could be seen far out in the lake [Lake Michigan] hovering over the water. Many were questioned and all stoutly maintained that a large airship was out in the lake during the afternoon.

Undoubtedly these strange aerial craft were mirages and it is explained that, due to the fact that many people have been watching the skies for the past few days looking for the air boats which passed over here, they mistook cloud formations or gas rings for air craft, the unusually nervous state of mind helping to bear out the impression.