Premila Lie.

Daily Gazette and Bulletin de Williamsport (Pennsylvanie), p. 2, Friday, November 9, 1883
s1Aubeck, C.: "1883: The crowbar from space", Magonia Exchange, 12 sept 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

Fiery of a Blazing Meteor Which Racmily Fell in Mexico.

A brevet Joe Mulbatton has got into the Laredo Times office, and in a letter from Villaldama, Mexico, he tells about a blazing meteor, crowbar in term, that fell from the heavens through the roof of a Mexican's house and through the leaf of a sewing machine at which a young lady was working at the time and then into the stone floor to the distance of a foot and a half. The Times correspondent says: "It has now been 48 hours since the strange meteor, as it may probably be termed, struck the earth, and it is, to all intents and purposes, as hot as when it first reached here, and emits the same strange, reg glow. As before said, any metal except iron receives no damage by being touched to it, but wood, paper, or in fact anything gave metal that has yet been experimented with seem to melt and disappear as if in a vapor immediately upon being brought into contact with it. It has been thrown into the yard, where it still lies, and at night is of sufficient brillancy to read by at a distance of 100 feet. This is one of the greatest curiosities that has ever visited the earth, and should be bought by some naturalist."