le , alors que le Majestic, capitaine Hayes, croisait au large de Boston, une étrange figure fut perçue à l'horizon est, vers du matin, qui, à mesure que le soleil se levait, devint de plus en plus distinguable ; et sur la longueur adopta la parfaite apparence d'un homme, vêtu d'une veste courte et de demi-bottes, avec un staff dans sa main, au sommet duquel était une couleur pendant au-dessus de sa tête, marquée de 2 lignes, perpendiculairement à distances égales et ressemblant fortement au drapeau français. La figure resta visible aussi longtemps que les rayons du soleil permettait de la regarder. Le en , la figure apparut dans la même posture, mais relativement brisée. Le matin suivant elle semblait disjointe, et s'atténua dans l'ombre, jusqu'à ce que finalement rien de plus ne put être vu que 3 marques sur le disque du soleil. Le captaine Hayes, ss officiers, et près de 200 membres d'équipage, observèrent le spectacle, à l'œil nu comme à travers des lunettes. En des temps superstitieux, un tel phénomène aurait été interprété comme un avertissement providentiel ou le token menaçant de quelque événement inattendu : cela pourrait, cependant, être facilement expliqué par le pouvoir réfléchissant de l'atmosphere, qui est bien connu pour être merveilleux. Plus probablement est que la figure présentée était quelqu'un sur la côte, ou sur le pont du Majestic.
Nous subjoin l'explication suivante de ce phénomène optique issue de The Edinburg Encyclopedia. L'article est tiré d'un essai, publié il y a quelques temps par Antonia Minasi, un italien, et is allowed to be the most correct description that has hitherto appeared. The fata morgana, as the phenomenon is termed, was three times observed by Minasi in the Straits of Messina, where it has frequently shown itself:—
"When the rising sun (say Minasi) shines from that point whence its incident ray forms an angle of about 45° on the sea of Reggio, and the bright surface of the water is not disturbed either by the wind or the current, the spectator being placed on an eminence of the city, with his back to the sun, and his face to the sea, on a sudden there appear in the water, as in a catoptric theatre, various multiplied objects, viz., numberless series of pilastres, arches, castles well delineated, regular columns, loftly towers, superb palaces, with balconies and windows, extended valleys, with trees, delighful plains, with herds and flocks, armies of men on foot and horseback, and many other strange figures, in their natural colours, and proper actions, passing rapidly in succession along the surface of the sea, during the whole of the short periode of time while the above-mentioned causes remain. Buf if, in addition to the circumstances before described, the atmosphere be highly inpregnated by the action of the wind and waves, or rarified by the sun, it then happens, that in this vapour, as in a curtain, extended along the channel to the height of about twenty-four of twenty-five feet, and nearly down to the sea, the observer will behold the scene of the same objects, not only reflected from the surface of the sea, but likewise in the air, though not so distinct or well-defined as the former objects from the sea. Lastly, if the air be slightly hazy and opaque, and at the same time dewy, and adapted to form the iris, the above-mentioned objects will appear only at the surface of the sea as in the first case, but alla vividly coloured or fringed with red, green, blue, and other prismatic colours."
Minasi divides these phenomena into three classes—the marine morgana, the aërial morgana, and the prismatic morgana, and proves that the appearances are representations of the objects upon the two coasts. He considers the sea as an inclined speculum, on account of the rapide current which runs through the Straits ; and he supposes it to be divided into different planes by the contrary eddies which take place when the current changes its direction. He ascribes the aerial morgana to the refractive and reflective power of effluvia suspended in the air. All these phenomena obviously arise from the rarefaction of the air in the neighbourhood of the surface of the sea, in consequence of which a distant object appears to be depressed instead of elevated by the refraction ; and it is sometimes seen both depressed and elevated, one of the images having, in general, an inverted position. Dr Wollaston has investigated this subject with much ingenuity, and has shown that this class of phenomena may be imitated, either by viewing a distant object along a red-hot poker, or through a saline or saccharine solution, with water and spirit of wine floating upon it. Un effet de réfraction particulièrement merveilleux fut observé à Ramsgate le , lorsque les citoyens terrifiés beheld une montagne, couronnée d'un château, là où aucun château n'avait jamais été vu auparavant ! Il s'agissait du Château de Dover, qui, dans un état ordinaire de l'atmosphère, est complètement caché de Ramsgate par l'interposition d'une éminence.