A Strange Phenomenon

The Atlanta Constitution d'Atlanta (Georgie),
s1Paijmans, Theo: "1887 - three immense circles seen in the skies", Magonia Exchange, 5 mai 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

SANDERSVILLE, Ga., July 9.?[Special.]?Yesterday afternoon almost remarkable spectacular was seen here. The sun, setting behind a western bank of cloud, threw a lateral reflection of perfect symmetry, across the entire heaven, resting upon the eastern horizon, and widening at the zenith. Owing to the irregularity of the cloud's summit, other smaller pathlike illuminations were defined, all seeming to radiate from both horizons and to meet over head. The sun appeared to have set in the east, also. The curious sight was noted with much wonderment by many of our citizens, who did not remember ever having seen the heavens similarly spanned before.