Newspaper Accounts.

The New York Times,
s1Chris Aubeck, Magonia Exchange, 25 mars 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

The New Haven Palladium, of the 7th, says: "Another very brilliant meteor was seen on Monday, August 6, by persons in Branford. Just at sunset, the sky being clear, a fire-ball like a star was observed near the south-eastern horizon, sailing around slowly and gradually through the north-eastern quarter of the heavens, and a few degrees above the horizon and disappearing some degrees west of north. The motion was very slow, and the time of the flight may have been from 20 to 30 seconds. Had this phenomenon occured after dark, we should doubtless have seen a meteor rivaling in splendor and general glory the famous one of July 20. We hope to hear from our Northern neighbors more about this celestial stranger. Perhaps this is one of the outsiders of the shooting stars expected on the mornings of the 9th and 10th instants."

The Rochester Union of the same date says: "Last evening another brilliant and beautiful meteor was seen. The hour is stated at from 7:15 to 7:25. It is thus described: Course from southeast to northwest?length about two feet?color of ball, clear white?color of tail, blueish white?the latter appeared to be a continuous flame with a waving movement. It was about midway between the zenith and horizon, and was twelve seconds in passing over."

The same phenomenon was observed at Philadelphia. There its elevation was about twenty-five degrees above the western horizon, and its course, as it appeared to the observers, was north, a little west. Its rate of speed was about the same as that of the great meteor of the 20th ult.