
Iowa State Reporter de Waterloo, 9 novembre 1881 s1Clark, J. E.: "nocturnal light, Iowa, 1881", Magonia Exchange, 2 août 2007

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A strange phenomenon was witnessed by a citizen whose word is a verity to us, a few evenings since. He was returning home about 10 o'clock in the evening when he saw an extremely bright star in the North western sky. When he first saw it, the star stood about 45 deg. Altitude, and to his surprise it moved about 10 degrees towards the horizon and again stood still for several minutes when it moved again obliquely southward about the same distance. It remained in that position about half an hour after he arrived home and finally faded from sight in a clear sky. Wonderful sights are being seen in the heavens, all over the world, and the Adventists claim that this is in strict fulfillment of prophecy, and that the great end is near.  Iowa Falls Sentinel.

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