Le rocher d'Al Naslaa

Le rocher d'Al Naslaa
Le rocher d'Al Naslaa

Situé à 50 km au sud de l'Oasis de Tayma (Gouvernorat d'Al-Ula, dans le nord-ouest de l'Arabie saoudite), il s'agit d'une formation rocheuse semblant coupée en deux d'une manière parfaitement rectiligne.

Le panneau d'information près du rocher
Le panneau d'information près du rocher

À côté du rocher se trouve un panneau le présentant comme une formation naturelle :

Al-Nasla Rock
a large sandstone rock mass, split into two parts precisely and in a natural geological formation without human intervention, separated by a gap of no more than ten centimeters and a height of 8 meters, and it stands on two bases carved by the wind, and contains Thamudic inscriptions and rock arts, the most important of which is the Arabian horse, and it was named Al-Nasla in reference to the Al-Nasla mountain range near it.
The site is protected by the Antiquities, Museums and Urban Heritage System issued by Royal Decree No. M/3 dated 1436/1/9 AH n2en using Gregorian calendar, and any attack on the site by removal, obliteration, distortion or writing exposes its owner to the penalties stipulated in the system.