Vaisseau aérien mystère saisi à Winnipeg

News Telegram de Calgary (Alberta),
s1Benedict, W. Ritchie < Clark, J. E.: "airship, Manitoba, 1911", 2008-01-13

Dit être l'appareil le plus merveilleux ; L'inventeur est sans un sou

(Specialement pour le News Telegram)

Winnipeg, 23 octobre - Le mystérieux vaisseau aérien, qui a été vu par de nombreux Winnipegois ces dernières semaines, a été saisi samedi par des huissiers.

L'inventur, semble-t-il, n'avait pas payé les 2 mécaniciens qui avaient construit l'appareil, et après de nombreuses tentatives pour être payés, ils mirent le sujet entre les mains d'un avocat, qui fut à l'origine de l'émission des papiers finaux, et it is now attached in the Granite curling rink, where it was recently taken after several successful flights.

This airship is said to "have everything beat" in the line of aerial navigation, for its motors are so constructed on a [illegible] that they can be twisted at the will of the operator to make the craft go in any direction. It resembles a huge bird with wings which fold up, enabling it to be stored in a very small space and those versed in aerial navigation say it is the most wonderful machine of its description ever perfected.

It was invented by William O'Hare and built from money supplied by A. R. Donaldson, and is the same machine which was seen floating over Winnipeg some two months ago, and was first seen by the police of the north end police station.

It was built in the north end a year ago, but at the initial trial, it failed to float through the air like well behaved airships should float. Then improvements were made on it and finally it flew. Many flights were made during the night time, for the inventor did not wish his unique invention to be seen.

Then the airship was taken to a barn where it was kept and taken out for trial spins, making several trips to Winnipeg, Selkirk, and other places no great distance from Winnipeg. So careful was the inventor of his machine that he would not let even his closest friends see it, and some of them learning of its whereabouts caused its removal to another barn, out in the northwestern portion of the city not far from the exhibition grounds.

Then it was taken still further northward and later across the Red river into Kildonan East. This week it was removed to the Granite curling rink, where it was seized.