Shower of Worms

Daily Democrat de Hamilton (Ohio),
s1Clark, J. E.: "fall of worms, Indiana, 1892", Magonia Exchange, 2007-10-22

A Remarkable Story Comes from Clifton, Indiana.

LIBERTY, Ind., Feb. 1. - A very strange occurrence was reported here yesterday by Ben Snyder, correspondent for the statistic bureau at Washington. Upon investigation it was proven to be a fact by other reliable men from the same place, near Clifton, in this county.

Wednesday [January 27] there came a cold, sleety rain, and with it came a shower of worms which were curiosities, for nothing like them has ever been seen in this part of the country. They were about an inch in length, of a dark brown color, and had six legs, which were well to the front of the body, the body being as large around as a ten-penny wire nail. Under the microscope it was found that the body of the worm was covered with very fine hair, and had eyes similar to a fly, so numerous that it was impossible to count them. The shower covered an area of five miles.